# $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/mitgcm.org/scripts/README,v 1.1 2018/12/26 23:19:55 jmc Exp $ On mitgcmcvs.mit.edu , as jm_c : 1) in /home/jm_c/testing : with: CVS_RSH=ssh CVSROOT=:ext:jmc@mitgcm.org:/u/gcmpack downloaded those 2 dir: > cvs co -P -d front_content mitgcm.org/front_content > cvs co -P -d scripts mitgcm.org/scripts > cp -p scripts/daily_update . 2) since we are not able to configure & compile stuff here to generate executables "mpack" and "munpack", take dir "tools/mpack-1.6" (already compiled) from villon (or batsi): a) make a tar file of: jm_c@villon.mit.edu:/home/jm_c/mitgcm/gcm_current/tools/mpack-1.6/ b) copy it here (in /home/jm_c/testing) as: "tools_mpack" > tar -xf tools_mpack.tar > mv mpack-1.6 tools_mpack" c) and finaly: > ln -s tools_mpack/munpack munpack.x86_64 3) created empty dirs in /home/jm_c/testing: > mkdir logs MITgcm-test fail2process postponed 4) dir & scripts used: more scripts/crontab_gcm -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------