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Log of /MITgcm/eesupp/inc/CPP_EEMACROS.h

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Revision 1.5 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Fri Sep 21 03:54:35 2001 UTC (23 years, 4 months ago) by cnh
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: branch-exfmods-tag, branchpoint-genmake2, checkpoint41, checkpoint42, checkpoint43, checkpoint43a-release1mods, checkpoint44, checkpoint44b_post, checkpoint44b_pre, checkpoint44e_post, checkpoint44e_pre, checkpoint44f_post, checkpoint44f_pre, checkpoint44g_post, checkpoint44h_post, checkpoint44h_pre, checkpoint45, checkpoint45a_post, checkpoint45b_post, checkpoint45c_post, checkpoint45d_post, checkpoint46, checkpoint46a_post, checkpoint46a_pre, checkpoint46b_post, checkpoint46b_pre, checkpoint46c_post, checkpoint46c_pre, checkpoint46d_post, checkpoint46d_pre, checkpoint46e_post, checkpoint46e_pre, checkpoint46f_post, checkpoint46g_post, checkpoint46g_pre, checkpoint46h_post, checkpoint46h_pre, checkpoint46i_post, checkpoint46j_post, checkpoint46j_pre, checkpoint46k_post, checkpoint46l_post, checkpoint46l_pre, checkpoint46m_post, checkpoint46n_post, checkpoint47, checkpoint47a_post, checkpoint47b_post, checkpoint47c_post, checkpoint47d_post, checkpoint47d_pre, checkpoint47e_post, checkpoint47f_post, checkpoint47g_post, checkpoint47h_post, checkpoint47i_post, checkpoint47j_post, checkpoint48, checkpoint48a_post, checkpoint48b_post, checkpoint48c_post, checkpoint48c_pre, checkpoint48d_post, checkpoint48d_pre, checkpoint48e_post, checkpoint48f_post, checkpoint48g_post, checkpoint48h_post, checkpoint48i_post, checkpoint49, checkpoint50, checkpoint50a_post, checkpoint50b_post, checkpoint50b_pre, checkpoint50c_post, checkpoint50c_pre, checkpoint50d_post, checkpoint50d_pre, checkpoint50e_post, checkpoint50e_pre, checkpoint50f_post, checkpoint50f_pre, checkpoint50g_post, checkpoint50h_post, checkpoint50i_post, checkpoint51, checkpoint51a_post, checkpoint51b_post, checkpoint51b_pre, checkpoint51c_post, checkpoint51d_post, checkpoint51e_post, checkpoint51f_post, checkpoint51f_pre, checkpoint51g_post, checkpoint51h_pre, checkpoint51i_post, checkpoint51i_pre, checkpoint51j_post, checkpoint51k_post, checkpoint51l_post, checkpoint51l_pre, checkpoint51m_post, checkpoint51n_post, checkpoint51n_pre, checkpoint51o_post, checkpoint51o_pre, checkpoint51p_post, checkpoint51q_post, checkpoint51r_post, checkpoint51s_post, checkpoint51t_post, checkpoint51u_post, checkpoint52, chkpt44a_post, chkpt44a_pre, chkpt44c_post, chkpt44c_pre, chkpt44d_post, ecco-branch-mod1, ecco-branch-mod2, ecco-branch-mod3, ecco-branch-mod4, ecco-branch-mod5, ecco_c44_e16, ecco_c44_e17, ecco_c44_e18, ecco_c44_e19, ecco_c44_e20, ecco_c44_e21, ecco_c44_e22, ecco_c44_e23, ecco_c44_e24, ecco_c44_e25, ecco_c44_e26, ecco_c44_e27, ecco_c50_e28, ecco_c50_e29, ecco_c50_e30, ecco_c50_e31, ecco_c50_e32, ecco_c50_e33, ecco_c50_e33a, ecco_c51_e34, ecco_c51_e34a, ecco_c51_e34b, ecco_c51_e34c, ecco_c51_e34d, ecco_c51_e34e, ecco_c51_e34f, ecco_c51_e34g, ecco_c52_e35, ecco_ice1, ecco_ice2, icebear2, icebear3, icebear4, icebear5, release1-branch-end, release1-branch_branchpoint, release1-branch_tutorials, release1_b1, release1_beta1, release1_chkpt44d_post, release1_final_v1, release1_p1, release1_p10, release1_p11, release1_p12, release1_p12_pre, release1_p13, release1_p13_pre, release1_p14, release1_p15, release1_p16, release1_p17, release1_p2, release1_p3, release1_p4, release1_p5, release1_p6, release1_p7, release1_p8, release1_p9
Branch point for: branch-exfmods-curt, branch-genmake2, branch-nonh, c24_e25_ice, checkpoint51n_branch, ecco-branch, icebear, release1, release1-branch, release1_50yr, release1_coupled, release1_final, tg2-branch
Changes since 1.4: +15 -9 lines
Diff to previous 1.4
Starting to bring comments up to date and format comments
for document extraction of "prototypes".

Revision 1.4 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Tue May 29 14:01:35 2001 UTC (23 years, 8 months ago) by adcroft
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: checkpoint40, checkpoint40pre1, checkpoint40pre2, checkpoint40pre3, checkpoint40pre4, checkpoint40pre5, checkpoint40pre6, checkpoint40pre7, checkpoint40pre8, checkpoint40pre9
Changes since 1.3: +31 -26 lines
Diff to previous 1.3
Merge from branch pre38:
 o essential mods for cubed sphere
 o debugged atmosphere, dynamcis + physics (aim)
 o new packages (mom_vecinv, mom_fluxform, ...)

Revision 1.3 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Mon May 14 21:31:41 2001 UTC (23 years, 9 months ago) by heimbach
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: checkpoint39
Changes since 1.2: +8 -2 lines
Diff to previous 1.2
Modifications to enable xz-, yz-exchanges.

Revision 1.2 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Sun Feb 4 14:38:41 2001 UTC (24 years ago) by cnh
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: c37_adj, checkpoint35, checkpoint36, checkpoint37, checkpoint38
Branch point for: pre38
Changes since 1.1: +2 -1 lines
Diff to previous 1.1
Made sure each .F and .h file had
the CVS keywords Header and Name at its start.
Most had header but very few currently have Name, so
lots of changes!

Revision 1.1 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Wed Apr 5 15:23:20 2000 UTC (24 years, 10 months ago) by adcroft
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: branch-atmos-merge-freeze, branch-atmos-merge-phase1, branch-atmos-merge-phase2, branch-atmos-merge-phase3, branch-atmos-merge-phase4, branch-atmos-merge-phase5, branch-atmos-merge-phase6, branch-atmos-merge-phase7, branch-atmos-merge-shapiro, branch-atmos-merge-start, branch-atmos-merge-zonalfilt, checkpoint26, checkpoint27, checkpoint28, checkpoint29, checkpoint30, checkpoint31, checkpoint32, checkpoint33, checkpoint34
Branch point for: branch-atmos-merge
Split old style CPP_EEOPTIONS.h into two files:

  CPP_EEOPTIONS.h  now contains CPP flags (defines) only
  CPP_EEMACROS.h   contains the macros that are functions of the above flags

The old CPP_EEOPTIONS.h was getting to big and because each experiment
and platform has it's own version it was becoming unmanagable.

Note: Depending on the particular version of cpp, using the old style
CPP_EEOPTIONS.h can still work.

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