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to use eaice-fraction from pkg/exf in other pkgs than pkg/seaice: rename CPP option EXF_ALLOW_SEAICE_RELAX to EXF_SEAICE_FRACTION and rename array obsSIce to exf_iceFraction
- pkg/exf : added run time switch useAtmWind to replace ALLOW_ATM_WIND cpp switch. ALLOW_ATM_WIND now just sets the useAtmWind default (see exf_readparms.F) and force defines ALLOW_BULKFORMULAE (EXF_OPTIONS.h). - pkg/exf, autodiff, ctrl, ecco and seaice : remove ALLOW_ATM_WIND brackets, or replace them with useAtmWind ones. - pkg/ctrl, ecco : allow to compile both ALLOW_U/VSTRESS_CONTROL and ALLOW_U/VWIND_CONTROL. Depending on useAtmWind, one is inactive, and the other is active (see exf_getffields.F/exf_getsurfacefluxes.F).
Part two of ECCO-CLIVAR code merges. Completes merge of seaice area relax. code. Requires unified CPP option EXF_ALLOW_SEAICE_RELAX to be set in EXF_OPTIONS.h since this pkg controls its I/O (and avoids second CPP option in SEAICE_OPTIONS.h)
fix previous modif (useOBCSYearlyFields instead of useExfYearlyFields for OBC and seaice-OBC fields).
new S/R EXF_GETFIELD_START to return starting-time of a forcing field (according to useExfYearlyFields). This save the repetition (32 times) of the same sequence of code in exf_init_fixed.F
mask atemp,aqh,evap,precip,runoff,lwflx,areamask and climsst/sss even when using seaice (to prevent calculation that might use SST on land); does not affect any verification exp.
add option "EXF_USE_OLD_INTERP_POLE" to recover old results regarding exf-interpolation near N & S poles. Undef by default.
- set masking flags (no longer "parameter") here. disable masking if useSEAICE. - fix masking of wind-stress (was wrong if interpolated or read on A-grid) - set internal flag (for 2 components vector fields) to select when to interpolate the 2 components together. - fix setting of zenith-angle table when SHORTWAVE_HEATING is undef
add many debug-print (to trace down where pkg/cal error msg comes from)
OBCS_PARAMS.h no longer needed (useOBCSYearlyFields now in EXF_PARAM.h)
split "OBCS.h" into 4 separated header files (OBCS_PARAMS,GRID,FIELDS,SEAICE)
Check-in some bug fixes on behalf of Yun Xu.
initializing sgrunoffstartdate
Add pseudo climat. stress fields to facilitate offline seaice calculations
improving readability of ALLOW_ZENITHANGLE related code - remove nSx,nSy dims from zen_albedo_table - rename useExfZenithAngle to useExfZenIncoming/useExfZenAlbedo and document them in EXF_PARAM.h - document ALLOW_ZENITHANGLE in EXF_OPTIONS.h and set it to false - document variables in EXF_FIELDS.h
account for the variation of albedo as a function of zenith angle
avoid unbalanced quote (single or double) in commented line
Adding a capability to exf: read ice area from file.
o pkg/obcs and pkg/exf: added capability to specify seaice open boundary conditions that have a different sampling frequency than S/T/U/V obcs
changed for compatibility with usingModelCalendar added more comments
added some comments (for the poor soul who will attempt to modify these next)
added some comments (for the poor soul who will attempt to modify these next)
Completed mods to exf_getffieldrec.F to properly deal with year transitions for useExfYearlyFields.
bug fix: if climss[t/s]period <= 0 there is no need to compute climsststartdate if startdate = 0, it will cause an invalid subscript in array NDAYMONTH in subroutine cal_TimePassed
- implement A-grid / C-grid selection for wind-stress input files - move start date specifications for the forcing from EXF_READPARMS to EXF_INIT_FIXED (+ fix for windspeed input + 2. component wind-stress)
added pkg/exf, SALTanom, and SALTSQan diagnostics
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