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Log of /MITgcm/pkg/exf/exf_adjoint_snapshots__g.F

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Revision 1.6 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Wed Aug 29 01:59:36 2012 UTC (12 years, 3 months ago) by jmc
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: checkpoint63s, checkpoint64, checkpoint64a, checkpoint64b, checkpoint64c, checkpoint64d, checkpoint64e, checkpoint64f, checkpoint64g, checkpoint64h, checkpoint64i, checkpoint64j, checkpoint64k, checkpoint64l, checkpoint64m, checkpoint64n, checkpoint64o, checkpoint64p, checkpoint64q, checkpoint64r, checkpoint64s, checkpoint64t, checkpoint64u, checkpoint64v, checkpoint64w, checkpoint64x, checkpoint64y, checkpoint64z, checkpoint65, checkpoint65a, checkpoint65b, checkpoint65c, checkpoint65d, checkpoint65e, checkpoint65f, checkpoint65g, checkpoint65h, checkpoint65i, checkpoint65j, checkpoint65k, checkpoint65l, checkpoint65m, checkpoint65n, checkpoint65o, checkpoint65p, checkpoint65q, checkpoint65r, checkpoint65s, checkpoint65t, checkpoint65u, checkpoint65v, checkpoint65w, checkpoint65x, checkpoint65y, checkpoint65z, checkpoint66a, checkpoint66b, checkpoint66c, checkpoint66d, checkpoint66e
Changes since 1.5: +45 -58 lines
Diff to previous 1.5
- fix previous modif (EXF_PARAM.h was missing)
- comment out the very nasty "writeBinaryPrec = writeStatePrec" line

Revision 1.5 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Tue Aug 28 19:17:46 2012 UTC (12 years, 3 months ago) by gforget
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.4: +3 -3 lines
Diff to previous 1.4
- pkg/exf : added run time switch useAtmWind to replace ALLOW_ATM_WIND
  cpp switch. ALLOW_ATM_WIND now just sets the useAtmWind default (see
  exf_readparms.F) and force defines ALLOW_BULKFORMULAE (EXF_OPTIONS.h).
- pkg/exf, autodiff, ctrl, ecco and seaice : remove ALLOW_ATM_WIND
  brackets, or replace them with useAtmWind ones.
- pkg/ctrl, ecco : allow to compile both ALLOW_U/VSTRESS_CONTROL and
  ALLOW_U/VWIND_CONTROL. Depending on useAtmWind, one is inactive,
  and the other is active (see exf_getffields.F/exf_getsurfacefluxes.F).

Revision 1.4 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Fri Jul 6 23:10:28 2012 UTC (12 years, 5 months ago) by jmc
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: checkpoint63q, checkpoint63r
Changes since 1.3: +4 -11 lines
Diff to previous 1.3
add explicitly #include "AD_CONFIG.h" in each fortran src file where it is needed

Revision 1.3 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Tue Oct 9 00:04:05 2007 UTC (17 years, 2 months ago) by jmc
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: checkpoint59i, checkpoint59j, checkpoint59k, checkpoint59l, checkpoint59m, checkpoint59n, checkpoint59o, checkpoint59p, checkpoint59q, checkpoint59r, checkpoint60, checkpoint61, checkpoint61a, checkpoint61b, checkpoint61c, checkpoint61d, checkpoint61e, checkpoint61f, checkpoint61g, checkpoint61h, checkpoint61i, checkpoint61j, checkpoint61k, checkpoint61l, checkpoint61m, checkpoint61n, checkpoint61o, checkpoint61p, checkpoint61q, checkpoint61r, checkpoint61s, checkpoint61t, checkpoint61u, checkpoint61v, checkpoint61w, checkpoint61x, checkpoint61y, checkpoint61z, checkpoint62, checkpoint62a, checkpoint62b, checkpoint62c, checkpoint62d, checkpoint62e, checkpoint62f, checkpoint62g, checkpoint62h, checkpoint62i, checkpoint62j, checkpoint62k, checkpoint62l, checkpoint62m, checkpoint62n, checkpoint62o, checkpoint62p, checkpoint62q, checkpoint62r, checkpoint62s, checkpoint62t, checkpoint62u, checkpoint62v, checkpoint62w, checkpoint62x, checkpoint62y, checkpoint62z, checkpoint63, checkpoint63a, checkpoint63b, checkpoint63c, checkpoint63d, checkpoint63e, checkpoint63f, checkpoint63g, checkpoint63h, checkpoint63i, checkpoint63j, checkpoint63k, checkpoint63l, checkpoint63m, checkpoint63n, checkpoint63o, checkpoint63p
Changes since 1.2: +3 -1 lines
Diff to previous 1.2
add missing cvs $Header:$ or $Name:$

Revision 1.2 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Wed Jun 6 14:05:27 2007 UTC (17 years, 6 months ago) by heimbach
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: checkpoint59d, checkpoint59e, checkpoint59f, checkpoint59g, checkpoint59h
Changes since 1.1: +1 -1 lines
Diff to previous 1.1
Change CPP headers.

Revision 1.1 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Tue Jun 5 21:51:22 2007 UTC (17 years, 6 months ago) by heimbach
Branch: MAIN
Need to separate adjoint snapshots to get correct
adjoint atmospheric snapshots (in addition to adxx fields)

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