#!/bin/csh -f # # Run this script on twain.lcs.mit.edu # # # Script checks out latest manual from CVS # Builds tex, ps, pdf and html # Installs html under http://mitgcm.org/sealion-manual-latest # # Check out the manual setenv CVSROOT /u/u0/gcmpack cd /scratch/cnh/RELEASE1/manual/HEAD \rm -fr /scratch/cnh/RELEASE1/manual/HEAD/* ln -s /scratch/cnh/l2h/bin/latex2html latex2html setenv LATEX2HTMLDIR /scratch/cnh/l2h cvs co -d . -P mitgcmdoc # latex document make tex # create postscript make ps # create pdf make pdf # create html make html # install under http://mitgcm.org/sealion-manual-latest cd manual \rm -fr /u/u0/httpd/html/sealion-manual-latest mkdir /u/u0/httpd/html/sealion-manual-latest tar -cf - . | tcsh -c "cd /u/u0/httpd/html/sealion-manual-latest; tar -xf -" cd /u/u0/httpd/html/sealion-manual-latest # change e-mail link to include section number etc... cp ~cnh/make_mail_subjects* . ./make_mail_subjects.sh