C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/verification/front_relax/code/Attic/CPP_OPTIONS.h,v 1.4 2001/02/04 14:38:52 cnh Exp $ C $Name: $ C C C CPP flags controlling which code in included in the files that C will be compiled. C C o Include/exclude code for GM/Redi parameterization #define ALLOW_GMREDI C o Include/exclude code for KPP mixing scheme #undef ALLOW_KPP C o Include/exclude code for C-D grid method of integrating the C coriolis terms #undef INCLUDE_CD_CODE C o Include/exclude code for open-boundary conditions #undef ALLOW_OBCS C o Include/exclude diagnostics package interface code #undef INCLUDE_DIAGNOSTICS_INTERFACE_CODE C o Include/exclude latitude circle FFT filter #undef INCLUDE_LAT_CIRC_FFT_FILTER_CODE C o Include/exclude temperature advection code #define INCLUDE_T_ADVECTION_CODE #ifdef INCLUDE_T_ADVECTION_CODE #define _ADT(a)a #endif #ifndef INCLUDE_T_ADVECTION_CODE #define _ADT(a) #endif C o Include/exclude temperature diffusion code #define INCLUDE_T_DIFFUSION_CODE #ifdef INCLUDE_T_DIFFUSION_CODE #define _LPT(a)a #define _BHT(a)a #endif #ifndef INCLUDE_T_DIFFUSION_CODE #define _LPT(a) #define _BHT(a) #endif C o Include/exclude temperature forcing code #define INCLUDE_T_FORCING_CODE C o Include/exclude momentum advection code #define INCLUDE_MOMENTUM_ADVECTION_CODE #ifdef INCLUDE_MOMENTUM_ADVECTION_CODE #define _ADM(a)a #endif #ifndef INCLUDE_MOMENTUM_ADVECTION_CODE #define _ADM(a) #endif C o Include/exclude laplacian viscosity code #define INCLUDE_LP_MOMENTUM_DIFFUSION_CODE #ifdef INCLUDE_LP_MOMENTUM_DIFFUSION_CODE #define _LPM(a)a #endif #ifndef INCLUDE_LP_MOMENTUM_DIFFUSION_CODE #define _LPM(a) #endif C o Include/exclude biharmonic viscosity code #define INCLUDE_BH_MOMENTUM_DIFFUSION_CODE #ifdef INCLUDE_BH_MOMENTUM_DIFFUSION_CODE #define _BHM(a)a #endif #ifndef INCLUDE_BH_MOMENTUM_DIFFUSION_CODE #define _BHM(a) #endif C o Include/exclude gradient of phy_hyd code #define INCLUDE_GRADPH_CODE #ifdef INCLUDE_GRADPH_CODE #define _PHM(a)a #endif #ifndef INCLUDE_GRADPH_CODE #define _PHM(a) #endif C o Include/exclude momentum forcing code #define INCLUDE_MOMENTUM_FORCING_CODE C o Include/exclude momentum eqn metric terms code #define INCLUDE_MOMENTUM_METRIC_TERM_CODE C o Include/exclude phi_hyd calculation code #define INCLUDE_PHIHYD_CALCULATION_CODE C o Include/exclude prognostic variable shapiro filter code C Note - Shapiro filter of prognostics variables requires the C three steps "step forward including edges", filter, C "communicate edges". C If the filtering code is included then we do not use the C pipelined "step forward including edges" in S/R DYNAMICS. C Instead the three steps are performed before DYNAMICS one C after another in an un-pipelined fashion. #undef INCLUDE_SHAPIRO_FILTER_CODE #ifdef INCLUDE_SHAPIRO_FILTER_CODE #undef DO_PIPELINED_CORRECTION_STEP #endif #ifndef INCLUDE_SHAPIRO_FILTER_CODE #define DO_PIPELINED_CORRECTION_STEP #endif C o Include/exclude call to S/R FIND_RHO #define INCLUDE_FIND_RHO_CALL C o Include/exclude call to S/R CONVECT #define INCLUDE_CONVECT_CALL C o Include/exclude call to S/R CALC_ISOSLOPES #define INCLUDE_CALC_ISOSLOPES_CALL C o Include/exclude call to S/R CALC_DIFFUSIVITY #define INCLUDE_CALC_DIFFUSIVITY_CALL C o Allow nonHydrostatic code #undef ALLOW_NONHYDROSTATIC C o Use "natural" boundary conditions for salinity C instead of the "virtual salt flux" #undef USE_NATURAL_BCS C o Use "OLD" UV discretisation near boundaries (*not* recommended) C Note - only works with #undef NO_SLIP_LATERAL in calc_mom_rhs.F C because the old code did not have no-slip BCs #undef OLD_ADV_BCS C o Use "OLD" UV geometry on sphere (definately *NOT* recommended) C Note - only works with #undef NO_SLIP_LATERAL in calc_mom_rhs.F C because the old code did not have no-slip BCs #undef OLD_UV_GEOMETRY C o Execution environment support options #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h"