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Contents of /mitgcm.org/scripts/check_outp

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Revision 1.59 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Feb 7 20:18:24 2024 UTC (12 months ago) by jmc
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.58: +3 -1 lines
in Diff count, skip TAF version changes

1 #! /usr/bin/env bash
3 # $Header: /u/gcmpack/mitgcm.org/scripts/check_outp,v 1.58 2024/01/03 00:40:41 jmc Exp $
4 #
5 # The purpose of this script is to compare
6 # the latest output with the previous one (from the same platform with
7 # same optfile)
9 usage()
10 {
11 echo
12 echo "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]"
13 echo
14 echo "where possible OPTIONS are:"
15 echo " (-h|-help) print usage"
16 echo " (-v|-verbose) verbose mode"
17 echo " (-t|-test4update) do nothing if previous output newer than"
18 echo " emails-processing log-file '$PRC_MAILS'"
19 echo " (-l |-list )MACHINES check platforms from this list"
20 echo " [def=\"$MACHINES\"]"
21 echo " (-d |-day )FIRSTDAY select output from day=\"YYYYMMDD\""
22 echo " (argument of \"date -d\" is allowed)"
23 echo " [def=\"$FIRSTDAY\"]"
24 echo " (-u |-upto )LASTDAY until last day=\"YYYYMMDD\" (=selected period)"
25 echo " [def=\"FIRSTDAY\"]"
26 echo " (-b |-before)BEFORE compare with output from before \"YYYYMMDD\""
27 echo " (=previous period) [def=\"FIRSTDAY\"]"
28 echo " (-o |-outp )OUTPFIL output file (-1 removed when exit)"
29 echo " [def=\"$OUTPFIL\"]"
30 echo " (-n |-nldf )NBLDIFF max number of diff lines to echo"
31 echo " [def=\"$NBLDIFF\"]"
32 echo " (-a |-addr )ADDRESS send summary to mail ADDRESS list"
33 echo " [def=\"$ADDRESS\"]"
34 echo
35 exit 1
36 }
38 # create list of results dir for one platform:
39 make_resdir_list()
40 {
41 if test $monthDir == 1 ; then
42 dir_list=`grep '.._'$mname $TMP.dir_all`
43 else
44 dir_list=`( cd $INDIR ; ls -1 -t ../$PREV_P/??_*${mname}*/summary.txt 2> /dev/null | sed 's/\/summary.txt//' )`
45 #echo "dir_list='$dir_list'"
46 fi
47 for i in $dir_list ; do
49 dir=$INDIR"/"$i
50 #--- get the opfile used to run testreport
52 if test -r $dir/summary.txt ; then
53 comm=`grep 'OPTFILE=' $dir/summary.txt`
54 eval $comm
55 fi
56 if test "x$OPTFILE" = x -a -r "$dir/genmake_state" ; then
57 comm=`grep 'OPTFILE=' $dir/genmake_state 2>/dev/null`
58 eval $comm
59 fi
60 if test "x$OPTFILE" = x ; then
61 comm=`grep '^# OPTFILE=' $dir/*/Makefile* 2>/dev/null | head -1`
62 comm=${comm##*#}
63 eval $comm
64 fi
65 if test "x$OPTFILE" = x ; then
66 OPTFILE="not_explicitly_specified"
67 else
69 fi
70 #--- case select test run by 1 user: get user who did run testreport
71 if test "x$sUser" != x ; then
72 tUser=
73 if test -f $dir/genmake_state ; then
74 nn=`sed -n '/^# executed by:/=' $dir/genmake_state`
75 if test "x$nn" != x ; then
76 nn=`expr $nn + 1`
77 tUser=`sed -n "$nn s/^# *// p" $dir/genmake_state | sed 's/@.*$//'`
78 fi
79 fi
80 if test "x$tUser" = "x" ; then
81 mkfile=`ls $dir/*/Makefile* 2>/dev/null | head -1`
82 if test "x$mkfile" = 'x' ; then
83 echo "no Makefile => discard test from: $i" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
84 continue
85 fi
86 nn=`sed -n '/^# executed by:/=' $mkfile`
87 if test "x$nn" != x ; then
88 nn=`expr $nn + 1`
89 tUser=`sed -n "$nn s/^# *// p" $mkfile | sed 's/@.*$//'`
90 fi
91 fi
92 if test "x$tUser" = x ; then
93 echo "no User found => discard test from: $i" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
94 continue
95 fi
96 if test $tUser != $sUser ; then
97 if test $dBug = 't' ; then
98 echo " discard test from: $i" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
99 fi
100 continue
101 fi
102 fi
106 OPENAD=0
109 Special=0
110 EXTRA=
111 FAST=0
112 DVLP=0
113 MPI=0
114 MTH=0
115 UR4=0
116 if test -r $dir/summary.txt ; then
117 TAPENAD=`grep -c ' generated by Tapenade' $dir/summary.txt`
118 ADJOINT=`grep -c -i '^ADJOINT' $dir/summary.txt`
119 TANGLIN=`grep -c -i '^TANGLIN' $dir/summary.txt`
120 if test "x$ADJOINT" = x1 ; then
121 OPENAD=`grep -c '^Adjoint .* OpenAD' $dir/summary.txt`
122 fi
123 RESTART=`grep -c 'test 2+2=4 summary' $dir/summary.txt`
124 #- special label for "darwin" test
125 Special=`echo $i | grep -c '\-darwin[0-9]'`
126 if test $Special != 0 ; then
127 Special=`echo $i | sed -e "s/.*$mname/$mname/" -e "s/_/ /g" -e "s/-/ /g"`
128 if test $dBug = 't' ; then echo -n " Special='$Special' ;" | tee -a $OUTPFIL ; fi
129 Special=`echo $Special | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/darwin//'`
130 fi
131 comm=`grep '^run: .*testreport.* ' $dir/summary.txt`
132 EXTRA=`echo "$comm" | grep " -*-tdir\>" | sed -e "s/^.* -*-tdir\>//" -e "s/ -.*$//"`
133 if test "x$EXTRA" = x ; then
134 EXTRA=`echo "$comm" | grep " -*-t\>" | sed -e "s/^.*-*-t\>//" -e "s/ -.*$//"`
135 fi
136 if test "x$EXTRA" = x ; then EXTRA=0 ; else
137 #if test $dBug = 't' ; then echo -n " EXTRA='$EXTRA' ;" | tee -a $OUTPFIL ; fi
138 nn0=`echo $EXTRA | sed "s/ *' *//g" | wc -w`
139 nn1=`echo $EXTRA | sed "s/ *' *//g" | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -c "\<darwin_"`
140 nn2=`echo $EXTRA | sed "s/ *' *//g" | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -c "\<monod_"`
141 EXTRA=9
142 if [ $nn1 -ge 2 ] ; then EXTRA=1 ; fi
143 if [ $nn2 -ge 2 ] ; then EXTRA=2 ; fi
144 #echo " : nn0=$nn0 ; nn1=$nn1 ; nn2=$nn2"
145 fi
146 if test $dBug = 't' ; then if [ $Special -ne 0 -o $EXTRA -ne 0 ] ; then
147 echo " Special='$Special' ; EXTRA='$EXTRA'" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
148 fi ; fi
149 FAST=`echo "$comm" | grep -c " -*-fast\>"`
150 if test "x$FAST" = x0 ; then
151 FAST=`echo "$comm" | grep -c " '*-noieee'*"`
152 fi
153 DVLP=`echo "$comm" | grep -c " -*-devel\>"`
154 MPI=`echo "$comm" | grep -c " -*-mpi\>"`
155 if test "x$MPI" = x0 ; then
156 MPI=`echo "$comm" | grep -c " -*-MPI\>"`
157 fi
158 MTH=`echo "$comm" | grep -c " -*-mth\>"`
159 UR4=`echo "$comm" | grep -c " -*-use_r4\>"`
160 if test "x$UR4" = x0 ; then
161 UR4=`echo "$comm" | grep -c " -*-ur4\>"`
162 fi
163 else EXTRA=0 ; fi
164 if test "x$ADJOINT" = x1 ; then
165 kind="adm-TAF" ; order=0
166 if test "x$TAPENAD" = x1 ; then
167 kind="adm-TAP" ; order=2
168 elif test "x$OPENAD" = x1 ; then
169 kind="adm-OAD" ; order=4
170 fi
171 elif test "x$TANGLIN" = x1 ; then
172 kind="tlm-TAF" ; order=1
173 if test "x$TAPENAD" = x1 ; then kind="tlm-TAP" ; order=3 ; fi
174 elif test "x$RESTART" = x0 ; then
175 kind="forward" ; order=6
176 else
177 kind="restart" ; order=7
178 fi
179 if test "x$UR4" = x1 ; then
180 OPTFILE="${OPTFILE}.use_r4"
181 fi
182 if test "x$MPI" = x1 ; then
183 yy=`echo $OPTFILE | grep -c '+mpi'`
184 if test $yy = 0 ; then yy=`echo $OPTFILE | grep -c '+impi'` ; fi
185 if test $yy = 0 ; then OPTFILE="${OPTFILE}+mpi"
186 else order=`expr $order + 200` ; fi
187 fi
188 if test "x$MTH" = x1 ; then
189 yy=`echo $OPTFILE | grep -c '+mth$'`
190 if test $yy = 0 ; then OPTFILE="${OPTFILE}+mth" ; fi
191 fi
192 if test "x$FAST" = x1 ; then
193 OPTFILE="${OPTFILE}.fast"
194 fi
195 if test "x$DVLP" = x1 ; then
196 OPTFILE="${OPTFILE}.dvlp"
197 fi
198 if [ $Special -eq 0 ] ; then
199 order=`expr $order + 10 \* $EXTRA`
200 else
201 order=`expr $order + 10 \* $Special`
202 fi
203 order=`printf '%3.3i' $order`
204 day=`echo $i | sed -e 's/_[0-9]$//' | sed -e 's/_[0-9][0-9]$//'`
205 ttt=`echo $day | sed -e 's/_[0-9]$//' | sed -e 's/_[0-9][0-9]$//'`
206 day=`echo $ttt | sed -e 's|_| |g' |awk '{print $NF}'`
208 if [ $day -lt $BEFORE ] ; then
209 echo "$OPTFILE$order $day $OPTFILE $kind $i" >> $TMP.plist
210 elif [ $day -ge $FIRSTDAY -a $day -le $LASTDAY ] ; then
211 echo "$OPTFILE$order $day $OPTFILE $kind $i" >> $TMP.slist
212 else
213 if test $dBug = 't' ; then
214 echo "discard day='$day' from: $i" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
215 fi
216 fi
218 done
219 if test $dBug = 't' ; then
220 if test $monthDir == 1 ; then
221 echo "---- current list (n=$monthDir) :" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
222 cat $TMP.slist | tee -a $OUTPFIL
223 fi
224 num1=`wc -l $TMP.slist | awk '{print $1}'`
225 if test $num1 -gt 0 ; then
226 echo ".... previous list (n=$monthDir):" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
227 cat $TMP.plist | tee -a $OUTPFIL | head -20
228 fi
229 echo "----" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
230 fi
231 }
233 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
234 # here starts the sequential part of the script:
236 #CURR_PER=`date +%Y`"_"`date +%m`
237 CURR_DAY=`date +%Y%m%d`
238 PRC_MAILS='prc_emails_'`date +%m%d`
239 # defaults
240 MACHINES='_All_'
242 LASTDAY="30000000"
243 BEFORE="30000000"
244 OUTPFIL=`basename $0`'.log'
246 ADDRESS='none'
247 MAILCMD="mail"
248 dBug=f
249 t4update=0
250 sTime=`date`
251 #- to get case insensitive "ls" (and order of tested experiments)
252 export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
254 # Parse options
255 ac_prev=
256 for ac_option ; do
258 # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it.
259 if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
260 eval "$ac_prev=\$ac_option"
261 ac_prev=
262 continue
263 fi
265 ac_optarg=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x[^=]*=\(.*\)'`
266 case $ac_option in
268 -help | --help | -h | --h) usage ;;
269 -verbose | --verbose | -v | --v) dBug=t ;;
270 -test4update | --test4update | -t | --t) t4update=1 ;;
272 -list | --list | -l | --l) ac_prev=MACHINES ;;
273 -list=* | --list=*) MACHINES=$ac_optarg ;;
275 -day | --day | -d | --d) ac_prev=FIRSTDAY ;;
276 -day=* | --day=*) FIRSTDAY=$ac_optarg ;;
278 -upto | --upto | -u | --u) ac_prev=LASTDAY ;;
279 -upto=* | --upto=*) LASTDAY=$ac_optarg ;;
281 -before | --before | -b | --b) ac_prev=BEFORE ;;
282 -before=* | --before=*) BEFORE=$ac_optarg ;;
284 -outp | --outp | -o | --o) ac_prev=OUTPFIL ;;
285 -outp=* | --outp=*) OUTPFIL=$ac_optarg ;;
287 -nldf | --nldf | -n | --n) ac_prev=NBLDIFF ;;
288 -nldf=* | --nldf=*) NBLDIFF=$ac_optarg ;;
290 -addr | --addr | -a | --a) ac_prev=ADDRESS ;;
291 -addr=* | --addr=*) ADDRESS=$ac_optarg ;;
293 *) echo "Error: don't understand argument \"$ac_option\""
294 usage ;;
295 esac
297 done
299 #TMP=./chkoutp_$$
300 #- try to put temporary files in system-local /tmp dir
301 TMP=/tmp/chkoutp_$$
302 touch $TMP ; retVal=$?
303 if [ $retVal -eq 0 ] ; then
304 if test ! -r $TMP ; then TMP=./chkoutp_$$ ; fi
305 else
306 TMP=./chkoutp_$$
307 fi
308 rm -f $TMP
309 if test $dBug = 't' ; then echo "temp files: $TMP" ; fi
311 #-- test FIRSTDAY content ; interpret as "date -d" arg. if not YYYYMMDD
312 ttt=`echo "y$FIRSTDAY" | sed 's/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/z/'`
313 if test "x$ttt" != 'xyz' ; then
314 FIRSTDAY=`date -d "$FIRSTDAY" +%Y%m%d`
315 fi
316 ttt=`echo "y$FIRSTDAY" | sed 's/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/z/'`
317 if test "x$ttt" != 'xyz' ; then
318 echo "Error: FIRSTDAY='$FIRSDAY' not recognized"
319 exit 2
320 fi
321 if test $LASTDAY = "30000000" ; then LASTDAY=$FIRSTDAY ; fi
322 if test $BEFORE = "30000000" ; then BEFORE=$FIRSTDAY ; fi
323 CMDLINE=$0
324 for xx in "$@" ; do nw=`echo $xx | wc -w`
325 if test $nw = '1' ; then CMDLINE="$CMDLINE $xx"
326 else CMDLINE="$CMDLINE '$xx'" ; fi
327 done
329 PERIOD=`echo $LASTDAY | sed 's/[0-9][0-9]$//'`
330 PP=`expr $PERIOD - 1`
331 PM=`echo $PP | sed 's/^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]//'`
332 PY=`echo $PP | sed 's/[0-9][0-9]$//'`
333 if test $PM == '00' ; then PM='12' ; PY=`expr $PY - 1` ; fi
334 PREV_P="${PY}_${PM}";
335 PERIOD=`echo $PERIOD | sed 's/^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/&_/'`
337 #INDIR="/net/zany.mit.edu/data/ORWELL/export-9/mitgcm-testing/results/$PERIOD"
338 INDIR="/u/u0/httpd/html/testing/results/$PERIOD"
339 #INDIR="$HOME/mitgcm/test_web/results/$PERIOD"
341 #- a short summary of this checking :
342 OUTPSUM=`echo $LASTDAY | sed 's/^20../_/'`
343 OUTPSUM=`basename $0`"$OUTPSUM.txt"
345 if test $OUTPFIL = '-1' ; then
346 OUTPFIL='TTT.'$$
347 fi
348 if test $t4update = 1 ; then
349 if test -f $PRC_MAILS -a -f $OUTPSUM -a $FIRSTDAY = $CURR_DAY ; then
350 #- if update-log-file is older than previous output summary, just return
351 if test $PRC_MAILS -ot $OUTPSUM ; then
352 echo ' '$CMDLINE | tee -a $OUTPSUM
353 echo " t4update: skip "`basename $0`" ( $PRC_MAILS older than $OUTPSUM )" | tee -a $OUTPSUM
354 echo " End time: "`date` | tee -a $OUTPSUM
355 exit 0
356 else
357 if test -e $OUTPFIL ; then mv -f $OUTPFIL $OUTPFIL'_bak' ; fi
358 echo " t4update: run "`basename $0`" ( $PRC_MAILS newer than $OUTPSUM )" | tee $OUTPFIL
359 fi
360 elif test -f $OUTPSUM -a $FIRSTDAY = $CURR_DAY ; then
361 echo ' '$CMDLINE | tee -a $OUTPSUM
362 echo " t4update: skip "`basename $0`" ( $PRC_MAILS missing )" | tee -a $OUTPSUM
363 echo " End time: "`date` | tee -a $OUTPSUM
364 exit 0
365 else
366 if test -e $OUTPFIL ; then mv -f $OUTPFIL $OUTPFIL'_bak' ; fi
367 echo " t4update ignored (not current day or $OUTPSUM missing)" | tee $OUTPFIL
368 fi
369 elif test -e $OUTPFIL ; then
370 mv -f $OUTPFIL $OUTPFIL'_bak'
371 touch $OUTPFIL
372 fi
373 if test -e $OUTPSUM ; then mv -f $OUTPSUM $OUTPSUM'_bak' ; fi
374 echo ' '$CMDLINE > $OUTPSUM
377 echo "PERIOD='$PERIOD' , PREV_P='$PREV_P'" >> $OUTPFIL
378 echo "INDIR='$INDIR'" >> $OUTPFIL
379 echo "Checking latest output from $FIRSTDAY until $LASTDAY" >> $OUTPFIL
380 echo " versus latest from before $BEFORE" >> $OUTPFIL
382 if test $dBug = 't' ; then
383 echo "PERIOD='$PERIOD' , PREV_P='$PREV_P'"
385 fi
386 if test -d $INDIR ; then
387 dirP=`echo $INDIR | sed "s/$PERIOD/$PREV_P/"`
388 if test -d $dirP ; then
389 listNum='1 2'
390 else
391 echo "$dirP is not a directory"
392 listNum='1'
393 fi
394 else
395 echo "$INDIR is not a directory"
396 exit 3
397 fi
399 if test $FIRSTDAY = $LASTDAY ; then
400 echo -n "Checking latest output from $FIRSTDAY" | tee -a $OUTPSUM
401 else
402 echo -n "Checking latest output from $FIRSTDAY until $LASTDAY" | tee -a $OUTPSUM
403 fi
404 if test $FIRSTDAY = $BEFORE ; then
405 echo " versus latest prior to this period" | tee -a $OUTPSUM
406 else
407 echo " versus latest from before $BEFORE" | tee -a $OUTPSUM
408 fi
409 echo " Machine Tot. Nb. no Nb with Nb diff" >> $OUTPSUM
410 echo " name checked comp Diff lines" >> $OUTPSUM
412 ( cd $INDIR ; ls -1 -t */summary.txt | sed 's/\/summary.txt//' ) > $TMP.dir_all
414 if test "x$MACHINES" = "x_All_" ; then
415 MACHINES="villon batsi engaging1 engaging- svante glacier"
416 MACHINES="$MACHINES albedo pleiades archer"
418 MALL=`cat $TMP.dir_all | sed -e 's|_| |g' | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq`
419 for madd in $MALL ; do
420 present=0
421 for m in $MACHINES ; do
422 mm=`echo $m | sed 's/\./ /g' | awk '{print $1}'`
423 echo $madd | grep $mm > /dev/null 2>&1
424 RETVAL=$?
425 test $RETVAL = 0 && present=1
426 continue
427 done
428 test $present = 0 && MACHINES="$MACHINES $madd"
429 done
430 fi
431 #echo "MACHINES=$MACHINES" ; exit
433 for pname in $MACHINES ; do
435 sname=`echo $pname | sed 's/-$//'`
436 mname=`echo $pname | sed 's/\./ /g' | awk '{print $1}'`
437 sUser=
438 if test $mname != $pname ; then
439 # to select results from user "sUser"
440 sUser=`echo $pname | sed 's/\./ /g' | awk '{print $2}'`
441 fi
443 if test $dBug = 't' ; then echo " $pname" ; fi
444 echo " name='$pname'" >> $OUTPFIL
445 ctot=0 ; cmis=0 ; cdif=0
447 # put results from selected period in "TMP.slist",
448 # results from previous period in "TMP.plist"
449 rm -f $TMP.plist $TMP.slist ; touch $TMP.plist $TMP.slist
451 #- create list of results (slist & plist) from current month directory
452 monthDir=1
453 make_resdir_list
455 # Do we have any data? If so, create the latest pointer.
456 num=`wc -l $TMP.slist | awk '{print $1}'`
457 if test $num -gt 0 ; then
459 keys=`cat $TMP.slist | cut -d " " -f 1 | sort | uniq`
461 for key in $keys ; do
462 ctot=`expr $ctot + 1`
463 sline=`grep "^$key " $TMP.slist | head -1`
464 sdir=`echo $sline | cut -d " " -f 5`
465 type=`echo $sline | cut -d " " -f 4`
466 optf=`echo $sline | cut -d " " -f 3`
467 num=`grep -c "^$key" $TMP.plist`
468 if test $num = 0 -a $monthDir = 1 ; then
469 #- add results from previous month directory to "plist".
470 monthDir=2
471 make_resdir_list
472 num=`grep -c "^$key" $TMP.plist`
473 fi
474 #- discard unsafe test:
475 dd=`echo $optf | grep -c 'gfortran+mth'`
476 #if test $mname = 'lagoon' -a $dd = 1 ; then num=-1 ; fi
477 #if test $mname = 'harbor' -a $dd = 1 ; then num=-1 ; fi
478 #if test $mname = 'aces' -a $optf = 'linux_ia32_open64' ; then num=-1 ; fi
479 #if test $mname = 'aces' -a $optf = 'linux_ia32_g95' ; then num=-1 ; fi
480 dd=`echo $optf | grep -c 'bigred.*noieee'`
481 #if test $mname = 'bigred' -a $dd = 1 ; then num=-1 ; fi
482 if test $num -lt 0 ; then
483 echo " discard $sdir : $type , of='$optf'" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
484 cmis=`expr $cmis + 1`
485 elif test $num = '0' ; then
486 echo " dir='$sdir', type='$type', of='$optf':" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
487 echo " --> no previous test matching key='$key'" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
488 cmis=`expr $cmis + 1`
489 else
490 pline=`grep "^$key " $TMP.plist | head -1`
491 if test $dBug = 't' ; then
492 echo "s='$sline'" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
493 echo "p='$pline'" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
494 fi
495 pdir=`echo $pline | cut -d " " -f 5`
496 outs="$INDIR/$sdir/summary.txt"
497 xx=`( echo 5 ; sed -n '/^ OPTFILE=/=' $outs ) | tail -1`
498 sed "1,$xx d" $outs | sed '/^[YN] [YN] [YN] [YN]/ s/ \. //g' \
499 | grep -v '^[A-S][a-t]* time: ' > $TMP.fs
500 outp="$INDIR/$pdir/summary.txt"
501 xx=`( echo 5 ; sed -n '/^ OPTFILE=/=' $outp ) | tail -1`
502 sed "1,$xx d" $outp | sed '/^[YN] [YN] [YN] [YN]/ s/ \. //g' \
503 | grep -v '^[A-S][a-t]* time: ' > $TMP.fp
504 #-- check if list of exp are the same (and in the same order)
505 sed 's/ (e=.*, w=.*)$//' $TMP.fs > $TMP.fn
506 listDs=`grep '^[YN] [YN] [YN] [YN]' $TMP.fn | awk '{print $NF}'`
507 #mv -f $TMP.fn $TMP.fs
508 rm -f $TMP.fn
509 sed 's/ (e=.*, w=.*)$//' $TMP.fp > $TMP.fn
510 listDp=`grep '^[YN] [YN] [YN] [YN]' $TMP.fn | awk '{print $NF}'`
511 #mv -f $TMP.fn $TMP.fp
512 rm -f $TMP.fn
513 #echo "listDs='$listDs'" ; echo "listDp='$listDp'"
514 if test "$listDs" != "$listDp" ; then
515 if test $dBug = 't' ; then echo ' -> re-order list of exp' ; fi
516 #-- re-order list of exp (according to local "sort" order)
517 listDs=`echo "$listDs" | sort`
518 for xx in $listDs ; do
519 sed -e "/ $xx\$/d" -e "/ $xx /d" $TMP.fs > $TMP.fn
520 sed -n -e "/ $xx\$/p" -e "/ $xx /p" $TMP.fs >> $TMP.fn
521 mv -f $TMP.fn $TMP.fs
522 done
523 listDp=`echo "$listDp" | sort`
524 for xx in $listDp ; do
525 sed -e "/ $xx\$/d" -e "/ $xx /d" $TMP.fp > $TMP.fn
526 sed -n -e "/ $xx\$/p" -e "/ $xx /p" $TMP.fp >> $TMP.fn
527 mv -f $TMP.fn $TMP.fp
528 done
529 #else
530 # echo 'same list of exp => skip re-ordering'
531 fi
532 echo -n "=== diff $sdir $pdir :" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
533 diff $TMP.fs $TMP.fp > $TMP.dif
534 yy=$?
535 if test $yy != '0' ; then
536 echo " $type , of='$optf'" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
537 #grep '^run: ' $outp
538 #grep '^run: ' $outs
539 #-- score for each test:
540 grep '^[YN] [YN] [YN] [YN]' $TMP.fs > tmploc 2>/dev/null
541 t_tot=`cat tmploc | wc -l | sed -e 's| ||g'`
542 t_pass=`grep '^Y Y Y Y' tmploc | grep 'pass ' | wc -l | sed -e 's| ||g'`
543 score_s=`printf '%2i' $t_pass`":$t_tot"
544 grep '^[YN] [YN] [YN] [YN]' $TMP.fp > tmploc 2>/dev/null
545 t_tot=`cat tmploc | wc -l | sed -e 's| ||g'`
546 t_pass=`grep '^Y Y Y Y' tmploc | grep 'pass ' | wc -l | sed -e 's| ||g'`
547 score_p=`printf '%2i' $t_pass`":$t_tot"
548 rm -f tmploc
549 #-- count Nb of different lines
550 ndf=`wc -l $TMP.dif | awk '{print $1}'`
551 nn=`grep -c ' generated by TAF Version ' $TMP.dif`
552 ndf=`expr $ndf - $nn`
553 ndf=`expr $ndf / 2`
554 nn=`grep -c '^---' $TMP.dif`
555 ndf=`expr $ndf - $nn`
556 if [ $ndf -le $NBLDIFF ] ; then
557 cat $TMP.dif
558 else
559 echo " $ndf lines differ ( $score_s , $score_p )"
560 fi
561 echo "< "`head -1 $outs`" ( $score_s )" >> $OUTPFIL
562 echo "> "`head -1 $outp`" ( $score_p )" >> $OUTPFIL
563 cat $TMP.dif >> $OUTPFIL
564 if [ $cdif -eq 0 ] ; then
565 clin=`printf '%3i (%5s,%5s)' $ndf $score_s $score_p`
566 else
567 clin="$clin,"`printf '%3i (%5s,%5s)' $ndf $score_s $score_p`
568 fi
569 cdif=`expr $cdif + 1`
570 echo '----------------------------------------' | tee -a $OUTPFIL
571 else
572 echo " $type , of='$optf'" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
573 fi
574 rm -f $TMP.fs $TMP.fp $TMP.dif
575 fi
576 done
577 if [ $cmis -gt 0 ] ; then tmis='(-'$cmis')' ; else tmis='(--)' ; fi
578 printf '%11s : %3i %4s %3i ' $sname $ctot $tmis $cdif >> $OUTPSUM
579 if [ $cdif -gt 0 ] ; then
580 echo " $clin" >> $OUTPSUM
581 else echo "" >> $OUTPSUM ; fi
582 fi
584 done
586 echo "Start time: $sTime" | tee -a $OUTPFIL
587 echo "End time: "`date` | tee -a $OUTPFIL | tee -a $OUTPSUM
589 rm -f $TMP.dir_all $TMP.slist $TMP.plist
590 if test $OUTPFIL = "TTT.$$" ; then rm -f $OUTPFIL ; fi
591 if test "x$ADDRESS" != 'xnone' ; then
592 #- change default sender address ("From:") using "mail -r" option
593 # since, by default, baudelaire uses USER@localhost.localdomain
594 #fullNam=`hostname -A | awk '{print $1}'`
595 #MAILCMD="$MAILCMD -r ${USER}@${fullNam}"
596 #---
597 echo ".. send $OUTPSUM to '$ADDRESS' using '$MAILCMD'"
598 $MAILCMD -s 'check_outp summary' $ADDRESS < $OUTPSUM
599 fi
600 echo ".. cat $OUTPSUM"
601 cat $OUTPSUM
602 exit 0

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