% $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/manual/s_algorithm/text/tracer.tex,v 1.1 2001/08/09 19:48:39 adcroft Exp $ % $Name: $ \section{Tracer equations} The tracer equations are discretized consistantly with the continuity equation to facilitate conservation properties analogous to the continuum: \begin{equation} {\cal A}_c \Delta r_f h_c \partial_\theta + \delta_i U \overline{ \theta }^i + \delta_j V \overline{ \theta }^j + \delta_k W \overline{ \theta }^k = {\cal A}_c \Delta r_f h_c {\cal S}_\theta + \theta {\cal A}_c \delta_k (P-E)_{r=0} \end{equation} The quantities $U$, $V$ and $W$ are volume fluxes defined: \marginpar{$U$: {\bf uTrans} } \marginpar{$V$: {\bf vTrans} } \marginpar{$W$: {\bf rTrans} } \begin{eqnarray} U & = & \Delta y_g \Delta r_f h_w u \\ V & = & \Delta x_g \Delta r_f h_s v \\ W & = & {\cal A}_c w \end{eqnarray} ${\cal S}$ represents the ``parameterized'' SGS processes and physics associated with the tracer. For instance, potential temperature equation in the ocean has is forced by surface and partially penetrating heat fluxes: \begin{equation} {\cal A}_c \Delta r_f h_c {\cal S}_\theta = \frac{1}{c_p \rho_o} \delta_k {\cal A}_c {\cal Q} \end{equation} while the salt equation has no real sources, ${\cal S}=0$, which leaves just the $P-E$ term. The continuity equation can be recovered by setting ${\cal Q}=0$ and $\theta=1$. The term $\theta (P-E)_{r=0}$ is required to retain local conservation of $\theta$. Global conservation is not possible using the flux-form (as here) and a linearized free-surface (\cite{Griffies00,Campin02}).