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Contents of /MITgcm/verification/MLAdjust/input.0.leithD/data

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Revision 1.7 - (show annotations) (download)
Sun May 17 22:39:27 2009 UTC (15 years, 8 months ago) by jmc
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: checkpoint61o, checkpoint61v, checkpoint61w, checkpoint61t, checkpoint61u, checkpoint61r, checkpoint61s, checkpoint61p, checkpoint61q, checkpoint61z, checkpoint61x, checkpoint61y
Changes since 1.6: +9 -17 lines
use "&" as namelist terminator

1 # ====================
2 # | Model parameters |
3 # ====================
4 #
5 # Continuous equation parameters
6 &PARM01
7 viscAr=5.E-5,
8 # This is the background viscosity used total=viscah+viscleith
9 # viscAh=1.E2,
10 # viscA4=1.E2,
11 # This is the background viscosity used on vorticity points
12 # viscAhZ=1.E2,
13 # viscA4Z=1.E2,
14 # This is the background viscosity used on divergence points
15 # viscAhD=1.E2,
16 # viscA4D=1.E2,
17 # viscAhd and viscahz are set to viscah if they are unset initially
18 #
19 # This is a maximum gridscale Reynolds number limiter
20 # ViscAhRemax=10,
21 # ViscA4Remax=10,
22 # This is a minimum autoscaling viscosity
23 # ViscAhGridMin=.01,
24 # ViscA4GridMin=.01,
25 # This is the standard Leith Viscosity, prop to grad(curl v_h)
26 viscC2leith=1.85,
27 # viscC4leith=1.85,
28 # This is an additional Leith Viscosity, prop to grad(div.v_h)
29 # It traps instabilities that have no signal in grad(curl v_h)
30 viscC2leithD=1.85,
31 # viscC4leithD=1.85,
32 # This is harmonic Smagorinsky Coefficient
33 # 0.2-0.9=value from 3-d turbulence theory; Smagorinsky (1993)
34 # 2.2-4=stable oceanic values (Griffies and Hallberg, 2000)
35 # 1.0 smag is approximately the same as 1.85 leith+leithd
36 # for this grid
37 viscC2Smag=1.0,
38 # viscC4Smag=1.0,
39 # This is the max Viscosity used, be it Smag or Leith, and it scales
40 # with grid size and timestep
41 viscAhGridMax=1.0,
42 # viscA4GridMax=1.0,
43 # This uses the full grad(vort) and grad(div)
44 useFullLeith=.FALSE.,
45 # This uses the Strain-Tension form for calculating viscous terms
46 useStrainTensionVisc=.FALSE.,
47 no_slip_sides=.FALSE.,
48 no_slip_bottom=.FALSE.,
49 ivdc_kappa=10.,
50 implicitDiffusion=.TRUE.,
51 implicitViscosity=.TRUE.,
52 f0=7.29e-5,
53 beta=0.E-11,
54 eosType='LINEAR',
55 # Using Temperature as only Active Tracer
56 tAlpha=2.E-4,
57 # Using Salinity as Spice
58 sBeta =0.E-4,
59 saltStepping=.TRUE.,
60 gravity=9.81,
61 rhonil=1035.,
62 implicitFreeSurface=.TRUE.,
63 usejamartwetpoints=.TRUE.,
64 rigidLid=.FALSE.,
65 staggerTimeStep=.TRUE.,
66 readBinaryPrec=64,
67 writeBinaryPrec=64,
68 tempAdvScheme=33,
69 saltAdvScheme=33,
70 nonHydrostatic=.FALSE.,
71 vectorInvariantMomentum=.TRUE.,
72 &
74 # Elliptic solver parameters
75 &PARM02
76 cg2dMaxIters=1000,
77 cg2dTargetResidual=1.E-11,
78 cg3dMaxIters=40,
79 cg3dTargetResidual=1.E-9,
80 &
82 # Time stepping parameters
83 &PARM03
84 nIter0=0,
85 #endTime=86400.,
86 #- for testing, only run for 12 iterations:
87 nTimeSteps=12,
88 deltaT=1200.,
89 abEps=0.01,
90 #- for testing, reduce amount of output by commenting out output frequencies:
91 # pchkptFreq=7200.,
92 # taveFreq=7200.,
93 # dumpFreq=7200.,
94 # diagFreq=7200.,
95 monitorFreq=1200.,
96 cadjfreq=0.,
97 &
99 # Gridding parameters
100 &PARM04
101 usingCartesianGrid=.TRUE.,
102 delR= 40*5.0,
103 dxSpacing=1.E3,
104 dySpacing=1.E3,
105 &
107 # Input datasets
108 &PARM05
109 bathyFile='topo_sl.bin',
110 hydrogThetaFile='thetaInitial.bin',
111 hydrogSaltFile='spiceInitial.bin',
112 &

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