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Contents of /MITgcm/eesupp/inc/DFILE.h

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Revision 1.6 - (show annotations) (download)
Sat Jan 16 22:36:39 2010 UTC (15 years, 1 month ago) by jmc
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.5: +2 -2 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
remove unused old IO S/R "DFILE"

1 C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/eesupp/inc/DFILE.h,v 1.5 2001/02/04 14:38:41 cnh Exp $
2 C $Name: $
4 #ifdef USE_DFILE
6 C /==========================================================\
7 C | DFILE.h |
8 C |==========================================================|
9 C | Header file for binary dump file I/O structures. |
10 C \==========================================================/
11 C Compile time constants
12 C ioUnitsPerThread - Number of ioUnits allowed
13 C busyUnit - Status flag. Indicates whether unit
14 C freeUnit is open
15 C accessModeRO - Read-only v. read-write flag
16 C accessModeRW
17 C errorModeSTOP - Indicates action on I/O error
18 C errorModeCONT
19 INTEGER ioUnitsPerThread
20 PARAMETER ( ioUnitsPerThread = 1 )
21 INTEGER busyUnit
22 PARAMETER ( busyUnit = 0 )
23 INTEGER freeUnit
24 PARAMETER ( freeUnit = 1 )
25 INTEGER accessModeRO
26 PARAMETER ( accessModeRO = 0 )
27 INTEGER accessModeRW
28 PARAMETER ( accessModeRW = 1 )
29 INTEGER errorModeSTOP
30 PARAMETER ( errorModeSTOP = 0 )
31 INTEGER errorModeCONT
32 PARAMETER ( errorModeCONT = 1 )
33 INTEGER metaDataNotWritten
34 PARAMETER ( metaDataNotWritten = 0 )
35 INTEGER metaDataWritten
36 PARAMETER ( metaDataWritten = 1 )
38 C mUnit - Fortran unit number for metafile
39 C dUnit - Fortran unit number for data
40 C unitStatus - Busy/Free status flag
41 C nameOfMFile - Name of metadata file used in I/O
42 C nameOfDFile - Name of data file used in I/O
43 C accessMode - Access mode that was set when this unit was opened.
44 C Access mode is either read-only or
45 C read-write.
46 C errorMode - Error mode that was set when this unit was opened.
47 C Error mode is either STOP on error which means the
48 C program halts or continue or error. For continue
49 C error the program usually tries to write an error
50 C message to stderr. Howeever, the most common cause for
51 C an IO error is a full disk in which case that
52 C error message may be lost!
53 C theAcessMode - The current acces mode. This will be the mode
54 C associated with a file that is opened.
55 C theErrorMode - The current error mode. This will be the mode
56 C associated with a file that is opened.
57 COMMON /DFILE_I/ mUnitNumber, dUnitNumber, unitStatus,
58 & accessMode, errorMode,
59 & theAccessMode, theErrorMode, metaDataStatus
60 INTEGER mUnitNumber(ioUnitsPerThread,MAX_NO_THREADS)
61 INTEGER dUnitNumber(ioUnitsPerThread,MAX_NO_THREADS)
62 INTEGER unitStatus (ioUnitsPerThread,MAX_NO_THREADS)
63 INTEGER accessMode (ioUnitsPerThread,MAX_NO_THREADS)
64 INTEGER errorMode (ioUnitsPerThread,MAX_NO_THREADS)
65 INTEGER metaDataStatus(ioUnitsPerThread,MAX_NO_THREADS)
66 INTEGER theAccessMode
67 INTEGER theErrorMode
69 C nameOfMFile - Name of metadata file used in I/O
70 C nameOfDFile - Name of data file used in I/O
71 COMMON /DFILE_C/ nameOfMfile, nameOfDfile
73 & nameOfMfile(ioUnitsPerThread,MAX_NO_THREADS)
75 & nameOfDfile(ioUnitsPerThread,MAX_NO_THREADS)
77 C ioBuf_R4 - IO buffer for 32-bit floating point IO.
78 C Sized to fit anything up to a global domain 3d field.
79 C ( but without overlaps )
80 C ioBuf_R8 - IO buffer for 64-bit floating point IO.
81 C Sized to fit anything up to a global domain 3d field.
82 C ( but without overlaps )
84 & ioBuf_R8, ioBuf_R4
85 Real*8 ioBuf_R8( sNx*nSx*nPx * sNy*nSy*nPy * Nr )
86 Real*4 ioBuf_R4( sNx*nSx*nPx * sNy*nSy*nPy * Nr )
88 #endif /* USE_DFILE */

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