% $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/manual/s_getstarted/text/getting_started.tex,v 1.24 2004/04/09 15:06:18 edhill Exp $ % $Name: $ %\section{Getting started} In this section, we describe how to use the model. In the first section, we provide enough information to help you get started with the model. We believe the best way to familiarize yourself with the model is to run the case study examples provided with the base version. Information on how to obtain, compile, and run the code is found there as well as a brief description of the model structure directory and the case study examples. The latter and the code structure are described more fully in chapters \ref{chap:discretization} and \ref{chap:sarch}, respectively. Here, in this section, we provide information on how to customize the code when you are ready to try implementing the configuration you have in mind. \section{Where to find information} \label{sect:whereToFindInfo} A web site is maintained for release 2 (``Pelican'') of MITgcm: \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} \begin{verbatim} http://mitgcm.org/pelican \end{verbatim} \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} Here you will find an on-line version of this document, a ``browsable'' copy of the code and a searchable database of the model and site, as well as links for downloading the model and documentation, to data-sources, and other related sites. There is also a web-archived support mailing list for the model that you can email at \texttt{MITgcm-support@mitgcm.org} or browse at: \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} \begin{verbatim} http://mitgcm.org/mailman/listinfo/mitgcm-support/ http://mitgcm.org/pipermail/mitgcm-support/ \end{verbatim} \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} Essentially all of the MITgcm web pages can be searched using a popular web crawler such as Google or through our own search facility: \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} \begin{verbatim} http://mitgcm.org/htdig/ \end{verbatim} \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} %%% http://www.google.com/search?q=hydrostatic+site%3Amitgcm.org \section{Obtaining the code} \label{sect:obtainingCode} MITgcm can be downloaded from our system by following the instructions below. As a courtesy we ask that you send e-mail to us at \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} MITgcm-support@mitgcm.org \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} to enable us to keep track of who's using the model and in what application. You can download the model two ways: \begin{enumerate} \item Using CVS software. CVS is a freely available source code management tool. To use CVS you need to have the software installed. Many systems come with CVS pre-installed, otherwise good places to look for the software for a particular platform are \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} cvshome.org \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} and \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} wincvs.org \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} . \item Using a tar file. This method is simple and does not require any special software. However, this method does not provide easy support for maintenance updates. \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Checkout from CVS} \label{sect:cvs_checkout} If CVS is available on your system, we strongly encourage you to use it. CVS provides an efficient and elegant way of organizing your code and keeping track of your changes. If CVS is not available on your machine, you can also download a tar file. Before you can use CVS, the following environment variable(s) should be set within your shell. For a csh or tcsh shell, put the following \begin{verbatim} % setenv CVSROOT :pserver:cvsanon@mitgcm.org:/u/gcmpack \end{verbatim} in your .cshrc or .tcshrc file. For bash or sh shells, put: \begin{verbatim} % export CVSROOT=':pserver:cvsanon@mitgcm.org:/u/gcmpack' \end{verbatim} in your \texttt{.profile} or \texttt{.bashrc} file. To get MITgcm through CVS, first register with the MITgcm CVS server using command: \begin{verbatim} % cvs login ( CVS password: cvsanon ) \end{verbatim} You only need to do a ``cvs login'' once. To obtain the latest sources type: \begin{verbatim} % cvs co MITgcm \end{verbatim} or to get a specific release type: \begin{verbatim} % cvs co -P -r checkpoint52i_post MITgcm \end{verbatim} The MITgcm web site contains further directions concerning the source code and CVS. It also contains a web interface to our CVS archive so that one may easily view the state of files, revisions, and other development milestones: \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} \begin{verbatim} http://mitgcm.org/source_code.html \end{verbatim} \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} As a convenience, the MITgcm CVS server contains aliases which are named subsets of the codebase. These aliases can be especially helpful when used over slow internet connections or on machines with restricted storage space. Table \ref{tab:cvsModules} contains a list of CVS aliases \begin{table}[htb] \centering \begin{tabular}[htb]{|lp{3.25in}|}\hline \textbf{Alias Name} & \textbf{Information (directories) Contained} \\\hline \texttt{MITgcm\_code} & Only the source code -- none of the verification examples. \\ \texttt{MITgcm\_verif\_basic} & Source code plus a small set of the verification examples (\texttt{global\_ocean.90x40x15}, \texttt{aim.5l\_cs}, \texttt{hs94.128x64x5}, \texttt{front\_relax}, and \texttt{plume\_on\_slope}). \\ \texttt{MITgcm\_verif\_atmos} & Source code plus all of the atmospheric examples. \\ \texttt{MITgcm\_verif\_ocean} & Source code plus all of the oceanic examples. \\ \texttt{MITgcm\_verif\_all} & Source code plus all of the verification examples. \\\hline \end{tabular} \caption{MITgcm CVS Modules} \label{tab:cvsModules} \end{table} The checkout process creates a directory called \textit{MITgcm}. If the directory \textit{MITgcm} exists this command updates your code based on the repository. Each directory in the source tree contains a directory \textit{CVS}. This information is required by CVS to keep track of your file versions with respect to the repository. Don't edit the files in \textit{CVS}! You can also use CVS to download code updates. More extensive information on using CVS for maintaining MITgcm code can be found \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} here \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} . It is important to note that the CVS aliases in Table \ref{tab:cvsModules} cannot be used in conjunction with the CVS \texttt{-d DIRNAME} option. However, the \texttt{MITgcm} directories they create can be changed to a different name following the check-out: \begin{verbatim} % cvs co MITgcm_verif_basic % mv MITgcm MITgcm_verif_basic \end{verbatim} \subsubsection{Conventional download method} \label{sect:conventionalDownload} If you do not have CVS on your system, you can download the model as a tar file from the web site at: \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} \begin{verbatim} http://mitgcm.org/download/ \end{verbatim} \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} The tar file still contains CVS information which we urge you not to delete; even if you do not use CVS yourself the information can help us if you should need to send us your copy of the code. If a recent tar file does not exist, then please contact the developers through the \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} MITgcm-support@mitgcm.org \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} mailing list. \subsubsection{Upgrading from an earlier version} If you already have an earlier version of the code you can ``upgrade'' your copy instead of downloading the entire repository again. First, ``cd'' (change directory) to the top of your working copy: \begin{verbatim} % cd MITgcm \end{verbatim} and then issue the cvs update command such as: \begin{verbatim} % cvs -q update -r checkpoint52i_post -d -P \end{verbatim} This will update the ``tag'' to ``checkpoint52i\_post'', add any new directories (-d) and remove any empty directories (-P). The -q option means be quiet which will reduce the number of messages you'll see in the terminal. If you have modified the code prior to upgrading, CVS will try to merge your changes with the upgrades. If there is a conflict between your modifications and the upgrade, it will report that file with a ``C'' in front, e.g.: \begin{verbatim} C model/src/ini_parms.F \end{verbatim} If the list of conflicts scrolled off the screen, you can re-issue the cvs update command and it will report the conflicts. Conflicts are indicated in the code by the delimites ``$<<<<<<<$'', ``======='' and ``$>>>>>>>$''. For example, {\small \begin{verbatim} <<<<<<< ini_parms.F & bottomDragLinear,myOwnBottomDragCoefficient, ======= & bottomDragLinear,bottomDragQuadratic, >>>>>>> 1.18 \end{verbatim} } means that you added ``myOwnBottomDragCoefficient'' to a namelist at the same time and place that we added ``bottomDragQuadratic''. You need to resolve this conflict and in this case the line should be changed to: {\small \begin{verbatim} & bottomDragLinear,bottomDragQuadratic,myOwnBottomDragCoefficient, \end{verbatim} } and the lines with the delimiters ($<<<<<<$,======,$>>>>>>$) be deleted. Unless you are making modifications which exactly parallel developments we make, these types of conflicts should be rare. \paragraph*{Upgrading to the current pre-release version} We don't make a ``release'' for every little patch and bug fix in order to keep the frequency of upgrades to a minimum. However, if you have run into a problem for which ``we have already fixed in the latest code'' and we haven't made a ``tag'' or ``release'' since that patch then you'll need to get the latest code: \begin{verbatim} % cvs -q update -A -d -P \end{verbatim} Unlike, the ``check-out'' and ``update'' procedures above, there is no ``tag'' or release name. The -A tells CVS to upgrade to the very latest version. As a rule, we don't recommend this since you might upgrade while we are in the processes of checking in the code so that you may only have part of a patch. Using this method of updating also means we can't tell what version of the code you are working with. So please be sure you understand what you're doing. \section{Model and directory structure} The ``numerical'' model is contained within a execution environment support wrapper. This wrapper is designed to provide a general framework for grid-point models. MITgcmUV is a specific numerical model that uses the framework. Under this structure the model is split into execution environment support code and conventional numerical model code. The execution environment support code is held under the \textit{eesupp} directory. The grid point model code is held under the \textit{model} directory. Code execution actually starts in the \textit{eesupp} routines and not in the \textit{model} routines. For this reason the top-level \textit{MAIN.F} is in the \textit{eesupp/src} directory. In general, end-users should not need to worry about this level. The top-level routine for the numerical part of the code is in \textit{model/src/THE\_MODEL\_MAIN.F}. Here is a brief description of the directory structure of the model under the root tree (a detailed description is given in section 3: Code structure). \begin{itemize} \item \textit{bin}: this directory is initially empty. It is the default directory in which to compile the code. \item \textit{diags}: contains the code relative to time-averaged diagnostics. It is subdivided into two subdirectories \textit{inc} and \textit{src} that contain include files (*.\textit{h} files) and Fortran subroutines (*.\textit{F} files), respectively. \item \textit{doc}: contains brief documentation notes. \item \textit{eesupp}: contains the execution environment source code. Also subdivided into two subdirectories \textit{inc} and \textit{src}. \item \textit{exe}: this directory is initially empty. It is the default directory in which to execute the code. \item \textit{model}: this directory contains the main source code. Also subdivided into two subdirectories \textit{inc} and \textit{src}. \item \textit{pkg}: contains the source code for the packages. Each package corresponds to a subdirectory. For example, \textit{gmredi} contains the code related to the Gent-McWilliams/Redi scheme, \textit{aim} the code relative to the atmospheric intermediate physics. The packages are described in detail in section 3. \item \textit{tools}: this directory contains various useful tools. For example, \textit{genmake2} is a script written in csh (C-shell) that should be used to generate your makefile. The directory \textit{adjoint} contains the makefile specific to the Tangent linear and Adjoint Compiler (TAMC) that generates the adjoint code. The latter is described in details in part V. \item \textit{utils}: this directory contains various utilities. The subdirectory \textit{knudsen2} contains code and a makefile that compute coefficients of the polynomial approximation to the knudsen formula for an ocean nonlinear equation of state. The \textit{matlab} subdirectory contains matlab scripts for reading model output directly into matlab. \textit{scripts} contains C-shell post-processing scripts for joining processor-based and tiled-based model output. \item \textit{verification}: this directory contains the model examples. See section \ref{sect:modelExamples}. \end{itemize} \section{Example experiments} \label{sect:modelExamples} %% a set of twenty-four pre-configured numerical experiments The MITgcm distribution comes with more than a dozen pre-configured numerical experiments. Some of these example experiments are tests of individual parts of the model code, but many are fully fledged numerical simulations. A few of the examples are used for tutorial documentation in sections \ref{sect:eg-baro} - \ref{sect:eg-global}. The other examples follow the same general structure as the tutorial examples. However, they only include brief instructions in a text file called {\it README}. The examples are located in subdirectories under the directory \textit{verification}. Each example is briefly described below. \subsection{Full list of model examples} \begin{enumerate} \item \textit{exp0} - single layer, ocean double gyre (barotropic with free-surface). This experiment is described in detail in section \ref{sect:eg-baro}. \item \textit{exp1} - Four layer, ocean double gyre. This experiment is described in detail in section \ref{sect:eg-baroc}. \item \textit{exp2} - 4x4 degree global ocean simulation with steady climatological forcing. This experiment is described in detail in section \ref{sect:eg-global}. \item \textit{exp4} - Flow over a Gaussian bump in open-water or channel with open boundaries. \item \textit{exp5} - Inhomogenously forced ocean convection in a doubly periodic box. \item \textit{front\_relax} - Relaxation of an ocean thermal front (test for Gent/McWilliams scheme). 2D (Y-Z). \item \textit{internal wave} - Ocean internal wave forced by open boundary conditions. \item \textit{natl\_box} - Eastern subtropical North Atlantic with KPP scheme; 1 month integration \item \textit{hs94.1x64x5} - Zonal averaged atmosphere using Held and Suarez '94 forcing. \item \textit{hs94.128x64x5} - 3D atmosphere dynamics using Held and Suarez '94 forcing. \item \textit{hs94.cs-32x32x5} - 3D atmosphere dynamics using Held and Suarez '94 forcing on the cubed sphere. \item \textit{aim.5l\_zon-ave} - Intermediate Atmospheric physics. Global Zonal Mean configuration, 1x64x5 resolution. \item \textit{aim.5l\_XZ\_Equatorial\_Slice} - Intermediate Atmospheric physics, equatorial Slice configuration. 2D (X-Z). \item \textit{aim.5l\_Equatorial\_Channel} - Intermediate Atmospheric physics. 3D Equatorial Channel configuration. \item \textit{aim.5l\_LatLon} - Intermediate Atmospheric physics. Global configuration, on latitude longitude grid with 128x64x5 grid points ($2.8^\circ{\rm degree}$ resolution). \item \textit{adjustment.128x64x1} Barotropic adjustment problem on latitude longitude grid with 128x64 grid points ($2.8^\circ{\rm degree}$ resolution). \item \textit{adjustment.cs-32x32x1} Barotropic adjustment problem on cube sphere grid with 32x32 points per face ( roughly $2.8^\circ{\rm degree}$ resolution). \item \textit{advect\_cs} Two-dimensional passive advection test on cube sphere grid. \item \textit{advect\_xy} Two-dimensional (horizontal plane) passive advection test on Cartesian grid. \item \textit{advect\_yz} Two-dimensional (vertical plane) passive advection test on Cartesian grid. \item \textit{carbon} Simple passive tracer experiment. Includes derivative calculation. Described in detail in section \ref{sect:eg-carbon-ad}. \item \textit{flt\_example} Example of using float package. \item \textit{global\_ocean.90x40x15} Global circulation with GM, flux boundary conditions and poles. \item \textit{global\_ocean\_pressure} Global circulation in pressure coordinate (non-Boussinesq ocean model). Described in detail in section \ref{sect:eg-globalpressure}. \item \textit{solid-body.cs-32x32x1} Solid body rotation test for cube sphere grid. \end{enumerate} \subsection{Directory structure of model examples} Each example directory has the following subdirectories: \begin{itemize} \item \textit{code}: contains the code particular to the example. At a minimum, this directory includes the following files: \begin{itemize} \item \textit{code/CPP\_EEOPTIONS.h}: declares CPP keys relative to the ``execution environment'' part of the code. The default version is located in \textit{eesupp/inc}. \item \textit{code/CPP\_OPTIONS.h}: declares CPP keys relative to the ``numerical model'' part of the code. The default version is located in \textit{model/inc}. \item \textit{code/SIZE.h}: declares size of underlying computational grid. The default version is located in \textit{model/inc}. \end{itemize} In addition, other include files and subroutines might be present in \textit{code} depending on the particular experiment. See Section 2 for more details. \item \textit{input}: contains the input data files required to run the example. At a minimum, the \textit{input} directory contains the following files: \begin{itemize} \item \textit{input/data}: this file, written as a namelist, specifies the main parameters for the experiment. \item \textit{input/data.pkg}: contains parameters relative to the packages used in the experiment. \item \textit{input/eedata}: this file contains ``execution environment'' data. At present, this consists of a specification of the number of threads to use in $X$ and $Y$ under multithreaded execution. \end{itemize} In addition, you will also find in this directory the forcing and topography files as well as the files describing the initial state of the experiment. This varies from experiment to experiment. See section 2 for more details. \item \textit{results}: this directory contains the output file \textit{output.txt} produced by the simulation example. This file is useful for comparison with your own output when you run the experiment. \end{itemize} Once you have chosen the example you want to run, you are ready to compile the code. \section{Building the code} \label{sect:buildingCode} To compile the code, we use the {\em make} program. This uses a file ({\em Makefile}) that allows us to pre-process source files, specify compiler and optimization options and also figures out any file dependencies. We supply a script ({\em genmake2}), described in section \ref{sect:genmake}, that automatically creates the {\em Makefile} for you. You then need to build the dependencies and compile the code. As an example, let's assume that you want to build and run experiment \textit{verification/exp2}. The are multiple ways and places to actually do this but here let's build the code in \textit{verification/exp2/input}: \begin{verbatim} % cd verification/exp2/input \end{verbatim} First, build the {\em Makefile}: \begin{verbatim} % ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods=../code \end{verbatim} The command line option tells {\em genmake} to override model source code with any files in the directory {\em ./code/}. On many systems, the {\em genmake2} program will be able to automatically recognize the hardware, find compilers and other tools within the user's path (``echo \$PATH''), and then choose an appropriate set of options from the files contained in the {\em tools/build\_options} directory. Under some circumstances, a user may have to create a new ``optfile'' in order to specify the exact combination of compiler, compiler flags, libraries, and other options necessary to build a particular configuration of MITgcm. In such cases, it is generally helpful to read the existing ``optfiles'' and mimic their syntax. Through the MITgcm-support list, the MITgcm developers are willing to provide help writing or modifing ``optfiles''. And we encourage users to post new ``optfiles'' (particularly ones for new machines or architectures) to the \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} MITgcm-support@mitgcm.org \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} list. To specify an optfile to {\em genmake2}, the syntax is: \begin{verbatim} % ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods=../code -of /path/to/optfile \end{verbatim} Once a {\em Makefile} has been generated, we create the dependencies: \begin{verbatim} % make depend \end{verbatim} This modifies the {\em Makefile} by attaching a [long] list of files upon which other files depend. The purpose of this is to reduce re-compilation if and when you start to modify the code. The {\tt make depend} command also creates links from the model source to this directory. Next compile the code: \begin{verbatim} % make \end{verbatim} The {\tt make} command creates an executable called \textit{mitgcmuv}. Additional make ``targets'' are defined within the makefile to aid in the production of adjoint and other versions of MITgcm. Now you are ready to run the model. General instructions for doing so are given in section \ref{sect:runModel}. Here, we can run the model with: \begin{verbatim} ./mitgcmuv > output.txt \end{verbatim} where we are re-directing the stream of text output to the file {\em output.txt}. \subsection{Building/compiling the code elsewhere} In the example above (section \ref{sect:buildingCode}) we built the executable in the {\em input} directory of the experiment for convenience. You can also configure and compile the code in other locations, for example on a scratch disk with out having to copy the entire source tree. The only requirement to do so is you have {\tt genmake2} in your path or you know the absolute path to {\tt genmake2}. The following sections outline some possible methods of organizing your source and data. \subsubsection{Building from the {\em ../code directory}} This is just as simple as building in the {\em input/} directory: \begin{verbatim} % cd verification/exp2/code % ../../../tools/genmake2 % make depend % make \end{verbatim} However, to run the model the executable ({\em mitgcmuv}) and input files must be in the same place. If you only have one calculation to make: \begin{verbatim} % cd ../input % cp ../code/mitgcmuv ./ % ./mitgcmuv > output.txt \end{verbatim} or if you will be making multiple runs with the same executable: \begin{verbatim} % cd ../ % cp -r input run1 % cp code/mitgcmuv run1 % cd run1 % ./mitgcmuv > output.txt \end{verbatim} \subsubsection{Building from a new directory} Since the {\em input} directory contains input files it is often more useful to keep {\em input} pristine and build in a new directory within {\em verification/exp2/}: \begin{verbatim} % cd verification/exp2 % mkdir build % cd build % ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods=../code % make depend % make \end{verbatim} This builds the code exactly as before but this time you need to copy either the executable or the input files or both in order to run the model. For example, \begin{verbatim} % cp ../input/* ./ % ./mitgcmuv > output.txt \end{verbatim} or if you tend to make multiple runs with the same executable then running in a new directory each time might be more appropriate: \begin{verbatim} % cd ../ % mkdir run1 % cp build/mitgcmuv run1/ % cp input/* run1/ % cd run1 % ./mitgcmuv > output.txt \end{verbatim} \subsubsection{Building on a scratch disk} Model object files and output data can use up large amounts of disk space so it is often the case that you will be operating on a large scratch disk. Assuming the model source is in {\em ~/MITgcm} then the following commands will build the model in {\em /scratch/exp2-run1}: \begin{verbatim} % cd /scratch/exp2-run1 % ~/MITgcm/tools/genmake2 -rootdir=~/MITgcm \ -mods=~/MITgcm/verification/exp2/code % make depend % make \end{verbatim} To run the model here, you'll need the input files: \begin{verbatim} % cp ~/MITgcm/verification/exp2/input/* ./ % ./mitgcmuv > output.txt \end{verbatim} As before, you could build in one directory and make multiple runs of the one experiment: \begin{verbatim} % cd /scratch/exp2 % mkdir build % cd build % ~/MITgcm/tools/genmake2 -rootdir=~/MITgcm \ -mods=~/MITgcm/verification/exp2/code % make depend % make % cd ../ % cp -r ~/MITgcm/verification/exp2/input run2 % cd run2 % ./mitgcmuv > output.txt \end{verbatim} \subsection{Using \texttt{genmake2}} \label{sect:genmake} To compile the code, first use the program \texttt{genmake2} (located in the \texttt{tools} directory) to generate a Makefile. \texttt{genmake2} is a shell script written to work with all ``sh''--compatible shells including bash v1, bash v2, and Bourne. Internally, \texttt{genmake2} determines the locations of needed files, the compiler, compiler options, libraries, and Unix tools. It relies upon a number of ``optfiles'' located in the \texttt{tools/build\_options} directory. The purpose of the optfiles is to provide all the compilation options for particular ``platforms'' (where ``platform'' roughly means the combination of the hardware and the compiler) and code configurations. Given the combinations of possible compilers and library dependencies ({\it eg.} MPI and NetCDF) there may be numerous optfiles available for a single machine. The naming scheme for the majority of the optfiles shipped with the code is \begin{center} {\bf OS\_HARDWARE\_COMPILER } \end{center} where \begin{description} \item[OS] is the name of the operating system (generally the lower-case output of the {\tt 'uname'} command) \item[HARDWARE] is a string that describes the CPU type and corresponds to output from the {\tt 'uname -m'} command: \begin{description} \item[ia32] is for ``x86'' machines such as i386, i486, i586, i686, and athlon \item[ia64] is for Intel IA64 systems (eg. Itanium, Itanium2) \item[amd64] is AMD x86\_64 systems \item[ppc] is for Mac PowerPC systems \end{description} \item[COMPILER] is the compiler name (generally, the name of the FORTRAN executable) \end{description} In many cases, the default optfiles are sufficient and will result in usable Makefiles. However, for some machines or code configurations, new ``optfiles'' must be written. To create a new optfile, it is generally best to start with one of the defaults and modify it to suit your needs. Like \texttt{genmake2}, the optfiles are all written using a simple ``sh''--compatible syntax. While nearly all variables used within \texttt{genmake2} may be specified in the optfiles, the critical ones that should be defined are: \begin{description} \item[FC] the FORTRAN compiler (executable) to use \item[DEFINES] the command-line DEFINE options passed to the compiler \item[CPP] the C pre-processor to use \item[NOOPTFLAGS] options flags for special files that should not be optimized \end{description} For example, the optfile for a typical Red Hat Linux machine (``ia32'' architecture) using the GCC (g77) compiler is \begin{verbatim} FC=g77 DEFINES='-D_BYTESWAPIO -DWORDLENGTH=4' CPP='cpp -traditional -P' NOOPTFLAGS='-O0' # For IEEE, use the "-ffloat-store" option if test "x$IEEE" = x ; then FFLAGS='-Wimplicit -Wunused -Wuninitialized' FOPTIM='-O3 -malign-double -funroll-loops' else FFLAGS='-Wimplicit -Wunused -ffloat-store' FOPTIM='-O0 -malign-double' fi \end{verbatim} If you write an optfile for an unrepresented machine or compiler, you are strongly encouraged to submit the optfile to the MITgcm project for inclusion. Please send the file to the \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} \begin{center} MITgcm-support@mitgcm.org \end{center} \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} mailing list. In addition to the optfiles, \texttt{genmake2} supports a number of helpful command-line options. A complete list of these options can be obtained from: \begin{verbatim} % genmake2 -h \end{verbatim} The most important command-line options are: \begin{description} \item[\texttt{--optfile=/PATH/FILENAME}] specifies the optfile that should be used for a particular build. If no "optfile" is specified (either through the command line or the MITGCM\_OPTFILE environment variable), genmake2 will try to make a reasonable guess from the list provided in {\em tools/build\_options}. The method used for making this guess is to first determine the combination of operating system and hardware (eg. "linux\_ia32") and then find a working FORTRAN compiler within the user's path. When these three items have been identified, genmake2 will try to find an optfile that has a matching name. \item[\texttt{--pdefault='PKG1 PKG2 PKG3 ...'}] specifies the default set of packages to be used. The normal order of precedence for packages is as follows: \begin{enumerate} \item If available, the command line (\texttt{--pdefault}) settings over-rule any others. \item Next, \texttt{genmake2} will look for a file named ``\texttt{packages.conf}'' in the local directory or in any of the directories specified with the \texttt{--mods} option. \item Finally, if neither of the above are available, \texttt{genmake2} will use the \texttt{/pkg/pkg\_default} file. \end{enumerate} \item[\texttt{--pdepend=/PATH/FILENAME}] specifies the dependency file used for packages. If not specified, the default dependency file {\em pkg/pkg\_depend} is used. The syntax for this file is parsed on a line-by-line basis where each line containes either a comment ("\#") or a simple "PKGNAME1 (+|-)PKGNAME2" pairwise rule where the "+" or "-" symbol specifies a "must be used with" or a "must not be used with" relationship, respectively. If no rule is specified, then it is assumed that the two packages are compatible and will function either with or without each other. \item[\texttt{--adof=/path/to/file}] specifies the "adjoint" or automatic differentiation options file to be used. The file is analogous to the ``optfile'' defined above but it specifies information for the AD build process. The default file is located in {\em tools/adjoint\_options/adjoint\_default} and it defines the "TAF" and "TAMC" compilers. An alternate version is also available at {\em tools/adjoint\_options/adjoint\_staf} that selects the newer "STAF" compiler. As with any compilers, it is helpful to have their directories listed in your {\tt \$PATH} environment variable. \item[\texttt{--mods='DIR1 DIR2 DIR3 ...'}] specifies a list of directories containing ``modifications''. These directories contain files with names that may (or may not) exist in the main MITgcm source tree but will be overridden by any identically-named sources within the ``MODS'' directories. The order of precedence for this "name-hiding" is as follows: \begin{itemize} \item ``MODS'' directories (in the order given) \item Packages either explicitly specified or provided by default (in the order given) \item Packages included due to package dependencies (in the order that that package dependencies are parsed) \item The "standard dirs" (which may have been specified by the ``-standarddirs'' option) \end{itemize} \item[\texttt{--mpi}] This option enables certain MPI features (using CPP \texttt{\#define}s) within the code and is necessary for MPI builds (see Section \ref{sect:mpi-build}). \item[\texttt{--make=/path/to/gmake}] Due to the poor handling of soft-links and other bugs common with the \texttt{make} versions provided by commercial Unix vendors, GNU \texttt{make} (sometimes called \texttt{gmake}) should be preferred. This option provides a means for specifying the make executable to be used. \item[\texttt{--bash=/path/to/sh}] On some (usually older UNIX) machines, the ``bash'' shell is unavailable. To run on these systems, \texttt{genmake2} can be invoked using an ``sh'' (that is, a Bourne, POSIX, or compatible) shell. The syntax in these circumstances is: \begin{center} \texttt{\% /bin/sh genmake2 -bash=/bin/sh [...options...]} \end{center} where \texttt{/bin/sh} can be replaced with the full path and name of the desired shell. \end{description} \subsection{Building with MPI} \label{sect:mpi-build} Building MITgcm to use MPI libraries can be complicated due to the variety of different MPI implementations available, their dependencies or interactions with different compilers, and their often ad-hoc locations within file systems. For these reasons, its generally a good idea to start by finding and reading the documentation for your machine(s) and, if necessary, seeking help from your local systems administrator. The steps for building MITgcm with MPI support are: \begin{enumerate} \item Determine the locations of your MPI-enabled compiler and/or MPI libraries and put them into an options file as described in Section \ref{sect:genmake}. One can start with one of the examples in: \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} \begin{center} \texttt{MITgcm/tools/build\_options/} \end{center} \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} such as \texttt{linux\_ia32\_g77+mpi\_cg01} or \texttt{linux\_ia64\_efc+mpi} and then edit it to suit the machine at hand. You may need help from your user guide or local systems administrator to determine the exact location of the MPI libraries. If libraries are not installed, MPI implementations and related tools are available including: \begin{itemize} \item \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} MPICH \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} \item \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} LAM/MPI \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} \item \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} MPIexec \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} \end{itemize} \item Build the code with the \texttt{genmake2} \texttt{-mpi} option (see Section \ref{sect:genmake}) using commands such as: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} % ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods=../code -mpi -of=YOUR_OPTFILE % make depend % make \end{verbatim} } \item Run the code with the appropriate MPI ``run'' or ``exec'' program provided with your particular implementation of MPI. Typical MPI packages such as MPICH will use something like: \begin{verbatim} % mpirun -np 4 -machinefile mf ./mitgcmuv \end{verbatim} Sightly more complicated scripts may be needed for many machines since execution of the code may be controlled by both the MPI library and a job scheduling and queueing system such as PBS, LoadLeveller, Condor, or any of a number of similar tools. A few example scripts (those used for our \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml}regular verification runs\begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml}) are available at: \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} {\footnotesize \tt http://mitgcm.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/MITgcm\_contrib/test\_scripts/ } \begin{rawhtml} \end{rawhtml} \end{enumerate} \section{Running the model} \label{sect:runModel} If compilation finished succesfuully (section \ref{sect:buildingCode}) then an executable called \texttt{mitgcmuv} will now exist in the local directory. To run the model as a single process (ie. not in parallel) simply type: \begin{verbatim} % ./mitgcmuv \end{verbatim} The ``./'' is a safe-guard to make sure you use the local executable in case you have others that exist in your path (surely odd if you do!). The above command will spew out many lines of text output to your screen. This output contains details such as parameter values as well as diagnostics such as mean Kinetic energy, largest CFL number, etc. It is worth keeping this text output with the binary output so we normally re-direct the {\em stdout} stream as follows: \begin{verbatim} % ./mitgcmuv > output.txt \end{verbatim} For the example experiments in {\em verification}, an example of the output is kept in {\em results/output.txt} for comparison. You can compare your {\em output.txt} with this one to check that the set-up works. \subsection{Output files} The model produces various output files. At a minimum, the instantaneous ``state'' of the model is written out, which is made of the following files: \begin{itemize} \item \textit{U.00000nIter} - zonal component of velocity field (m/s and $> 0 $ eastward). \item \textit{V.00000nIter} - meridional component of velocity field (m/s and $> 0$ northward). \item \textit{W.00000nIter} - vertical component of velocity field (ocean: m/s and $> 0$ upward, atmosphere: Pa/s and $> 0$ towards increasing pressure i.e. downward). \item \textit{T.00000nIter} - potential temperature (ocean: $^{0}$C, atmosphere: $^{0}$K). \item \textit{S.00000nIter} - ocean: salinity (psu), atmosphere: water vapor (g/kg). \item \textit{Eta.00000nIter} - ocean: surface elevation (m), atmosphere: surface pressure anomaly (Pa). \end{itemize} The chain \textit{00000nIter} consists of ten figures that specify the iteration number at which the output is written out. For example, \textit{% U.0000000300} is the zonal velocity at iteration 300. In addition, a ``pickup'' or ``checkpoint'' file called: \begin{itemize} \item \textit{pickup.00000nIter} \end{itemize} is written out. This file represents the state of the model in a condensed form and is used for restarting the integration. If the C-D scheme is used, there is an additional ``pickup'' file: \begin{itemize} \item \textit{pickup\_cd.00000nIter} \end{itemize} containing the D-grid velocity data and that has to be written out as well in order to restart the integration. Rolling checkpoint files are the same as the pickup files but are named differently. Their name contain the chain \textit{ckptA} or \textit{ckptB} instead of \textit{00000nIter}. They can be used to restart the model but are overwritten every other time they are output to save disk space during long integrations. \subsection{Looking at the output} All the model data are written according to a ``meta/data'' file format. Each variable is associated with two files with suffix names \textit{.data} and \textit{.meta}. The \textit{.data} file contains the data written in binary form (big\_endian by default). The \textit{.meta} file is a ``header'' file that contains information about the size and the structure of the \textit{.data} file. This way of organizing the output is particularly useful when running multi-processors calculations. The base version of the model includes a few matlab utilities to read output files written in this format. The matlab scripts are located in the directory \textit{utils/matlab} under the root tree. The script \textit{rdmds.m} reads the data. Look at the comments inside the script to see how to use it. Some examples of reading and visualizing some output in {\em Matlab}: \begin{verbatim} % matlab >> H=rdmds('Depth'); >> contourf(H');colorbar; >> title('Depth of fluid as used by model'); >> eta=rdmds('Eta',10); >> imagesc(eta');axis ij;colorbar; >> title('Surface height at iter=10'); >> eta=rdmds('Eta',[0:10:100]); >> for n=1:11; imagesc(eta(:,:,n)');axis ij;colorbar;pause(.5);end \end{verbatim} \section{Doing it yourself: customizing the code} When you are ready to run the model in the configuration you want, the easiest thing is to use and adapt the setup of the case studies experiment (described previously) that is the closest to your configuration. Then, the amount of setup will be minimized. In this section, we focus on the setup relative to the ``numerical model'' part of the code (the setup relative to the ``execution environment'' part is covered in the parallel implementation section) and on the variables and parameters that you are likely to change. \subsection{Configuration and setup} The CPP keys relative to the ``numerical model'' part of the code are all defined and set in the file \textit{CPP\_OPTIONS.h }in the directory \textit{ model/inc }or in one of the \textit{code }directories of the case study experiments under \textit{verification.} The model parameters are defined and declared in the file \textit{model/inc/PARAMS.h }and their default values are set in the routine \textit{model/src/set\_defaults.F. }The default values can be modified in the namelist file \textit{data }which needs to be located in the directory where you will run the model. The parameters are initialized in the routine \textit{model/src/ini\_parms.F}. Look at this routine to see in what part of the namelist the parameters are located. In what follows the parameters are grouped into categories related to the computational domain, the equations solved in the model, and the simulation controls. \subsection{Computational domain, geometry and time-discretization} \begin{description} \item[dimensions] \ The number of points in the x, y, and r directions are represented by the variables \textbf{sNx}, \textbf{sNy} and \textbf{Nr} respectively which are declared and set in the file \textit{model/inc/SIZE.h}. (Again, this assumes a mono-processor calculation. For multiprocessor calculations see the section on parallel implementation.) \item[grid] \ Three different grids are available: cartesian, spherical polar, and curvilinear (which includes the cubed sphere). The grid is set through the logical variables \textbf{usingCartesianGrid}, \textbf{usingSphericalPolarGrid}, and \textbf{usingCurvilinearGrid}. In the case of spherical and curvilinear grids, the southern boundary is defined through the variable \textbf{phiMin} which corresponds to the latitude of the southern most cell face (in degrees). The resolution along the x and y directions is controlled by the 1D arrays \textbf{delx} and \textbf{dely} (in meters in the case of a cartesian grid, in degrees otherwise). The vertical grid spacing is set through the 1D array \textbf{delz} for the ocean (in meters) or \textbf{delp} for the atmosphere (in Pa). The variable \textbf{Ro\_SeaLevel} represents the standard position of Sea-Level in ``R'' coordinate. This is typically set to 0m for the ocean (default value) and 10$^{5}$Pa for the atmosphere. For the atmosphere, also set the logical variable \textbf{groundAtK1} to \texttt{'.TRUE.'} which puts the first level (k=1) at the lower boundary (ground). For the cartesian grid case, the Coriolis parameter $f$ is set through the variables \textbf{f0} and \textbf{beta} which correspond to the reference Coriolis parameter (in s$^{-1}$) and $\frac{\partial f}{ \partial y}$(in m$^{-1}$s$^{-1}$) respectively. If \textbf{beta } is set to a nonzero value, \textbf{f0} is the value of $f$ at the southern edge of the domain. \item[topography - full and partial cells] \ The domain bathymetry is read from a file that contains a 2D (x,y) map of depths (in m) for the ocean or pressures (in Pa) for the atmosphere. The file name is represented by the variable \textbf{bathyFile}. The file is assumed to contain binary numbers giving the depth (pressure) of the model at each grid cell, ordered with the x coordinate varying fastest. The points are ordered from low coordinate to high coordinate for both axes. The model code applies without modification to enclosed, periodic, and double periodic domains. Periodicity is assumed by default and is suppressed by setting the depths to 0m for the cells at the limits of the computational domain (note: not sure this is the case for the atmosphere). The precision with which to read the binary data is controlled by the integer variable \textbf{readBinaryPrec} which can take the value \texttt{32} (single precision) or \texttt{64} (double precision). See the matlab program \textit{gendata.m} in the \textit{input} directories under \textit{verification} to see how the bathymetry files are generated for the case study experiments. To use the partial cell capability, the variable \textbf{hFacMin} needs to be set to a value between 0 and 1 (it is set to 1 by default) corresponding to the minimum fractional size of the cell. For example if the bottom cell is 500m thick and \textbf{hFacMin} is set to 0.1, the actual thickness of the cell (i.e. used in the code) can cover a range of discrete values 50m apart from 50m to 500m depending on the value of the bottom depth (in \textbf{bathyFile}) at this point. Note that the bottom depths (or pressures) need not coincide with the models levels as deduced from \textbf{delz} or \textbf{delp}. The model will interpolate the numbers in \textbf{bathyFile} so that they match the levels obtained from \textbf{delz} or \textbf{delp} and \textbf{hFacMin}. (Note: the atmospheric case is a bit more complicated than what is written here I think. To come soon...) \item[time-discretization] \ The time steps are set through the real variables \textbf{deltaTMom} and \textbf{deltaTtracer} (in s) which represent the time step for the momentum and tracer equations, respectively. For synchronous integrations, simply set the two variables to the same value (or you can prescribe one time step only through the variable \textbf{deltaT}). The Adams-Bashforth stabilizing parameter is set through the variable \textbf{abEps} (dimensionless). The stagger baroclinic time stepping can be activated by setting the logical variable \textbf{staggerTimeStep} to \texttt{'.TRUE.'}. \end{description} \subsection{Equation of state} First, because the model equations are written in terms of perturbations, a reference thermodynamic state needs to be specified. This is done through the 1D arrays \textbf{tRef} and \textbf{sRef}. \textbf{tRef} specifies the reference potential temperature profile (in $^{o}$C for the ocean and $^{o}$K for the atmosphere) starting from the level k=1. Similarly, \textbf{sRef} specifies the reference salinity profile (in ppt) for the ocean or the reference specific humidity profile (in g/kg) for the atmosphere. The form of the equation of state is controlled by the character variables \textbf{buoyancyRelation} and \textbf{eosType}. \textbf{buoyancyRelation} is set to \texttt{'OCEANIC'} by default and needs to be set to \texttt{'ATMOSPHERIC'} for atmosphere simulations. In this case, \textbf{eosType} must be set to \texttt{'IDEALGAS'}. For the ocean, two forms of the equation of state are available: linear (set \textbf{eosType} to \texttt{'LINEAR'}) and a polynomial approximation to the full nonlinear equation ( set \textbf{eosType} to \texttt{'POLYNOMIAL'}). In the linear case, you need to specify the thermal and haline expansion coefficients represented by the variables \textbf{tAlpha} (in K$^{-1}$) and \textbf{sBeta} (in ppt$^{-1}$). For the nonlinear case, you need to generate a file of polynomial coefficients called \textit{POLY3.COEFFS}. To do this, use the program \textit{utils/knudsen2/knudsen2.f} under the model tree (a Makefile is available in the same directory and you will need to edit the number and the values of the vertical levels in \textit{knudsen2.f} so that they match those of your configuration). There there are also higher polynomials for the equation of state: \begin{description} \item[\texttt{'UNESCO'}:] The UNESCO equation of state formula of Fofonoff and Millard \cite{fofonoff83}. This equation of state assumes in-situ temperature, which is not a model variable; {\em its use is therefore discouraged, and it is only listed for completeness}. \item[\texttt{'JMD95Z'}:] A modified UNESCO formula by Jackett and McDougall \cite{jackett95}, which uses the model variable potential temperature as input. The \texttt{'Z'} indicates that this equation of state uses a horizontally and temporally constant pressure $p_{0}=-g\rho_{0}z$. \item[\texttt{'JMD95P'}:] A modified UNESCO formula by Jackett and McDougall \cite{jackett95}, which uses the model variable potential temperature as input. The \texttt{'P'} indicates that this equation of state uses the actual hydrostatic pressure of the last time step. Lagging the pressure in this way requires an additional pickup file for restarts. \item[\texttt{'MDJWF'}:] The new, more accurate and less expensive equation of state by McDougall et~al. \cite{mcdougall03}. It also requires lagging the pressure and therefore an additional pickup file for restarts. \end{description} For none of these options an reference profile of temperature or salinity is required. \subsection{Momentum equations} In this section, we only focus for now on the parameters that you are likely to change, i.e. the ones relative to forcing and dissipation for example. The details relevant to the vector-invariant form of the equations and the various advection schemes are not covered for the moment. We assume that you use the standard form of the momentum equations (i.e. the flux-form) with the default advection scheme. Also, there are a few logical variables that allow you to turn on/off various terms in the momentum equation. These variables are called \textbf{momViscosity, momAdvection, momForcing, useCoriolis, momPressureForcing, momStepping} and \textbf{metricTerms }and are assumed to be set to \texttt{'.TRUE.'} here. Look at the file \textit{model/inc/PARAMS.h }for a precise definition of these variables. \begin{description} \item[initialization] \ The velocity components are initialized to 0 unless the simulation is starting from a pickup file (see section on simulation control parameters). \item[forcing] \ This section only applies to the ocean. You need to generate wind-stress data into two files \textbf{zonalWindFile} and \textbf{meridWindFile} corresponding to the zonal and meridional components of the wind stress, respectively (if you want the stress to be along the direction of only one of the model horizontal axes, you only need to generate one file). The format of the files is similar to the bathymetry file. The zonal (meridional) stress data are assumed to be in Pa and located at U-points (V-points). As for the bathymetry, the precision with which to read the binary data is controlled by the variable \textbf{readBinaryPrec}. See the matlab program \textit{gendata.m} in the \textit{input} directories under \textit{verification} to see how simple analytical wind forcing data are generated for the case study experiments. There is also the possibility of prescribing time-dependent periodic forcing. To do this, concatenate the successive time records into a single file (for each stress component) ordered in a (x,y,t) fashion and set the following variables: \textbf{periodicExternalForcing }to \texttt{'.TRUE.'}, \textbf{externForcingPeriod }to the period (in s) of which the forcing varies (typically 1 month), and \textbf{externForcingCycle} to the repeat time (in s) of the forcing (typically 1 year -- note: \textbf{ externForcingCycle} must be a multiple of \textbf{externForcingPeriod}). With these variables set up, the model will interpolate the forcing linearly at each iteration. \item[dissipation] \ The lateral eddy viscosity coefficient is specified through the variable \textbf{viscAh} (in m$^{2}$s$^{-1}$). The vertical eddy viscosity coefficient is specified through the variable \textbf{viscAz} (in m$^{2}$s$^{-1}$) for the ocean and \textbf{viscAp} (in Pa$^{2}$s$^{-1}$) for the atmosphere. The vertical diffusive fluxes can be computed implicitly by setting the logical variable \textbf{implicitViscosity }to \texttt{'.TRUE.'}. In addition, biharmonic mixing can be added as well through the variable \textbf{viscA4} (in m$^{4}$s$^{-1}$). On a spherical polar grid, you might also need to set the variable \textbf{cosPower} which is set to 0 by default and which represents the power of cosine of latitude to multiply viscosity. Slip or no-slip conditions at lateral and bottom boundaries are specified through the logical variables \textbf{no\_slip\_sides} and \textbf{no\_slip\_bottom}. If set to \texttt{'.FALSE.'}, free-slip boundary conditions are applied. If no-slip boundary conditions are applied at the bottom, a bottom drag can be applied as well. Two forms are available: linear (set the variable \textbf{bottomDragLinear} in s$ ^{-1}$) and quadratic (set the variable \textbf{bottomDragQuadratic} in m$^{-1}$). The Fourier and Shapiro filters are described elsewhere. \item[C-D scheme] \ If you run at a sufficiently coarse resolution, you will need the C-D scheme for the computation of the Coriolis terms. The variable\textbf{\ tauCD}, which represents the C-D scheme coupling timescale (in s) needs to be set. \item[calculation of pressure/geopotential] \ First, to run a non-hydrostatic ocean simulation, set the logical variable \textbf{nonHydrostatic} to \texttt{'.TRUE.'}. The pressure field is then inverted through a 3D elliptic equation. (Note: this capability is not available for the atmosphere yet.) By default, a hydrostatic simulation is assumed and a 2D elliptic equation is used to invert the pressure field. The parameters controlling the behaviour of the elliptic solvers are the variables \textbf{cg2dMaxIters} and \textbf{cg2dTargetResidual } for the 2D case and \textbf{cg3dMaxIters} and \textbf{cg3dTargetResidual} for the 3D case. You probably won't need to alter the default values (are we sure of this?). For the calculation of the surface pressure (for the ocean) or surface geopotential (for the atmosphere) you need to set the logical variables \textbf{rigidLid} and \textbf{implicitFreeSurface} (set one to \texttt{'.TRUE.'} and the other to \texttt{'.FALSE.'} depending on how you want to deal with the ocean upper or atmosphere lower boundary). \end{description} \subsection{Tracer equations} This section covers the tracer equations i.e. the potential temperature equation and the salinity (for the ocean) or specific humidity (for the atmosphere) equation. As for the momentum equations, we only describe for now the parameters that you are likely to change. The logical variables \textbf{tempDiffusion} \textbf{tempAdvection} \textbf{tempForcing}, and \textbf{tempStepping} allow you to turn on/off terms in the temperature equation (same thing for salinity or specific humidity with variables \textbf{saltDiffusion}, \textbf{saltAdvection} etc.). These variables are all assumed here to be set to \texttt{'.TRUE.'}. Look at file \textit{model/inc/PARAMS.h} for a precise definition. \begin{description} \item[initialization] \ The initial tracer data can be contained in the binary files \textbf{hydrogThetaFile} and \textbf{hydrogSaltFile}. These files should contain 3D data ordered in an (x,y,r) fashion with k=1 as the first vertical level. If no file names are provided, the tracers are then initialized with the values of \textbf{tRef} and \textbf{sRef} mentioned above (in the equation of state section). In this case, the initial tracer data are uniform in x and y for each depth level. \item[forcing] \ This part is more relevant for the ocean, the procedure for the atmosphere not being completely stabilized at the moment. A combination of fluxes data and relaxation terms can be used for driving the tracer equations. For potential temperature, heat flux data (in W/m$ ^{2}$) can be stored in the 2D binary file \textbf{surfQfile}. Alternatively or in addition, the forcing can be specified through a relaxation term. The SST data to which the model surface temperatures are restored to are supposed to be stored in the 2D binary file \textbf{thetaClimFile}. The corresponding relaxation time scale coefficient is set through the variable \textbf{tauThetaClimRelax} (in s). The same procedure applies for salinity with the variable names \textbf{EmPmRfile}, \textbf{saltClimFile}, and \textbf{tauSaltClimRelax} for freshwater flux (in m/s) and surface salinity (in ppt) data files and relaxation time scale coefficient (in s), respectively. Also for salinity, if the CPP key \textbf{USE\_NATURAL\_BCS} is turned on, natural boundary conditions are applied i.e. when computing the surface salinity tendency, the freshwater flux is multiplied by the model surface salinity instead of a constant salinity value. As for the other input files, the precision with which to read the data is controlled by the variable \textbf{readBinaryPrec}. Time-dependent, periodic forcing can be applied as well following the same procedure used for the wind forcing data (see above). \item[dissipation] \ Lateral eddy diffusivities for temperature and salinity/specific humidity are specified through the variables \textbf{diffKhT} and \textbf{diffKhS} (in m$^{2}$/s). Vertical eddy diffusivities are specified through the variables \textbf{diffKzT} and \textbf{diffKzS} (in m$^{2}$/s) for the ocean and \textbf{diffKpT }and \textbf{diffKpS} (in Pa$^{2}$/s) for the atmosphere. The vertical diffusive fluxes can be computed implicitly by setting the logical variable \textbf{implicitDiffusion} to \texttt{'.TRUE.'}. In addition, biharmonic diffusivities can be specified as well through the coefficients \textbf{diffK4T} and \textbf{diffK4S} (in m$^{4}$/s). Note that the cosine power scaling (specified through \textbf{cosPower}---see the momentum equations section) is applied to the tracer diffusivities (Laplacian and biharmonic) as well. The Gent and McWilliams parameterization for oceanic tracers is described in the package section. Finally, note that tracers can be also subject to Fourier and Shapiro filtering (see the corresponding section on these filters). \item[ocean convection] \ Two options are available to parameterize ocean convection: one is to use the convective adjustment scheme. In this case, you need to set the variable \textbf{cadjFreq}, which represents the frequency (in s) with which the adjustment algorithm is called, to a non-zero value (if set to a negative value by the user, the model will set it to the tracer time step). The other option is to parameterize convection with implicit vertical diffusion. To do this, set the logical variable \textbf{implicitDiffusion} to \texttt{'.TRUE.'} and the real variable \textbf{ivdc\_kappa} to a value (in m$^{2}$/s) you wish the tracer vertical diffusivities to have when mixing tracers vertically due to static instabilities. Note that \textbf{cadjFreq} and \textbf{ivdc\_kappa}can not both have non-zero value. \end{description} \subsection{Simulation controls} The model ''clock'' is defined by the variable \textbf{deltaTClock} (in s) which determines the IO frequencies and is used in tagging output. Typically, you will set it to the tracer time step for accelerated runs (otherwise it is simply set to the default time step \textbf{deltaT}). Frequency of checkpointing and dumping of the model state are referenced to this clock (see below). \begin{description} \item[run duration] \ The beginning of a simulation is set by specifying a start time (in s) through the real variable \textbf{startTime} or by specifying an initial iteration number through the integer variable \textbf{nIter0}. If these variables are set to nonzero values, the model will look for a ''pickup'' file \textit{pickup.0000nIter0} to restart the integration. The end of a simulation is set through the real variable \textbf{endTime} (in s). Alternatively, you can specify instead the number of time steps to execute through the integer variable \textbf{nTimeSteps}. \item[frequency of output] \ Real variables defining frequencies (in s) with which output files are written on disk need to be set up. \textbf{dumpFreq} controls the frequency with which the instantaneous state of the model is saved. \textbf{chkPtFreq} and \textbf{pchkPtFreq} control the output frequency of rolling and permanent checkpoint files, respectively. See section 1.5.1 Output files for the definition of model state and checkpoint files. In addition, time-averaged fields can be written out by setting the variable \textbf{taveFreq} (in s). The precision with which to write the binary data is controlled by the integer variable w\textbf{riteBinaryPrec} (set it to \texttt{32} or \texttt{64}). \end{description} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: