% $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/manual/s_phys_pkgs/text/exch2.tex,v 1.3 2004/01/29 15:39:49 afe Exp $ % $Name: $ %% * Introduction %% o what it does, citations (refs go into mitgcm_manual.bib, %% preferably in alphabetic order) %% o Equations %% * Key subroutines and parameters %% * Reference material (auto generated from Protex and structured comments) %% o automatically inserted at \section{Reference} \section{exch2: Extended Cubed Sphere Exchange} \label{sec:exch2} \subsection{Introduction} The exch2 package is an extension to the original cubed sphere exchanges to allow more flexible domain decomposition and parallelization. Cube faces (subdomain) may be divided into whatever number of tiles that divide evenly into the grid point dimensions of the subdomain. Furthermore, the individual tiles may be run on different processors in any combination, (tone this down a bit), and whether exchanges between particular tiles occur between different processors is decided at runtime. \subsection{Key Routines} \subsection{References}