%% %% This is file `ldump.sty', %% %% for creating dumps of LaTeX formats, with all packages %% loaded and most package options activated. %% %% by Ross Moore %% version 1.0 created: 95/09/16 %% %% version 1.1 revised: 97/08/23 %% for compatibility with LaTeX-2e, up to 1997/02/21 %% %% version 1.2 revised: 97/09/25 %% has pre-loading of math-fonts information %% %% version 1.3 revised: 97/10/02 %% relax 2nd + later occurrences of \latexdump %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{ldump} [1997/10/02 v1.3 LaTeX environment dumps] \DeclareOption{nodump}{\AtBeginDocument{\let\dump=\relax}} % % Designed for versions up to {1997/02/21} % % compatibility with version {1994/06/01} % ... \ifx\every@math@size\undefined \let\every@math@size=\every@size \fi % % % compatibility with version {1994/12/01} % ... \ifx\G@refundefinedfalse\undefined \def\G@refundefinedfalse{\let\@refundefined\relax}\fi \ifx\@multiplelabelsfalse\undefined \def\@multiplelabelsfalse{\let\@multiplelabels\relax}\fi % % % This is the replacement for \document % \def\ldump@document{\endgroup \ifx\@unusedoptionlist\@empty\else \@latex@warning@no@line{Unused global option(s):^^J% \@spaces[\@unusedoptionlist]}% \fi \@colht\textheight \@colroom\textheight \vsize\textheight \columnwidth\textwidth \@clubpenalty\clubpenalty \if@twocolumn \advance\columnwidth -\columnsep \divide\columnwidth\tw@ \hsize\columnwidth \@firstcolumntrue \fi \hsize\columnwidth \linewidth\hsize % % Check the fonts now if there's no \latexdump command % Nevertheless there is a 2nd check later for % any new fonts added subsequently. % \ifx\has@ldump\relax\else\expandafter\process@table\fi % % copy the reference to \@begindocumenthook % empty \@begindocumenthook and use the copy. % kill them both when done. % \let\@begindocumenthook@=\@begindocumenthook %%% Why \global ? (versions 1995+ ) \global\let\@begindocumenthook\@empty \@begindocumenthook@ %%% Why \global ? (versions 1995+ ) \global\let\@begindocumenthook\@undefined \let\@begindocumenthook@\@undefined % \begingroup\@floatplacement\@dblfloatplacement \makeatletter\let\@writefile\@gobbletwo %% \global \let \@multiplelabels \relax \global\@multiplelabelsfalse \@input{\jobname.aux}% \endgroup \if@filesw \immediate\openout\@mainaux\jobname.aux \immediate\write\@mainaux{\relax}% \fi % % 2nd font check if there's no \latexdump command % \ifx\has@ldump\relax\else\expandafter\process@table\fi % \let\glb@currsize\@empty %% Force math initialisation. \normalsize \the\every@math@size \everypar{}% %% %% this part is for compatibility with a %% patchlevel of LaTeX (1997/02/21) %%%%%%%%%% \ifx\normalsfcodes\@empty \ifnum\sfcode`\.=\@m \let\normalsfcodes\frenchspacing \else \let\normalsfcodes\nonfrenchspacing \fi \fi %%%%%%%%%% \@noskipsecfalse %% \let \@refundefined \relax \G@refundefinedfalse \let\AtBeginDocument\@firstofone % % execute the code in \@fterbegindocumenthook % then kill the hook % %% \@begindocumenthook %%% Why \global ? (versions 1995+ ) %% \global\let\@begindocumenthook\@undefined \@fterbegindocumenthook %%% Why \global ? (versions 1995+ ) \global\let\@fterbegindocumenthook\@undefined % % \ifdim\topskip<1sp \global\topskip1sp\relax\fi \ifx\@maxdepth\undefined \else \global\@maxdepth\maxdepth \fi % \ifx\@listfiles\@undefined \global\let\@filelist\relax \global\let\@addtofilelist\@gobble \fi %%% Why \global ? (version (1997/02/21) ) \gdef\do##1{\global\let ##1\@notprerr}% \@preamblecmds \global\let \@nodocument \relax \global\let\do\noexpand \ignorespaces} % % establish the hook, and its user-interface. % \let\@fterbegindocumenthook=\@empty \def\AfterBeginDocument{\g@addto@macro\@fterbegindocumenthook} % % % This is the replacement for |\documentclass| on reruns... % \long\def\ldump@skiptobegin#1\latexdump{% \let\latexdump=\relax} % % ...and this installs it all on the first run % \def\latexdump{% \let\has@ldump=\relax \let\latexdump=\relax \let\document=\ldump@document \let\documentclass=\ldump@skiptobegin \let\documentstyle=\ldump@skiptobegin \ifx\AtBeginDocument\@notprerr\expandafter\dump \else \AtBeginDocument{\ldump@checkfonts\csname dump\endcsname}% \AfterBeginDocument{}% \fi } % % This initiates the main font-loading, just prior to \dump % \def\ldump@checkfonts{\process@table \let\cdp@list=\@empty \check@mathfonts\relax } % % % \@onlypreamble\ldump@skiptobegin \@onlypreamble\ldump@document \@onlypreamble\latexdump \@onlypreamble\ldump@checkfonts % % \ProcessOptions* \endinput %% %% End of file `ldump.sty'.