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Apr 03, 2010 |
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1) add diagnostics for KPP non-local flux of Temp, Salt and pTracers |
4 |
(respectively: KPPg_TH, KPPg_SLT and KPPgTrXX for tracer number XX) |
5 |
This allows to close the tracer budget when using KPP. |
6 |
7 |
2) Change the diagnostic for KPP non-local term: |
8 |
name: description: |
9 |
KPPghat Nonlocal transport coefficient (s/m^2) |
10 |
(correspond to KPP ghat field, from which the non-local |
11 |
flux of tracer (T,S,pTr) is computed, as the product of |
12 |
ghat , KPPdiffKz and surface flux.) |
13 |
replaced by: |
14 |
KPPghatK ratio of KPP non-local (salt) flux relative to surface-flux |
15 |
(correspond to the product: KPP_ghat * KPPdiffKzS |
16 |
which gives the fraction of the the surface flux of Salt |
17 |
that KPP return as non local flux; also valid for any passive |
18 |
tracer, but could be different for Temp., see comment below) |
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comments (from mitgcm-devel list): |
21 |
I was also tempted to replace the KPPghat diagnostics |
22 |
with something more useful which incorporates the KPPdiffKz: |
23 |
Since it is the product KPPghat*KPPdiffKz which matters, |
24 |
and given that short time variations of both (which have no |
25 |
reason not to be correlated) can be significant, |
26 |
the product of the 2 time-ave is very likely to be quiet |
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far from the time-ave of the product. |
28 |
It has also the advantage of a simpler interpretation: |
29 |
the product is just the fraction of the surface flux which is |
30 |
treated as non local (no unit, instead of this funny s/m^2 |
31 |
for KPPghat). |
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Then I would propose to just pick one KPPdiffKz (for instance, |
34 |
KPPdiffKzS for salinity, since it's also used for Ptracers), |
35 |
and have only 1 diag: "KPPghatK" for KPPghat*KPPdiffKzS (no unit). |
36 |
37 |
For temperature (KPPghat*KPPdiffKzT), it's probably not too different |
38 |
from the one computed for salinity (might be in fact a better |
39 |
time-ave value that what we have now, for the reason above). |
40 |
And to get a precise diagnostic of KPP-non-local effect |
41 |
on temperature, there would be this new diagnostic directly from |
42 |
kpp_transport_t.F (which can be used to close a Temp. budget). |
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Jun 21, 2009 |
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Some redundancies and relations for model diagnostics: |
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48 |
1) Qnet = QNETtave = - oceQnet = SIqnet |
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2) For open-ocean, i.e., when there is no sea ice: |
51 |
Qnet = QNETtave = - oceQnet = SIqnet = EXFqnet = SIqneto = SIatmQnt |
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3) EXFqnet = EXFlwnet + EXFswnet - EXFhl - EXFhs |
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4) Qsw = QSWtave = - oceQsw = SIqsw |
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5) For open-ocean, i.e., when there is no sea ice: |
58 |
Qsw = QSWtave = - oceQsw = SIqsw = EXFswnet |
59 |
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6) EmPmR = EmPmRtave = -oceFWflx = SIempmr |
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Nov 19, 2006 (after tag checkpoint58r_post) |
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I) Some diagnostics have been renamed (essentially, to better |
67 |
match the content): |
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69 |
1) name: description (oceanic set-up): |
70 |
PRESSURE Cell-Center Height |
71 |
replaced by: |
72 |
RCENTER Cell-Center Height |
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74 |
2) name: description (oceanic set-up): |
75 |
TICE heat from melt/freeze of sea-ice, >0 increases theta |
76 |
replaced by: |
77 |
oceFreez heating from freezing of sea-water (allowFreezing=T) |
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3) name: description (oceanic set-up): |
80 |
TAUX zonal surface wind stress, >0 increases uVel |
81 |
TAUY meridional surf. wind stress, >0 increases vVel |
82 |
replaced by: |
83 |
oceTAUX zonal surface wind stress, >0 increases uVel |
84 |
oceTAUY meridional surf. wind stress, >0 increases vVel |
85 |
86 |
4) name: description (oceanic set-up): |
87 |
SWFLUX net upward SW radiation, >0 increases theta |
88 |
replaced by: |
89 |
oceQsw net Short-Wave radiation (+=down), >0 increases theta |
90 |
91 |
5) name: description (oceanic set-up): |
92 |
DIFx_TH Zonal Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature |
93 |
DIFy_TH Meridional Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature |
94 |
replaced by: |
95 |
DFxE_TH Zonal Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature |
96 |
DFyE_TH Meridional Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature |
97 |
98 |
6) name: description (oceanic set-up): |
99 |
DIFx_SLT Zonal Diffusive Flux of Salinity |
100 |
DIFy_SLT Meridional Diffusive Flux of Salinity |
101 |
replaced by: |
102 |
DFxE_SLT Zonal Diffusive Flux of Salinity |
103 |
DFyE_SLT Meridional Diffusive Flux of Salinity |
104 |
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II) Change description of existing diagnostics: |
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name: old description (oceanic set-up): |
109 |
TFLUX net surface heat flux, >0 increases theta |
110 |
SFLUX net surface salt flux, >0 increases salt |
111 |
name: new description (oceanic set-up): |
112 |
TFLUX total heat flux (match heat-content variations), >0 increases theta |
113 |
SFLUX total salt flux (match salt-content variations), >0 increases salt |
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III) New diagnostics have been added: |
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name: description (oceanic set-up): |
119 |
atmPload Atmospheric pressure loading |
120 |
sIceLoad sea-ice loading (in Mass of ice+snow / area unit) |
121 |
oceQnet net surface heat flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 increases theta |
122 |
oceFWflx net surface Fresh-Water flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 decreases salinity |
123 |
oceSflux net surface Salt flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 increases salinity |
124 |
surForcT model surface forcing for Temperature, >0 increases theta |
125 |
surForcS model surface forcing for Salinity, >0 increases salinity |
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Relation between surForcT,surForcS and others surface forcing diagnostics: |
129 |
[x] = average of model variable "x" over the diagnostic time interval |
130 |
131 |
a) if useRealFreshWaterFlux=F or (nonlinFreeSurf=0 & usingZCoords=T) |
132 |
surForcT = oceQnet + TRELAX - oceQsw |
133 |
surForcS = oceSflux + SRELAX - [PmEpR*So] |
134 |
(with So = local Sea-Surface Salinity (SSS) if convertFW2Salt=-1 |
135 |
and So = convertFW2Salt otherwise) |
136 |
oceFWflx = [PmEpR] |
137 |
TFLUX = surForcT + oceQsw + oceFreez |
138 |
SFLUX = surForcS |
139 |
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b) if useRealFreshWaterFlux=T & (nonlinFreeSurf>0 or usingPCoords=T), |
141 |
In general: |
142 |
surForcT = oceQnet + TRELAX - oceQsw + [T_dilution_effect]*Cp |
143 |
surForcS = oceSflux + SRELAX + [S_dilution_effect] |
144 |
where T_dilution_effect = PmEpR*( temp_EvPrRn - SST ) |
145 |
and S_dilution_effect = PmEpR*( salt_EvPrRn - SSS ) |
146 |
oceFWflx = [PmEpR] |
147 |
TFLUX = surForcT + oceQsw + oceFreez + [PmEpR*SST]*Cp |
148 |
SFLUX = surForcS + [PmEpR*SSS] |
149 |
150 |
And with the default value: salt_EvPrRn=0. & temp_EvPrRn=UNSET_RL |
151 |
(=> no dilution effect on Temp.): |
152 |
surForcT = oceQnet + TRELAX - oceQsw |
153 |
surForcS = oceSflux + SRELAX - [PmEpR*SSS] |
154 |
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Notes: |
156 |
1) here PmEpR is assumed to be the fresh-water mass flux |
157 |
per surface area [units: kg/m^2/s] whereas the model variable |
158 |
EmPmR is still a volume flux per surface area [units: m/s]. |
159 |
2) with Linear Free surface (nonlinFreeSurf=0), the term |
160 |
corresponding to w_surface*SST,SSS is missing in TFLUX,SFLUX |
161 |
[might be added later ?] to match exactly the Heat and Salt |
162 |
budget evolution. |
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