4 |
#ifndef CPP_OPTIONS_H |
#ifndef CPP_OPTIONS_H |
5 |
#define CPP_OPTIONS_H |
#define CPP_OPTIONS_H |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
C #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" |
11 |
12 |
13 |
C *==================================================================* |
14 |
C | main CPP options file for the model: |
15 |
C | Control which optional features to compile in model/src code. |
16 |
C *==================================================================* |
17 |
18 |
19 |
C CPP flags controlling particular source code features |
C CPP flags controlling particular source code features |
20 |
21 |
C o Shortwave heating as extra term in external_forcing.F |
C o Shortwave heating as extra term in external_forcing.F |
31 |
C o Include/exclude call to S/R CALC_DIFFUSIVITY |
C o Include/exclude call to S/R CALC_DIFFUSIVITY |
32 |
33 |
34 |
C o Allow full 3D specification of vertical diffusivity |
35 |
#undef ALLOW_3D_DIFFKR |
36 |
37 |
C o Allow latitudinally varying BryanLewis79 vertical diffusivity |
C o Allow latitudinally varying BryanLewis79 vertical diffusivity |
38 |
#undef ALLOW_BL79_LAT_VARY |
#undef ALLOW_BL79_LAT_VARY |
39 |
43 |
C o Include/exclude AdamsBashforth-3rd-Order code |
C o Include/exclude AdamsBashforth-3rd-Order code |
44 |
45 |
C o Include/exclude code for single reduction cg-solver |
#undef ALLOW_SRCG |
46 |
C o Include/exclude nonHydrostatic code |
C o Include/exclude nonHydrostatic code |
47 |
48 |
49 |
C o Allow to account for heating due to friction (and momentum dissipation) |
50 |
51 |
52 |
C o Allow mass source or sink of Fluid in the interior |
53 |
C (3-D generalisation of oceanic real-fresh water flux) |
54 |
55 |
56 |
C o Include pressure loading code |
C o Include pressure loading code |
57 |
58 |
61 |
C forcing fields, if no specific pkg (e.g., EXF) is used to compute them. |
C forcing fields, if no specific pkg (e.g., EXF) is used to compute them. |
62 |
63 |
64 |
C o Include/exclude balancing surface forcing fluxes code |
65 |
66 |
67 |
C o Include/exclude balancing surface forcing relaxation code |
68 |
69 |
70 |
C o Include/exclude GM-like eddy stress in momentum code |
C o Include/exclude GM-like eddy stress in momentum code |
71 |
72 |
78 |
C this implies that surface thickness (hFactors) vary with time |
C this implies that surface thickness (hFactors) vary with time |
79 |
80 |
81 |
C o Allow mass source or sink of Fluid in the interior |
C o Include/exclude code for single reduction Conjugate-Gradient solver |
82 |
C (3-D generalisation of oceanic real-fresh water flux) |
#undef ALLOW_SRCG |
83 |
84 |
C o Choices for implicit solver routines solve_*diagonal.F |
85 |
C The following has low memory footprint, but not suitable for AD |
86 |
87 |
C The following one suitable for AD but does not vectorize |
88 |
89 |
90 |
C o ALLOW isotropic scaling of harmonic and bi-harmonic terms when |
C o ALLOW isotropic scaling of harmonic and bi-harmonic terms when |
91 |
C using an locally isotropic spherical grid with (dlambda) x (dphi*cos(phi)) |
C using an locally isotropic spherical grid with (dlambda) x (dphi*cos(phi)) |
123 |
C o Execution environment support options |
C o Execution environment support options |
124 |
#include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" |
#include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" |
125 |
126 |
C o Include/exclude code specific to the ECCO/SEALION version. |
C o Include/exclude single header file containing multiple packages options |
127 |
C AUTODIFF or EXF package. |
C (AUTODIFF, COST, CTRL, ECCO, EXF ...) instead of the standard way where |
128 |
C Currently controled by a single header file |
C each of the above pkg get its own options from its specific option file. |
129 |
C For this to work, PACKAGES_CONFIG.h needs to be included! |
C Although this method, inherited from ECCO setup, has been traditionally |
130 |
C used for all adjoint built, work is in progress to allow to use the |
131 |
C standard method also for adjoint built. |
132 |
133 |
# include "ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h" |
# include "ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h" |
134 |
#endif |
C o Allow full 3D specification of vertical diffusivity |
C - Need to be defined if using DIFFKR_CONTROL |
C (alternatively, could have put this in ECCO_CPPOPTIONS) |
#define ALLOW_3D_DIFFKR |
#else |
C - otherwise, can be turned on or off hereafter: |
#undef ALLOW_3D_DIFFKR |
135 |
136 |
#endif /* CPP_OPTIONS_H */ |
#endif /* CPP_OPTIONS_H */ |