Vorticity Balance in the ECCO Global WOCE Synthesis Y. Lu and D. Stammer for the ECCO Consortium. From an ocean model that was constrained by WOCE data sets as part of the NOPP-funded ECCO assimilation project, we analyze the barotropic vorticity budget of the global ocean. For the depth-integrated circulation, it is found that the bottom pressure torque (BPT) dominates over the curl of friction in the western boundary currents and in the Southern Ocean. This important role played by BPT in the dynamics of the western boundary currents and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), as found in this 2 degree-resolution simulation, is consistent with the recent theoretical argument and the analyses of eddy-resolving simulations. In the upper layer of the model, the classical Sverdrup balance holds only in the eastern sub-tropical basins. The vorticity stretching/compressing associated with the vertical velocity is important near western boundary currents and in at high latitudes. In the intermediate layer, the vorticity stretching/compressing associated with vertical motions drive the meridional flow in the interior basins. For the deep ocean, it is the combination of BPT and the vertical velocity that balances the advection of planetary vorticity. The meridional flow in the abyssal ocean is driven by the combined effect of BPT and vertical motions. The simulated abyssal circulation in the interior basins bears little resemblance with the prediction of the Stommel-Arons theory.