C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/tutorial_examples/global_ocean_circulation/code/Attic/GMREDI_OPTIONS.h,v 2002/02/26 16:12:02 adcroft Exp $ C $Name: $ C CPP options file for GM/Redi package C C Use this file for selecting options within the GM/Redi package C C GM/Redi is enabled with ALLOW_GMREDI in CPP_OPTIONS.h #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_GMREDI C This allows the leading diagonal (top two rows) to be non-unity C (a feature required when tapering adiabatically). #define GM_NON_UNITY_DIAGONAL C Allows to use different values of K_GM and K_Redi ; also to C be used with the advective form (Bolus velocity) of GM #undef GM_EXTRA_DIAGONAL C Allows to use the advective form (Bolus velocity) of GM C instead of the Skew-Flux form (=default) #undef GM_BOLUS_ADVEC C This allows to use Visbeck et al formulation to compute K_GM+Redi #undef GM_VISBECK_VARIABLE_K #endif /* ALLOW_GMREDI */