1 |
C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/exf/EXF_PARAM.h,v 1.32 2014/06/05 15:37:46 jmc Exp $ |
2 |
C $Name: $ |
3 |
C |
4 |
C ================================================================== |
5 |
6 |
C ================================================================== |
7 |
C |
8 |
C o Header file for the surface flux data. Used by the external |
9 |
C forcing package. |
10 |
C |
11 |
C started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 30-Jun-1999 |
12 |
C |
13 |
C changed: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 14-Jan-2000 |
14 |
C - Restructured the original version in order to have a |
15 |
C better interface to the MITgcmUV. |
16 |
C |
17 |
C Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 12-Feb-2000 |
18 |
C - Changed some variables names (package prefix: exf_) |
19 |
C |
20 |
C Patrick Heimbach, heimbach@mit.edu 04-May-2000 |
21 |
C - included exf_iprec to enable easy |
22 |
C switch between 32bit/64 bit data format |
23 |
C |
24 |
C Patrick Heimbach, heimbach@mit.edu 01-May-2001 |
25 |
C - added obcs parameters |
26 |
C |
27 |
C mods for pkg/seaice: menemenlis@jpl.nasa.gov 20-Dec-2002 |
28 |
C |
29 |
C ================================================================== |
30 |
31 |
C ================================================================== |
32 |
33 |
C Repeat period for forcing fields (s) |
34 |
C For example, for yearly repeat period: repeatPeriod=31556925. |
35 |
C Note: this option is not yet coded for sub-daily |
36 |
C forcing and for leap years but this limitation can be |
37 |
C circumvented by using a 4-year (1461-day) repeatPeriod |
38 |
_RL repeatPeriod |
39 |
40 |
C useExfCheckRange :: check range of input/output field values |
41 |
C useExfYearlyFields :: when set, automatically add extension |
42 |
C _YEAR to input file names; the yearly files need |
43 |
C to contain all the records that pertain to |
44 |
C a particular year, including day 1, hour zero |
45 |
C twoDigitYear :: when set, use 2-digit year extension YR |
46 |
C instead of _YEAR for useExfYearlyFields |
47 |
C useOBCSYearlyFields :: when reading Open-Boundary values, assume yearly |
48 |
C climatology (def=false) |
49 |
C readStressOnAgrid :: read wind-streess located on model-grid, A-grid position |
50 |
C readStressOnCgrid :: read wind-streess located on model-grid, C-grid position |
51 |
C stressIsOnCgrid :: ustress & vstress are positioned on Arakawa C-grid |
52 |
C useStabilityFct_overIce :: over sea-ice, compute turbulent transfert |
53 |
C coeff. function of stability (like over |
54 |
C open ocean) rather than using fixed Coeff. |
55 |
C useAtmWind :: use wind vector (uwind/vwind) to compute |
56 |
C the wind stress (ustress/vstress) |
57 |
C useRelativeWind :: Subtract U/VVEL or U/VICE from U/VWIND before |
58 |
C computing U/VSTRESS |
59 |
C noNegativeEvap :: prevent negative evap (= sea-surface condensation) |
60 |
C useExfZenAlbedo :: ocean albedo (direct part) may vary |
61 |
C with zenith angle (see select_ZenAlbedo) |
62 |
C select_ZenAlbedo :: switch to different methods to compute albedo (direct part) |
63 |
C :: 0 just use exf_albedo |
64 |
C :: 1 use daily mean albedo from exf_zenithangle_table.F |
65 |
C :: 2 use daily mean albedo computed as in pkg/aim_v23 |
66 |
C :: 3 use daily variable albedo |
67 |
C useExfZenIncoming :: compute incoming solar radiation along with zenith angle |
68 |
C exf_debugLev :: select message printing to STDOUT (e.g., when read rec) |
69 |
C exf_monFreq :: Monitor Frequency (s) for EXF |
70 |
71 |
logical useExfCheckRange |
72 |
logical useExfYearlyFields, twoDigitYear |
73 |
logical useOBCSYearlyFields |
74 |
logical readStressOnAgrid |
75 |
logical readStressOnCgrid |
76 |
logical stressIsOnCgrid |
77 |
logical useStabilityFct_overIce |
78 |
logical useRelativeWind |
79 |
logical noNegativeEvap |
80 |
logical useAtmWind |
81 |
82 |
logical useExfZenAlbedo |
83 |
integer select_ZenAlbedo |
84 |
logical useExfZenIncoming |
85 |
86 |
INTEGER exf_debugLev |
87 |
_RL exf_monFreq |
88 |
89 |
C Drag coefficient scaling factor |
90 |
_RL exf_scal_BulkCdn |
91 |
92 |
C Maximum absolute windstress, used to reset unreastically high |
93 |
C data values |
94 |
_RL windstressmax |
95 |
96 |
C freezing temperature is the minimum temperature allowed, used |
97 |
C to reset climatological temperatures fields where they have |
98 |
C values below climtempfreeze |
99 |
_RL climtempfreeze |
100 |
101 |
C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| |
102 |
103 |
C Description of contents of surface boundary condition files |
104 |
C Note: fieldperiod=0 means input file is one time-constant field |
105 |
C fieldperiod=-12 means input file contains 12 monthly means |
106 |
107 |
integer hfluxstartdate1 |
108 |
integer hfluxstartdate2 |
109 |
_RL hfluxstartdate |
110 |
_RL hfluxperiod |
111 |
_RL hfluxconst |
112 |
_RL hflux_exfremo_intercept |
113 |
_RL hflux_exfremo_slope |
114 |
character*1 hfluxmask |
115 |
116 |
integer atempstartdate1 |
117 |
integer atempstartdate2 |
118 |
_RL atempstartdate |
119 |
_RL atempperiod |
120 |
_RL atempconst |
121 |
_RL atemp_exfremo_intercept |
122 |
_RL atemp_exfremo_slope |
123 |
character*1 atempmask |
124 |
125 |
integer aqhstartdate1 |
126 |
integer aqhstartdate2 |
127 |
_RL aqhstartdate |
128 |
_RL aqhperiod |
129 |
_RL aqhconst |
130 |
_RL aqh_exfremo_intercept |
131 |
_RL aqh_exfremo_slope |
132 |
character*1 aqhmask |
133 |
134 |
integer sfluxstartdate1 |
135 |
integer sfluxstartdate2 |
136 |
_RL sfluxstartdate |
137 |
_RL sfluxperiod |
138 |
_RL sfluxconst |
139 |
_RL sflux_exfremo_intercept |
140 |
_RL sflux_exfremo_slope |
141 |
character*1 sfluxmask |
142 |
143 |
integer evapstartdate1 |
144 |
integer evapstartdate2 |
145 |
_RL evapstartdate |
146 |
_RL evapperiod |
147 |
_RL evapconst |
148 |
_RL evap_exfremo_intercept |
149 |
_RL evap_exfremo_slope |
150 |
character*1 evapmask |
151 |
152 |
integer precipstartdate1 |
153 |
integer precipstartdate2 |
154 |
_RL precipstartdate |
155 |
_RL precipperiod |
156 |
_RL precipconst |
157 |
_RL precip_exfremo_intercept |
158 |
_RL precip_exfremo_slope |
159 |
character*1 precipmask |
160 |
161 |
integer snowprecipstartdate1 |
162 |
integer snowprecipstartdate2 |
163 |
_RL snowprecipstartdate |
164 |
_RL snowprecipperiod |
165 |
_RL snowprecipconst |
166 |
_RL snowprecip_exfremo_intercept |
167 |
_RL snowprecip_exfremo_slope |
168 |
character*1 snowprecipmask |
169 |
170 |
integer runoffstartdate1 |
171 |
integer runoffstartdate2 |
172 |
_RL runoffstartdate |
173 |
_RL runoffperiod |
174 |
_RL runoffconst |
175 |
_RL runoff_exfremo_intercept |
176 |
_RL runoff_exfremo_slope |
177 |
character*1 runoffmask |
178 |
179 |
_RL runoftempconst |
180 |
_RL runoftemp_exfremo_intercept |
181 |
_RL runoftemp_exfremo_slope |
182 |
183 |
integer ustressstartdate1 |
184 |
integer ustressstartdate2 |
185 |
_RL ustressstartdate |
186 |
_RL ustressperiod |
187 |
_RL ustressconst |
188 |
_RL ustress_exfremo_intercept |
189 |
_RL ustress_exfremo_slope |
190 |
character*1 ustressmask |
191 |
192 |
integer vstressstartdate1 |
193 |
integer vstressstartdate2 |
194 |
_RL vstressstartdate |
195 |
_RL vstressperiod |
196 |
_RL vstressconst |
197 |
_RL vstress_exfremo_intercept |
198 |
_RL vstress_exfremo_slope |
199 |
character*1 vstressmask |
200 |
201 |
integer uwindstartdate1 |
202 |
integer uwindstartdate2 |
203 |
_RL uwindstartdate |
204 |
_RL uwindperiod |
205 |
_RL uwindconst |
206 |
_RL uwind_exfremo_intercept |
207 |
_RL uwind_exfremo_slope |
208 |
character*1 uwindmask |
209 |
210 |
integer vwindstartdate1 |
211 |
integer vwindstartdate2 |
212 |
_RL vwindstartdate |
213 |
_RL vwindperiod |
214 |
_RL vwindconst |
215 |
_RL vwind_exfremo_intercept |
216 |
_RL vwind_exfremo_slope |
217 |
character*1 vwindmask |
218 |
219 |
integer wspeedstartdate1 |
220 |
integer wspeedstartdate2 |
221 |
_RL wspeedstartdate |
222 |
_RL wspeedperiod |
223 |
_RL wspeedconst |
224 |
_RL wspeed_exfremo_intercept |
225 |
_RL wspeed_exfremo_slope |
226 |
character*1 wspeedmask |
227 |
228 |
integer swfluxstartdate1 |
229 |
integer swfluxstartdate2 |
230 |
_RL swfluxstartdate |
231 |
_RL swfluxperiod |
232 |
_RL swfluxconst |
233 |
_RL swflux_exfremo_intercept |
234 |
_RL swflux_exfremo_slope |
235 |
character*1 swfluxmask |
236 |
237 |
integer lwfluxstartdate1 |
238 |
integer lwfluxstartdate2 |
239 |
_RL lwfluxstartdate |
240 |
_RL lwfluxperiod |
241 |
_RL lwfluxconst |
242 |
_RL lwflux_exfremo_intercept |
243 |
_RL lwflux_exfremo_slope |
244 |
character*1 lwfluxmask |
245 |
246 |
integer swdownstartdate1 |
247 |
integer swdownstartdate2 |
248 |
_RL swdownstartdate |
249 |
_RL swdownperiod |
250 |
_RL swdownconst |
251 |
_RL swdown_exfremo_intercept |
252 |
_RL swdown_exfremo_slope |
253 |
character*1 swdownmask |
254 |
255 |
integer lwdownstartdate1 |
256 |
integer lwdownstartdate2 |
257 |
_RL lwdownstartdate |
258 |
_RL lwdownperiod |
259 |
_RL lwdownconst |
260 |
_RL lwdown_exfremo_intercept |
261 |
_RL lwdown_exfremo_slope |
262 |
character*1 lwdownmask |
263 |
264 |
integer apressurestartdate1 |
265 |
integer apressurestartdate2 |
266 |
_RL apressurestartdate |
267 |
_RL apressureperiod |
268 |
_RL apressureconst |
269 |
_RL apressure_exfremo_intercept |
270 |
_RL apressure_exfremo_slope |
271 |
character*1 apressuremask |
272 |
273 |
integer areamaskstartdate1 |
274 |
integer areamaskstartdate2 |
275 |
_RL areamaskstartdate |
276 |
_RL areamaskperiod |
277 |
_RL areamaskTauRelax |
278 |
_RL areamaskconst |
279 |
_RL areamask_exfremo_intercept |
280 |
_RL areamask_exfremo_slope |
281 |
character*1 areamaskmask |
282 |
283 |
c Calendar data. |
284 |
integer climsststartdate1 |
285 |
integer climsststartdate2 |
286 |
_RL climsststartdate |
287 |
_RL climsstperiod |
288 |
_RL climsstTauRelax |
289 |
_RL climsstconst |
290 |
_RL climsst_exfremo_intercept |
291 |
_RL climsst_exfremo_slope |
292 |
character*1 climsstmask |
293 |
294 |
integer climsssstartdate1 |
295 |
integer climsssstartdate2 |
296 |
_RL climsssstartdate |
297 |
_RL climsssperiod |
298 |
_RL climsssTauRelax |
299 |
_RL climsssconst |
300 |
_RL climsss_exfremo_intercept |
301 |
_RL climsss_exfremo_slope |
302 |
character*1 climsssmask |
303 |
304 |
integer climustrstartdate1 |
305 |
integer climustrstartdate2 |
306 |
_RL climustrstartdate |
307 |
_RL climustrperiod |
308 |
_RL climustrTauRelax |
309 |
_RL climustrconst |
310 |
_RL climustr_exfremo_intercept |
311 |
_RL climustr_exfremo_slope |
312 |
character*1 climustrmask |
313 |
314 |
integer climvstrstartdate1 |
315 |
integer climvstrstartdate2 |
316 |
_RL climvstrstartdate |
317 |
_RL climvstrperiod |
318 |
_RL climvstrTauRelax |
319 |
_RL climvstrconst |
320 |
_RL climvstr_exfremo_intercept |
321 |
_RL climvstr_exfremo_slope |
322 |
character*1 climvstrmask |
323 |
324 |
c the following variables are used in conjunction |
325 |
c with pkg/icefront to specify sub-glacial runoff |
326 |
integer sgrunoffstartdate1 |
327 |
integer sgrunoffstartdate2 |
328 |
_RL sgrunoffstartdate |
329 |
_RL sgrunoffperiod |
330 |
_RL sgrunoffconst |
331 |
_RL sgrunoff_exfremo_intercept |
332 |
_RL sgrunoff_exfremo_slope |
333 |
_RL exf_inscal_sgrunoff |
334 |
character*1 sgrunoffmask |
335 |
336 |
c the following variables are used in conjunction with pkg/obcs |
337 |
c to describe S/T/U/V open boundary condition files |
338 |
integer obcsNstartdate1 |
339 |
integer obcsNstartdate2 |
340 |
integer obcsSstartdate1 |
341 |
integer obcsSstartdate2 |
342 |
integer obcsEstartdate1 |
343 |
integer obcsEstartdate2 |
344 |
integer obcsWstartdate1 |
345 |
integer obcsWstartdate2 |
346 |
_RL obcsNstartdate |
347 |
_RL obcsNperiod |
348 |
_RL obcsSstartdate |
349 |
_RL obcsSperiod |
350 |
_RL obcsEstartdate |
351 |
_RL obcsEperiod |
352 |
_RL obcsWstartdate |
353 |
_RL obcsWperiod |
354 |
355 |
c the following variables are used in conjunction with pkg/obcs |
356 |
c and pkg/seaice to describe area, heff, hsnow, hsalt, uice, |
357 |
c and vice open boundary condition files |
358 |
integer siobNstartdate1 |
359 |
integer siobNstartdate2 |
360 |
integer siobSstartdate1 |
361 |
integer siobSstartdate2 |
362 |
integer siobEstartdate1 |
363 |
integer siobEstartdate2 |
364 |
integer siobWstartdate1 |
365 |
integer siobWstartdate2 |
366 |
_RL siobNstartdate |
367 |
_RL siobNperiod |
368 |
_RL siobSstartdate |
369 |
_RL siobSperiod |
370 |
_RL siobEstartdate |
371 |
_RL siobEperiod |
372 |
_RL siobWstartdate |
373 |
_RL siobWperiod |
374 |
375 |
c File names. |
376 |
character*(128) hfluxfile |
377 |
character*(128) atempfile |
378 |
character*(128) aqhfile |
379 |
character*(128) evapfile |
380 |
character*(128) precipfile |
381 |
character*(128) snowprecipfile |
382 |
character*(128) sfluxfile |
383 |
character*(128) runofffile |
384 |
character*(128) runoftempfile |
385 |
character*(128) ustressfile |
386 |
character*(128) vstressfile |
387 |
character*(128) uwindfile |
388 |
character*(128) vwindfile |
389 |
character*(128) wspeedfile |
390 |
character*(128) swfluxfile |
391 |
character*(128) lwfluxfile |
392 |
character*(128) swdownfile |
393 |
character*(128) lwdownfile |
394 |
character*(128) apressurefile |
395 |
character*(128) areamaskfile |
396 |
character*(128) climsstfile |
397 |
character*(128) climsssfile |
398 |
character*(128) climustrfile |
399 |
character*(128) climvstrfile |
400 |
401 |
402 |
& useExfCheckRange, |
403 |
& useExfYearlyFields, twoDigitYear, |
404 |
& useOBCSYearlyFields, |
405 |
& useExfZenAlbedo, useExfZenIncoming, |
406 |
& readStressOnAgrid, readStressOnCgrid, |
407 |
& stressIsOnCgrid, useStabilityFct_overIce, |
408 |
& useAtmWind, useRelativeWind, noNegativeEvap |
409 |
410 |
& select_ZenAlbedo, exf_debugLev, |
411 |
& hfluxstartdate1, hfluxstartdate2, |
412 |
& atempstartdate1, atempstartdate2, |
413 |
& aqhstartdate1, aqhstartdate2, |
414 |
& sfluxstartdate1, sfluxstartdate2, |
415 |
& evapstartdate1, evapstartdate2, |
416 |
& runoffstartdate1, runoffstartdate2, |
417 |
& sgrunoffstartdate1,sgrunoffstartdate2, |
418 |
& precipstartdate1, precipstartdate2, |
419 |
& snowprecipstartdate1, snowprecipstartdate2, |
420 |
& ustressstartdate1, ustressstartdate2, |
421 |
& vstressstartdate1, vstressstartdate2, |
422 |
& uwindstartdate1, uwindstartdate2, |
423 |
& vwindstartdate1, vwindstartdate2, |
424 |
& wspeedstartdate1, wspeedstartdate2, |
425 |
& swfluxstartdate1, swfluxstartdate2, |
426 |
& lwfluxstartdate1, lwfluxstartdate2, |
427 |
& swdownstartdate1, swdownstartdate2, |
428 |
& lwdownstartdate1, lwdownstartdate2, |
429 |
& obcsNstartdate1, obcsNstartdate2, |
430 |
& obcsSstartdate1, obcsSstartdate2, |
431 |
& obcsEstartdate1, obcsEstartdate2, |
432 |
& obcsWstartdate1, obcsWstartdate2, |
433 |
& siobNstartdate1, siobNstartdate2, |
434 |
& siobSstartdate1, siobSstartdate2, |
435 |
& siobEstartdate1, siobEstartdate2, |
436 |
& siobWstartdate1, siobWstartdate2, |
437 |
& apressurestartdate1,apressurestartdate2, |
438 |
& areamaskstartdate1,areamaskstartdate2 |
439 |
440 |
441 |
& repeatPeriod, exf_monFreq, |
442 |
& exf_scal_BulkCdn, windstressmax, |
443 |
& hfluxperiod, hfluxstartdate, |
444 |
& atempperiod, atempstartdate, |
445 |
& aqhperiod, aqhstartdate, |
446 |
& sfluxperiod, sfluxstartdate, |
447 |
& evapperiod, evapstartdate, |
448 |
& precipperiod, precipstartdate, |
449 |
& snowprecipperiod, snowprecipstartdate, |
450 |
& runoffperiod, runoffstartdate, |
451 |
& sgrunoffperiod, sgrunoffstartdate, |
452 |
& ustressperiod, ustressstartdate, |
453 |
& vstressperiod, vstressstartdate, |
454 |
& uwindperiod, uwindstartdate, |
455 |
& vwindperiod, vwindstartdate, |
456 |
& wspeedperiod, wspeedstartdate, |
457 |
& swfluxperiod, swfluxstartdate, |
458 |
& lwfluxperiod, lwfluxstartdate, |
459 |
& swdownperiod, swdownstartdate, |
460 |
& lwdownperiod, lwdownstartdate, |
461 |
& obcsNperiod, obcsNstartdate, |
462 |
& obcsSperiod, obcsSstartdate, |
463 |
& obcsEperiod, obcsEstartdate, |
464 |
& obcsWperiod, obcsWstartdate, |
465 |
& siobNperiod, siobNstartdate, |
466 |
& siobSperiod, siobSstartdate, |
467 |
& siobEperiod, siobEstartdate, |
468 |
& siobWperiod, siobWstartdate, |
469 |
& apressureperiod, apressurestartdate, |
470 |
& areamaskperiod, areamaskstartdate, |
471 |
& hfluxconst, |
472 |
& atempconst, |
473 |
& aqhconst, |
474 |
& sfluxconst, |
475 |
& evapconst, |
476 |
& precipconst, |
477 |
& snowprecipconst, |
478 |
& runoffconst, |
479 |
& runoftempconst, |
480 |
& sgrunoffconst, |
481 |
& ustressconst, |
482 |
& vstressconst, |
483 |
& uwindconst, |
484 |
& vwindconst, |
485 |
& wspeedconst, |
486 |
& swfluxconst, |
487 |
& lwfluxconst, |
488 |
& swdownconst, |
489 |
& lwdownconst, |
490 |
& apressureconst, |
491 |
& areamaskTauRelax, |
492 |
& areamaskconst |
493 |
494 |
495 |
& hflux_exfremo_intercept, |
496 |
& atemp_exfremo_intercept, |
497 |
& aqh_exfremo_intercept, |
498 |
& sflux_exfremo_intercept, |
499 |
& evap_exfremo_intercept, |
500 |
& precip_exfremo_intercept, |
501 |
& snowprecip_exfremo_intercept, |
502 |
& runoff_exfremo_intercept, |
503 |
& runoftemp_exfremo_intercept, |
504 |
& sgrunoff_exfremo_intercept, |
505 |
& ustress_exfremo_intercept, |
506 |
& vstress_exfremo_intercept, |
507 |
& uwind_exfremo_intercept, |
508 |
& vwind_exfremo_intercept, |
509 |
& wspeed_exfremo_intercept, |
510 |
& swflux_exfremo_intercept, |
511 |
& lwflux_exfremo_intercept, |
512 |
& swdown_exfremo_intercept, |
513 |
& lwdown_exfremo_intercept, |
514 |
& apressure_exfremo_intercept, |
515 |
& areamask_exfremo_intercept, |
516 |
& hflux_exfremo_slope, |
517 |
& atemp_exfremo_slope, |
518 |
& aqh_exfremo_slope, |
519 |
& sflux_exfremo_slope, |
520 |
& evap_exfremo_slope, |
521 |
& precip_exfremo_slope, |
522 |
& snowprecip_exfremo_slope, |
523 |
& runoff_exfremo_slope, |
524 |
& runoftemp_exfremo_slope, |
525 |
& sgrunoff_exfremo_slope, |
526 |
& ustress_exfremo_slope, |
527 |
& vstress_exfremo_slope, |
528 |
& uwind_exfremo_slope, |
529 |
& vwind_exfremo_slope, |
530 |
& wspeed_exfremo_slope, |
531 |
& swflux_exfremo_slope, |
532 |
& lwflux_exfremo_slope, |
533 |
& swdown_exfremo_slope, |
534 |
& lwdown_exfremo_slope, |
535 |
& apressure_exfremo_slope, |
536 |
& areamask_exfremo_slope |
537 |
538 |
539 |
& hfluxfile, hfluxmask, |
540 |
& atempfile, atempmask, |
541 |
& aqhfile, aqhmask, |
542 |
& sfluxfile, sfluxmask, |
543 |
& evapfile, evapmask, |
544 |
& precipfile, precipmask, |
545 |
& snowprecipfile,snowprecipmask, |
546 |
& runofffile, runoffmask, |
547 |
& runoftempfile, |
548 |
& ustressfile, ustressmask, |
549 |
& vstressfile, vstressmask, |
550 |
& uwindfile, uwindmask, |
551 |
& vwindfile, vwindmask, |
552 |
& wspeedfile, wspeedmask, |
553 |
& swfluxfile, swfluxmask, |
554 |
& lwfluxfile, lwfluxmask, |
555 |
& swdownfile, swdownmask, |
556 |
& lwdownfile, lwdownmask, |
557 |
& apressurefile, apressuremask, |
558 |
& areamaskfile, areamaskmask, |
559 |
& sgrunoffmask |
560 |
561 |
562 |
& climsststartdate1, climsststartdate2, |
563 |
& climsssstartdate1, climsssstartdate2, |
564 |
& climustrstartdate1, climustrstartdate2, |
565 |
& climvstrstartdate1, climvstrstartdate2 |
566 |
567 |
568 |
& climsstfile, climsstmask, |
569 |
& climsssfile, climsssmask, |
570 |
& climustrfile, climustrmask, |
571 |
& climvstrfile, climvstrmask |
572 |
573 |
574 |
& climtempfreeze, |
575 |
& climsstperiod, climsststartdate, |
576 |
& climsssperiod, climsssstartdate, |
577 |
& climustrperiod, climustrstartdate, |
578 |
& climvstrperiod, climvstrstartdate, |
579 |
& climsstTauRelax, climsssTauRelax, |
580 |
& climustrTauRelax, climvstrTauRelax, |
581 |
& climsstconst, climsssconst, |
582 |
& climustrconst, climvstrconst, |
583 |
& climsst_exfremo_intercept, climsst_exfremo_slope, |
584 |
& climsss_exfremo_intercept, climsss_exfremo_slope, |
585 |
& climustr_exfremo_intercept, climustr_exfremo_slope, |
586 |
& climvstr_exfremo_intercept, climvstr_exfremo_slope, |
587 |
& exf_inscal_climsst, exf_inscal_climsss, |
588 |
& exf_inscal_climustr, exf_inscal_climvstr |
589 |
590 |
c file precision and field type |
591 |
592 |
593 |
& exf_iprec, |
594 |
& exf_iprec_obcs |
595 |
596 |
integer exf_iprec |
597 |
integer exf_iprec_obcs |
598 |
599 |
c exf_inscal_* input scaling factors |
600 |
c exf_offset_atemp input air temperature offset |
601 |
c (for conversion from C to K, if needed) |
602 |
c exf_outscale_* output scaling factors |
603 |
604 |
_RL exf_inscal_hflux |
605 |
_RL exf_inscal_sflux |
606 |
_RL exf_inscal_ustress |
607 |
_RL exf_inscal_vstress |
608 |
_RL exf_inscal_uwind |
609 |
_RL exf_inscal_vwind |
610 |
_RL exf_inscal_wspeed |
611 |
_RL exf_inscal_swflux |
612 |
_RL exf_inscal_lwflux |
613 |
_RL exf_inscal_precip |
614 |
_RL exf_inscal_snowprecip |
615 |
_RL exf_inscal_sst |
616 |
_RL exf_inscal_sss |
617 |
_RL exf_inscal_atemp |
618 |
_RL exf_offset_atemp |
619 |
_RL exf_inscal_aqh |
620 |
_RL exf_inscal_evap |
621 |
_RL exf_inscal_apressure |
622 |
_RL exf_inscal_runoff |
623 |
_RL exf_inscal_runoftemp |
624 |
_RL exf_inscal_swdown |
625 |
_RL exf_inscal_lwdown |
626 |
_RL exf_inscal_climsst |
627 |
_RL exf_inscal_climsss |
628 |
_RL exf_inscal_climustr |
629 |
_RL exf_inscal_climvstr |
630 |
_RL exf_inscal_areamask |
631 |
632 |
_RL exf_outscal_hflux |
633 |
_RL exf_outscal_sflux |
634 |
_RL exf_outscal_ustress |
635 |
_RL exf_outscal_vstress |
636 |
_RL exf_outscal_swflux |
637 |
_RL exf_outscal_sst |
638 |
_RL exf_outscal_sss |
639 |
_RL exf_outscal_apressure |
640 |
_RL exf_outscal_areamask |
641 |
642 |
643 |
& exf_inscal_hflux |
644 |
& , exf_inscal_sflux |
645 |
& , exf_inscal_ustress |
646 |
& , exf_inscal_vstress |
647 |
& , exf_inscal_uwind |
648 |
& , exf_inscal_vwind |
649 |
& , exf_inscal_wspeed |
650 |
& , exf_inscal_swflux |
651 |
& , exf_inscal_lwflux |
652 |
& , exf_inscal_precip |
653 |
& , exf_inscal_snowprecip |
654 |
& , exf_inscal_sst |
655 |
& , exf_inscal_sss |
656 |
& , exf_inscal_atemp |
657 |
& , exf_offset_atemp |
658 |
& , exf_inscal_aqh |
659 |
& , exf_inscal_evap |
660 |
& , exf_inscal_apressure |
661 |
& , exf_inscal_runoff |
662 |
& , exf_inscal_runoftemp |
663 |
& , exf_inscal_sgrunoff |
664 |
& , exf_inscal_swdown |
665 |
& , exf_inscal_lwdown |
666 |
& , exf_inscal_areamask |
667 |
& , exf_outscal_hflux |
668 |
& , exf_outscal_sflux |
669 |
& , exf_outscal_ustress |
670 |
& , exf_outscal_vstress |
671 |
& , exf_outscal_swflux |
672 |
& , exf_outscal_sst |
673 |
& , exf_outscal_sss |
674 |
& , exf_outscal_apressure |
675 |
& , exf_outscal_areamask |
676 |
677 |
678 |
c-- set dummy dimension 1 |
679 |
INTEGER exf_interp_bufferSize |
680 |
PARAMETER( exf_interp_bufferSize = 1 ) |
681 |
682 |
683 |
684 |
C To read input data without dynamical allocation (EXF_INTERP_USE_DYNALLOC undef), |
685 |
C buffer size currently set to 65000 (allows to read-in a 1x1 global data set) |
686 |
C Increase to 140000 to accommodate for ECMWF-INTERIM |
687 |
INTEGER exf_interp_bufferSize |
688 |
PARAMETER( exf_interp_bufferSize = 140000 ) |
689 |
c for lat interpolation, arraysize currently set to 1279 max data values |
690 |
c to accomodate ECMWF operational analysis |
691 |
692 |
693 |
694 |
C-- Interpolation parameters (for each input field): |
695 |
C {inputField}_lon0 :: longitude of the 1rst point (South-East corner) |
696 |
C {inputField}_lon_inc :: longitude increment (uniform) |
697 |
C {inputField}_lat0 :: latitude of the 1rst point (South-East corner) |
698 |
C {inputField}_lat_inc :: latitude increment (vector, fct of latitude only) |
699 |
C {inputField}_nlon :: input filed 1rst dim, longitudinal direction |
700 |
C {inputField}_nlat :: input filed 2nd dim, latitudinal direction |
701 |
C {inputField}_interpMethod :: interpolation method: =0 : no interpolation ; |
702 |
C :: =1,11,21 : bilinear ; =2,12,22 : bicubic ; |
703 |
C :: =1,2 for tracer ; =11,12 for U ; =21,22 for V. |
704 |
C- For 2 components vector field: |
705 |
C uvInterp_stress :: interpolate wind-stress u & v components together |
706 |
C uvInterp_wind :: interpolate wind u & v components together |
707 |
C uvInterp_climstr :: interpolate clim stress u & v components together |
708 |
_RL ustress_lon0, ustress_lon_inc |
709 |
_RL ustress_lat0, ustress_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
710 |
INTEGER ustress_nlon, ustress_nlat, ustress_interpMethod |
711 |
_RL vstress_lon0, vstress_lon_inc |
712 |
_RL vstress_lat0, vstress_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
713 |
INTEGER vstress_nlon, vstress_nlat, vstress_interpMethod |
714 |
_RL hflux_lon0, hflux_lon_inc |
715 |
_RL hflux_lat0, hflux_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
716 |
INTEGER hflux_nlon, hflux_nlat, hflux_interpMethod |
717 |
_RL sflux_lon0, sflux_lon_inc |
718 |
_RL sflux_lat0, sflux_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
719 |
INTEGER sflux_nlon, sflux_nlat, sflux_interpMethod |
720 |
_RL swflux_lon0, swflux_lon_inc |
721 |
_RL swflux_lat0, swflux_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
722 |
INTEGER swflux_nlon, swflux_nlat, swflux_interpMethod |
723 |
_RL runoff_lon0, runoff_lon_inc |
724 |
_RL runoff_lat0, runoff_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
725 |
INTEGER runoff_nlon, runoff_nlat, runoff_interpMethod |
726 |
_RL atemp_lon0, atemp_lon_inc |
727 |
_RL atemp_lat0, atemp_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
728 |
INTEGER atemp_nlon, atemp_nlat, atemp_interpMethod |
729 |
_RL aqh_lon0, aqh_lon_inc |
730 |
_RL aqh_lat0, aqh_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
731 |
INTEGER aqh_nlon, aqh_nlat, aqh_interpMethod |
732 |
_RL evap_lon0, evap_lon_inc |
733 |
_RL evap_lat0, evap_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
734 |
INTEGER evap_nlon, evap_nlat, evap_interpMethod |
735 |
_RL precip_lon0, precip_lon_inc |
736 |
_RL precip_lat0, precip_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
737 |
INTEGER precip_nlon, precip_nlat, precip_interpMethod |
738 |
_RL snowprecip_lon0, snowprecip_lon_inc |
739 |
_RL snowprecip_lat0, snowprecip_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
740 |
INTEGER snowprecip_nlon, snowprecip_nlat, snowprecip_interpMethod |
741 |
_RL uwind_lon0, uwind_lon_inc |
742 |
_RL uwind_lat0, uwind_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
743 |
INTEGER uwind_nlon, uwind_nlat, uwind_interpMethod |
744 |
_RL vwind_lon0, vwind_lon_inc |
745 |
_RL vwind_lat0, vwind_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
746 |
INTEGER vwind_nlon, vwind_nlat, vwind_interpMethod |
747 |
_RL wspeed_lon0, wspeed_lon_inc |
748 |
_RL wspeed_lat0, wspeed_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
749 |
INTEGER wspeed_nlon, wspeed_nlat, wspeed_interpMethod |
750 |
_RL lwflux_lon0, lwflux_lon_inc |
751 |
_RL lwflux_lat0, lwflux_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
752 |
INTEGER lwflux_nlon, lwflux_nlat, lwflux_interpMethod |
753 |
_RL swdown_lon0, swdown_lon_inc |
754 |
_RL swdown_lat0, swdown_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
755 |
INTEGER swdown_nlon, swdown_nlat, swdown_interpMethod |
756 |
_RL lwdown_lon0, lwdown_lon_inc |
757 |
_RL lwdown_lat0, lwdown_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
758 |
INTEGER lwdown_nlon, lwdown_nlat, lwdown_interpMethod |
759 |
_RL apressure_lon0,apressure_lon_inc |
760 |
_RL apressure_lat0,apressure_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
761 |
INTEGER apressure_nlon,apressure_nlat,apressure_interpMethod |
762 |
_RL areamask_lon0,areamask_lon_inc |
763 |
_RL areamask_lat0,areamask_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
764 |
INTEGER areamask_nlon,areamask_nlat,areamask_interpMethod |
765 |
766 |
LOGICAL uvInterp_stress |
767 |
LOGICAL uvInterp_wind |
768 |
LOGICAL uvInterp_climstr |
769 |
770 |
& uvInterp_stress, uvInterp_wind, uvInterp_climstr |
771 |
772 |
773 |
& ustress_lon0, ustress_lon_inc, |
774 |
& ustress_lat0, ustress_lat_inc, |
775 |
& vstress_lon0, vstress_lon_inc, |
776 |
& vstress_lat0, vstress_lat_inc, |
777 |
& hflux_lon0, hflux_lon_inc, |
778 |
& hflux_lat0, hflux_lat_inc, |
779 |
& sflux_lon0, sflux_lon_inc, |
780 |
& sflux_lat0, sflux_lat_inc, |
781 |
& swflux_lon0, swflux_lon_inc, |
782 |
& swflux_lat0, swflux_lat_inc, |
783 |
& runoff_lon0, runoff_lon_inc, |
784 |
& runoff_lat0, runoff_lat_inc, |
785 |
& atemp_lon0, atemp_lon_inc, |
786 |
& atemp_lat0, atemp_lat_inc, |
787 |
& aqh_lon0, aqh_lon_inc, |
788 |
& aqh_lat0, aqh_lat_inc, |
789 |
& evap_lon0, evap_lon_inc, |
790 |
& evap_lat0, evap_lat_inc, |
791 |
& precip_lon0, precip_lon_inc, |
792 |
& precip_lat0, precip_lat_inc, |
793 |
& snowprecip_lon0, snowprecip_lon_inc, |
794 |
& snowprecip_lat0, snowprecip_lat_inc, |
795 |
& uwind_lon0, uwind_lon_inc, |
796 |
& uwind_lat0, uwind_lat_inc, |
797 |
& vwind_lon0, vwind_lon_inc, |
798 |
& vwind_lat0, vwind_lat_inc, |
799 |
& wspeed_lon0, wspeed_lon_inc, |
800 |
& wspeed_lat0, wspeed_lat_inc, |
801 |
& lwflux_lon0, lwflux_lon_inc, |
802 |
& lwflux_lat0, lwflux_lat_inc, |
803 |
& swdown_lon0, swdown_lon_inc, |
804 |
& swdown_lat0, swdown_lat_inc, |
805 |
& lwdown_lon0, lwdown_lon_inc, |
806 |
& lwdown_lat0, lwdown_lat_inc, |
807 |
& apressure_lon0,apressure_lon_inc, |
808 |
& apressure_lat0,apressure_lat_inc, |
809 |
& areamask_lon0,areamask_lon_inc, |
810 |
& areamask_lat0,areamask_lat_inc |
811 |
812 |
813 |
& ustress_nlon, ustress_nlat, ustress_interpMethod, |
814 |
& vstress_nlon, vstress_nlat, vstress_interpMethod, |
815 |
& hflux_nlon, hflux_nlat, hflux_interpMethod, |
816 |
& sflux_nlon, sflux_nlat, sflux_interpMethod, |
817 |
& swflux_nlon, swflux_nlat, swflux_interpMethod, |
818 |
& runoff_nlon, runoff_nlat, runoff_interpMethod, |
819 |
& atemp_nlon, atemp_nlat, atemp_interpMethod, |
820 |
& aqh_nlon, aqh_nlat, aqh_interpMethod, |
821 |
& evap_nlon, evap_nlat, evap_interpMethod, |
822 |
& precip_nlon, precip_nlat, precip_interpMethod, |
823 |
& snowprecip_nlon, snowprecip_nlat, snowprecip_interpMethod, |
824 |
& uwind_nlon, uwind_nlat, uwind_interpMethod, |
825 |
& vwind_nlon, vwind_nlat, vwind_interpMethod, |
826 |
& wspeed_nlon, wspeed_nlat, wspeed_interpMethod, |
827 |
& lwflux_nlon, lwflux_nlat, lwflux_interpMethod, |
828 |
& swdown_nlon, swdown_nlat, swdown_interpMethod, |
829 |
& lwdown_nlon, lwdown_nlat, lwdown_interpMethod, |
830 |
& apressure_nlon,apressure_nlat,apressure_interpMethod, |
831 |
& areamask_nlon,areamask_nlat,areamask_interpMethod |
832 |
833 |
_RL climsst_lon0, climsst_lon_inc |
834 |
_RL climsst_lat0, climsst_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
835 |
INTEGER climsst_nlon, climsst_nlat, climsst_interpMethod |
836 |
_RL climsss_lon0, climsss_lon_inc |
837 |
_RL climsss_lat0, climsss_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
838 |
INTEGER climsss_nlon, climsss_nlat, climsss_interpMethod |
839 |
_RL climustr_lon0, climustr_lon_inc |
840 |
_RL climustr_lat0, climustr_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
841 |
INTEGER climustr_nlon, climustr_nlat, climustr_interpMethod |
842 |
_RL climvstr_lon0, climvstr_lon_inc |
843 |
_RL climvstr_lat0, climvstr_lat_inc(MAX_LAT_INC) |
844 |
INTEGER climvstr_nlon, climvstr_nlat, climvstr_interpMethod |
845 |
846 |
847 |
& climsst_lon0, climsst_lon_inc, |
848 |
& climsst_lat0, climsst_lat_inc, |
849 |
& climsss_lon0, climsss_lon_inc, |
850 |
& climsss_lat0, climsss_lat_inc, |
851 |
& climustr_lon0, climustr_lon_inc, |
852 |
& climustr_lat0, climustr_lat_inc, |
853 |
& climvstr_lon0, climvstr_lon_inc, |
854 |
& climvstr_lat0, climvstr_lat_inc, |
855 |
& climsst_nlon, climsst_nlat, climsst_interpMethod, |
856 |
& climsss_nlon, climsss_nlat, climsss_interpMethod, |
857 |
& climustr_nlon, climustr_nlat, climustr_interpMethod, |
858 |
& climvstr_nlon, climvstr_nlat, climvstr_interpMethod |
859 |
860 |