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Log of /MITgcm/verification/hs94.1x64x5/.cvsignore

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Revision - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Tue Feb 26 16:05:21 2002 UTC (22 years, 7 months ago) by adcroft
Branch: release1
CVS Tags: release1_chkpt44d_post, release1_p1, release1_p10, release1_p11, release1_p12, release1_p12_pre, release1_p13, release1_p13_pre, release1_p14, release1_p15, release1_p16, release1_p17, release1_p2, release1_p3, release1_p4, release1_p5, release1_p6, release1_p7, release1_p8, release1_p9
Branch point for: release1_50yr
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Diff to previous 1.1 , to next main 1.11
Merging changes on MAIN between checkpoint43 and checkpoint43a-release1mods
Command: cvs -q update -jcheckpoint43 -jcheckpoint43a-release1mods -d -P

These changes are most of the changes between c43 and c44 except those
that occured after "12:45 11 Jan 2002". As far as I can tell it is
checkpoint43 with the following mods:

  o fix bug in mom_vi_del2uv
  o select when filters are applied ; add options to zonal_filter (data.zonfilt)  o gmredi: fix Pb in the adiabatic form ; add options (.e.g. Bolus advection)
  o update AIM experiments (NCEP input files)
  o improve and extend diagnostics (Monitor, TimeAve with NonLin-FrSurf)
  o added some stuff for AD
  o Jamar wet-points

This update does not contain the following mods that are in checkpoint44

  o bug fix in pkg/generic_advdiff/
    - thread related bug, bi,bj arguments in vertical advection routines
  o some changes to pkg/autodiff, pkg/cost, pkg/exf, pkg/ecco,
    verification/carbon and model/src/ related to adjoint
  o some new Matlab scripts for diagnosing model density
    - utils/matlab/dens_poly3.m and ini_poly3.m

The list of exclusions is accurate based on a "cvs diff". The list of
inclusions is based on the record in doc/tag-index which may not be complete.

Revision 1.1 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Fri Dec 7 21:17:16 2001 UTC (22 years, 10 months ago) by adcroft
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: branch-exfmods-tag, branchpoint-genmake2, checkpoint43a-release1mods, checkpoint44, checkpoint44b_post, checkpoint44b_pre, checkpoint44e_post, checkpoint44e_pre, checkpoint44f_post, checkpoint44f_pre, checkpoint44g_post, checkpoint44h_post, checkpoint44h_pre, checkpoint45, checkpoint45a_post, checkpoint45b_post, checkpoint45c_post, checkpoint45d_post, checkpoint46, checkpoint46a_post, checkpoint46a_pre, checkpoint46b_post, checkpoint46b_pre, checkpoint46c_post, checkpoint46c_pre, checkpoint46d_post, checkpoint46d_pre, checkpoint46e_post, checkpoint46e_pre, checkpoint46f_post, checkpoint46g_post, checkpoint46g_pre, checkpoint46h_post, checkpoint46h_pre, checkpoint46i_post, checkpoint46j_post, checkpoint46j_pre, checkpoint46k_post, checkpoint46l_post, checkpoint46l_pre, checkpoint46m_post, checkpoint46n_post, checkpoint47, checkpoint47a_post, checkpoint47b_post, checkpoint47c_post, checkpoint47d_post, checkpoint47d_pre, checkpoint47e_post, checkpoint47f_post, checkpoint47g_post, checkpoint47h_post, checkpoint47i_post, checkpoint47j_post, checkpoint48, checkpoint48a_post, checkpoint48b_post, checkpoint48c_post, checkpoint48c_pre, checkpoint48d_post, checkpoint48d_pre, checkpoint48e_post, checkpoint48f_post, checkpoint48g_post, checkpoint48h_post, checkpoint48i_post, checkpoint49, checkpoint50, checkpoint50a_post, checkpoint50b_post, checkpoint50b_pre, checkpoint50c_post, checkpoint50c_pre, checkpoint50d_post, checkpoint50d_pre, checkpoint50e_post, checkpoint50e_pre, checkpoint50f_post, checkpoint50f_pre, checkpoint50g_post, checkpoint50h_post, checkpoint50i_post, checkpoint51, checkpoint51a_post, checkpoint51b_post, checkpoint51b_pre, checkpoint51c_post, checkpoint51d_post, checkpoint51e_post, checkpoint51f_post, checkpoint51f_pre, checkpoint51g_post, checkpoint51h_pre, checkpoint51i_pre, checkpoint51j_post, chkpt44a_post, chkpt44a_pre, chkpt44c_post, chkpt44c_pre, chkpt44d_post, release1-branch-end, release1-branch_branchpoint, release1-branch_tutorials, release1_final_v1
Branch point for: branch-exfmods-curt, branch-genmake2, release1, release1-branch, release1_final
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