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Revision 1.28 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Tue Dec 2 19:19:07 2003 UTC (21 years, 1 month ago) by edhill
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.27: +2 -2 lines
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32 <img src="TitleImage.gif" alt=
33 "Montage of Applications Original concept by CNH Put into practice by AJA"
34 height="189" width="628" /><br />
35 <hr />
36 </div>
38 <div class="c1">
39 <h1>MITgcm</h1>
40 </div>
42 <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="90%"
43 align="center" summary="News">
44 <tr>
45 <td width="50%" valign="top"><iframe name="I1" width="90%"
46 height="150" scrolling="yes" src="mitgcm-home-iframe.html"
47 id="I1">Your browser does not support inline frames or is
48 currently configured not to display inline
49 frames.</iframe></td>
51 <td width="50%" valign="top">
52 <p>The MITgcm (MIT General Circulation Model) is a
53 numerical model for studying the ocean and atmosphere. It
54 is capable of simulating these fluids at a wide range of
55 scales and can resolve many different processes. It has a
56 non-hydrostatic capability (Marshall et al., JGR 1997a
57 &amp; b) and uses the finite volume method to accurately
58 represent the bottom boundary position (Adcroft et al., MWR
59 1998).</p><!--
60 <p>
61 <b>For further information, <a
62 href="http://paoc.mit.edu/cmi/">please see MIT's Climate
63 Modeling Initiative (CMI)</a> which introduces the MITgcm
64 model, its applications, and the development team.</b>
65 </p>
66 -->
67 </td>
68 </tr>
69 </table><br />
70 <!--
71 <div class="c1">
72 <h2><a href="sealion">Release1_patch8 of MITgcm</a> is <em>ready</em>!
73 (12-Nov-2002)</h2>
74 </div>
75 -->
77 <div class="c1">
78 <table align="center" border="2" width="95%" summary="">
79 <tr align="left" valign="top">
80 <td width="50%">
81 <h2>Source Code</h2>
83 <ul>
84 <li><a href="sealion">Release1_patch8</a> (known as
85 Sealion) is documented and available.</li>
87 <li><a href=
88 "http://dev.mitgcm.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/">MITgcm CVS
89 Tree</a>: browse the source tree and examine the change
90 logs for each file in the "HEAD" branch of our release
91 tree. The latest version is " <a href=
92 "http://dev.mitgcm.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/MITgcm/?only_with_tag=release1_p8">
93 release1_p8</a>".</li>
95 <li><a href="usingcvstoget.html">Use anonymous CVS</a>
96 to maintain your working copy but adhere to our
97 <a href="cvspolicy.html">policy on using CVS</a></li>
99 <li>For the old fashioned, download a <a href=
100 "http://mitgcm.org/download/">tar ball</a>.</li>
101 </ul>
102 </td>
104 <td>
105 <h2>Help</h2>
107 <ul>
108 <!--
109 <li>Support: If you need help we run a <a
110 href="news://mitgcm.org/mitgcm.support">discussion group</a> where you can
111 post your questions and browse previous Q's &amp; A's. You can email the
112 group at <a href="mailto:support@mitgcm.org">support@mitgcm.org</a>.</li>
114 <li>Bugs: If you have found a bug you may report it by email to&nbsp; <a
115 href="mailto:bugs@mitgcm.org">bugs@mitgcm.org</a> and monitor the status of
116 your report <a
117 href="http://mitgcm.org/cgi-bin/mitgcm-bugs">on-line</a>.</li>
119 <li>MIT-JPL <a
120 href="http://escher.JPL.NASA.GOV:2000/HyperNews/get.cgi/forums/mit-jpl.html">
121 development forum</a>.</li>
123 <li>Internal only: <a
124 href="http://mitgcm.org/cgi-bin/mitgcm-bugs.private">Log-in</a> to
125 administrate bug reports</li>
126 -->
128 <li>Please see the <a href=
129 "http://dev.mitgcm.org/projects/mitgcm/">MITgcm
130 development server</a> which includes:
132 <ul>
133 <li>a <a href=
134 "http://dev.mitgcm.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/">Web
135 interface to the CVS repository</a>,</li>
137 <li>the <a href=
138 "http://dev.mitgcm.org/mailman/listinfo/mitgcm-support">
139 MITgcm-support</a> mailing list with a
140 web-browsable archive,</li>
142 <li>a <a href=
143 "http://dev.mitgcm.org/forum/?group_id=6">web-based
144 forum</a> suitable for quick questions, and</li>
146 <li>a <a href=
147 "http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/devel_HOWTO">HOWTO</a>
148 to help you get started with MITgcm development and
149 customization.</li>
150 <!-- <li>a <a href="http://dev.mitgcm.org/htdig/">search
151 engine</a> that indexes the entire email list archive and the
152 online manual.</li> -->
153 </ul>
154 </li>
156 <li>Our <a href="http://dev.mitgcm.org/htdig/">search
157 engine</a> currently indexes most of the <a href=
158 "http://mitgcm.org">mitgcm.org</a> and <a href=
159 "http://dev.mitgcm.org">dev.mitgcm.org</a> web
160 pages.</li>
161 </ul>
162 </td>
163 </tr>
165 <tr align="left">
166 <td valign="top" width="50%">
167 <h2>Projects</h2>
169 <ul>
170 <li><a href="http://www.ecco-group.org">Main project
171 site for ECCO</a>: "<b><u>E</u></b>stimating the
172 <b><u>C</u></b>irculation and <b><u>C</u></b>limate of
173 the <b><u>O</u></b>cean"; also see <a href=
174 "http://ecco.mit.edu/">ECCO @ MIT</a>, <a href=
175 "http://ecco.ucsd.edu/">ECCO @ UCSD</a>, <a href=
176 "http://ecco.jpl.nasa.gov/odap">ECCO @ JPL</a>.</li>
177 <!-- *** MISSING LINK ***
178 <li><a href="http://charybdis.whoi.edu/sonya/LIWI/">Tidal interactions</a>
179 with sloping boundaries.</li>
180 -->
182 <li>Gridding the sphere using <a href=
183 "http://mitgcm.lcs.mit.edu/cubedsphere">expanded cubic
184 grids</a>.</li><!--
185 <li>Long Island Sound (modeling at U. Conn)</li>
186 -->
188 <li>Biogeochemical Tracers in a High Resolution
189 Simulation of the <a href=
190 "http://mitgcm.org/projects/atlantic0.166/">North
191 Atlantic</a>.</li>
192 </ul>
193 </td>
195 <td>
196 <h2>Links</h2>
198 <ul>
199 <li><a href="http://mitgcm.org/people">Who's who?</a>:
200 List of people with contact information.</li>
202 <li>Directories of <a href=
203 "http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/ocean_models.html">Ocean
204 Circulation Models</a> and <a href=
205 "http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/climate_modeling.html">Climate
206 Modeling Groups</a>.</li>
208 <li>Other sources of information: <a href=
209 "http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov/amip/">AMIP</a>, <a href=
210 "http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov/cmip/cmiphome.html">CMIP</a>,
211 <a href="http://www.ipsl.jussieu.fr/OCMIP/">OCMIP</a>,
212 <a href=
213 "http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov/amip/OINTS/oints.html">*MIP</a>,
214 LDEO <a href=
215 "http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/datarep/index.html">Climate
216 Data Repository</a>.</li>
218 <li>At MIT: <a href="http://www-paoc.mit.edu/">PAOC</a>
219 (Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate), <a href=
220 "http://web.mit.edu/cgcs/www/cmi.html">CMI</a> (Climate
221 Modeling Initiative)</li>
222 </ul>
223 </td>
224 </tr>
225 </table>
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229 <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" summary="">
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231 <td><i class="c2">Last modified on $Date: 2003/11/02 20:11:47
232 $</i></td>
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235 <div class="c3">
236 CVS: $Revision: 1.27 $
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