%%% Modification of BibTeX style file agu.bst %%% ... by urlbst, version 0.5 (marked with "% urlbst") %%% See %%% Added webpage entry type, and url and lastchecked fields. %%% Added eprint support. %%% Added DOI support. %%% Added hyperref support. %%% Original headers follow... %% %% This is file `agu.bst', generated %% on <1994/5/27> with the docstrip utility (2.2e). %% %% The original source files were: %% %% genbst.mbs (with options: `ay,seq-lab,nm-rev1,nmlm,x9,m1,dt-end,thtit-a,vol-it,volp-com,edby,blk-com,pp,ed,abr,lab-it,and-com,em-it') %% ---------------------------------------- %% *** For publications of the American Geophysical Union *** %% %% (Here are the specifications of the source file) %% \def\filename{genbst.mbs} %% \def\filedate{1994 February 7} %% \def\fileversion{1.2} %% For use with BibTeX version 0.99a or later, LaTeX version 2.09 %%------------------------------------------------------------------- %% NOTICE: %% This file may be used for non-profit purposes. %% It may not be distributed in exchange for money, %% other than distribution costs. %% %% The author provides it `as is' and does not guarantee it in any way. %% %% Copyright (C) 1993 Patrick W. Daly %% Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Aeronomie %% Postfach 20 %% D-37189 Katlenburg-Lindau %% Germany %% %% E-mail: %% SPAN-- nsp::linmpi::daly (note nsp also known as ecd1) %% Internet-- daly@linmpi.dnet.gwdg.de %%----------------------------------------------------------- %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~} %%--------------------------------------------------------------------- % This is an author-year citation style bibliography. As such, it is % non-standard LaTeX, and requires a style option to function properly. % An appropriate style option is: natbib.sty by Patrick W. Daly % The form of the \bibitem entries is % \bibitem[Jones et al.(1990)]{key}... % The essential feature is that the label (the part in brackets) consists % of the author names, as they should appear in the citation, with the year % in parentheses following. There must be no space before the opening % parenthesis! % In natbib.sty, it is possible to define the type of enclosures that is % really wanted (brackets or parentheses), but in either case, there must % be parentheses in the label. % The \cite command functions as follows: % \cite{key} ==>> Jones et al. (1990) % \cite[]{key} ==>> (Jones et al., 1990) % \cite[chap. 2]{key} ==>> (Jones et al., 1990, chap. 2) % \cite[e.g.][]{key} ==>> (e.g. Jones et al., 1990) % \cite[e.g.][p. 32]{key} ==>> (e.g. Jones et al., p. 32) % \citeauthor{key} Jones et al. % \citeyear{key} 1990 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTRY { address author booktitle chapter edition editor howpublished institution journal key month note number organization pages publisher school series title type volume year eprint % urlbst doi % urlbst url % urlbst lastchecked % urlbst } {} { label extra.label sort.label } INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence after.sentence after.block } STRINGS { urlintro eprinturl eprintprefix doiprefix doiurl } % urlbst... INTEGERS { hrefform addeprints adddoiresolver } % Following constants may be adjusted by hand, if desired FUNCTION {init.config.constants} { "Available from: " 'urlintro := % prefix before URL "http://arxiv.org/abs/" 'eprinturl := % prefix to make URL from eprint ref "arXiv:" 'eprintprefix := % text prefix printed before eprint ref "http://dx.doi.org/" 'doiurl := % prefix to make URL from DOI "doi:" 'doiprefix := % text prefix printed before DOI ref #1 'addeprints := % 0=no eprints; 1=include eprints #1 'adddoiresolver := % 0=no DOI resolver; 1=include it #2 'hrefform := % 0=no crossrefs; 1=hypertex xrefs; 2=hyperref refs } INTEGERS { bracket.state outside.brackets open.brackets within.brackets close.brackets } % ...urlbst to here FUNCTION {init.state.consts} { #0 'outside.brackets := % urlbst #1 'open.brackets := #2 'within.brackets := #3 'close.brackets := #0 'before.all := #1 'mid.sentence := #2 'after.sentence := #3 'after.block := } STRINGS { s t } % urlbst FUNCTION {output.nonnull.original} { 's := output.state mid.sentence = { ", " * write$ } { output.state after.block = { add.period$ write$ newline$ "\newblock " write$ } { output.state before.all = 'write$ { add.period$ " " * write$ } if$ } if$ mid.sentence 'output.state := } if$ s } % urlbst... FUNCTION {output.nonnull} { % Save the thing we've been asked to output 's := % If the bracket-state is close.brackets, then add a close-bracket to % what is currently at the top of the stack, and set bracket.state % to outside.brackets bracket.state close.brackets = { "]" * outside.brackets 'bracket.state := } 'skip$ if$ bracket.state outside.brackets = { % We're outside all brackets -- this is the normal situation. % Write out what's currently at the top of the stack, using the % original output.nonnull function. s output.nonnull.original } { % Still in brackets. Add open-bracket or (continuation) comma, add the % new text (in s) to the top of the stack, and move to the close-brackets % state, ready for next time (unless inbrackets resets it). If we come % into this branch, then output.state is carefully undisturbed. bracket.state open.brackets = { " [" * } { ", " * } % bracket.state will be within.brackets if$ s * close.brackets 'bracket.state := } if$ } % Call this function just before adding something which should be presented in % brackets. bracket.state is handled specially within output.nonnull. FUNCTION {inbrackets} { bracket.state close.brackets = { within.brackets 'bracket.state := } % reset the state: not open nor closed { open.brackets 'bracket.state := } if$ } FUNCTION {format.lastchecked} { lastchecked empty$ { "" } { inbrackets "cited " lastchecked * } if$ } % ...urlbst to here FUNCTION {output} { duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$ 'output.nonnull if$ } FUNCTION {output.check} { 't := duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ "empty " t * " in " * cite$ * warning$ } 'output.nonnull if$ } FUNCTION {output.bibitem} { outside.brackets 'bracket.state := % urlbst newline$ "\bibitem[" write$ label write$ ")]{" write$ cite$ write$ "}" write$ newline$ "" before.all 'output.state := } FUNCTION {fin.entry} { bracket.state close.brackets = % urlbst { "]" * } 'skip$ if$ add.period$ write$ newline$ } FUNCTION {new.block} { output.state before.all = 'skip$ { after.block 'output.state := } if$ } FUNCTION {new.sentence} { output.state after.block = 'skip$ { output.state before.all = 'skip$ { after.sentence 'output.state := } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {not} { { #0 } { #1 } if$ } FUNCTION {and} { 'skip$ { pop$ #0 } if$ } FUNCTION {or} { { pop$ #1 } 'skip$ if$ } FUNCTION {new.block.checkb} { empty$ swap$ empty$ and 'skip$ 'new.block if$ } FUNCTION {field.or.null} { duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ "" } 'skip$ if$ } FUNCTION {emphasize} { duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ "" } { "{\it " swap$ * "}" * } if$ } INTEGERS { nameptr namesleft numnames } FUNCTION {format.names} { 's := #1 'nameptr := s num.names$ 'numnames := numnames 'namesleft := { namesleft #0 > } { nameptr #1 > { s nameptr "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" format.name$ 't := } { s nameptr "{vv~}{ll}{, jj}{, f.}" format.name$ 't := } if$ nameptr #1 > { nameptr #2 = numnames #9 > and { "others" 't := #1 'namesleft := } 'skip$ if$ namesleft #1 > { ", " * t * } { "," * t "others" = { " et~al." * } { " and " * t * } if$ } if$ } 't if$ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := } while$ } FUNCTION {format.names.ed} { 's := #1 'nameptr := s num.names$ 'numnames := numnames 'namesleft := { namesleft #0 > } { s nameptr "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" format.name$ 't := nameptr #1 > { namesleft #1 > { ", " * t * } { "," * t "others" = { " et~al." * } { " and " * t * } if$ } if$ } 't if$ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := } while$ } FUNCTION {format.key} { empty$ { key field.or.null } { "" } if$ } FUNCTION {format.authors} { author empty$ { "" } { author format.names } if$ } FUNCTION {format.editors} { editor empty$ { "" } { editor format.names editor num.names$ #1 > { " (eds.)" * } { " (ed.)" * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.in.editors} { editor empty$ { "" } { editor format.names.ed } if$ } FUNCTION {format.title} { title empty$ { "" } { title "t" change.case$ } if$ } FUNCTION {n.dashify} { 't := "" { t empty$ not } { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = { t #1 #2 substring$ "--" = not { "--" * t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } { { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = } { "-" * t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } while$ } if$ } { t #1 #1 substring$ * t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } if$ } while$ } FUNCTION {word.in} { "in " } FUNCTION {format.date} { year duplicate$ empty$ { "empty year in " cite$ * "; set to ????" * warning$ pop$ "????" } 'skip$ if$ extra.label * } FUNCTION {format.btitle} { title emphasize } FUNCTION {tie.or.space.connect} { duplicate$ text.length$ #3 < { "~" } { " " } if$ swap$ * * } FUNCTION {either.or.check} { empty$ 'pop$ { "can't use both " swap$ * " fields in " * cite$ * warning$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.bvolume} { volume empty$ { "" } { "vol." volume tie.or.space.connect series empty$ 'skip$ { " of " * series emphasize * } if$ "volume and number" number either.or.check } if$ } FUNCTION {format.number.series} { volume empty$ { number empty$ { series field.or.null } { output.state mid.sentence = { "no." } { "No." } if$ number tie.or.space.connect series empty$ { "there's a number but no series in " cite$ * warning$ } { " in " * series * } if$ } if$ } { "" } if$ } FUNCTION {format.edition} { edition empty$ { "" } { output.state mid.sentence = { edition "l" change.case$ " edn." * } { edition "t" change.case$ " edn." * } if$ } if$ } INTEGERS { multiresult } FUNCTION {multi.page.check} { 't := #0 'multiresult := { multiresult not t empty$ not and } { t #1 #1 substring$ duplicate$ "-" = swap$ duplicate$ "," = swap$ "+" = or or { #1 'multiresult := } { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } if$ } while$ multiresult } FUNCTION {format.pages} { pages empty$ { "" } { pages multi.page.check { "pp." pages n.dashify tie.or.space.connect } { "p." pages tie.or.space.connect } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.vol.num.pages} { volume field.or.null emphasize number empty$ 'skip$ { "(" number * ")" * * volume empty$ { "there's a number but no volume in " cite$ * warning$ } 'skip$ if$ } if$ pages empty$ 'skip$ { duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ format.pages } { ", " * pages n.dashify * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.chapter.pages} { chapter empty$ 'format.pages { type empty$ { "chap." } { type "l" change.case$ } if$ chapter tie.or.space.connect pages empty$ 'skip$ { ", " * format.pages * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.in.ed.booktitle} { booktitle empty$ { "" } { editor empty$ { word.in booktitle emphasize * } { word.in booktitle emphasize * ", edited by " * format.in.editors * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.thesis.type} { type empty$ 'skip$ { pop$ type "t" change.case$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.tr.number} { type empty$ { "Tech. Rep." } 'type if$ number empty$ { "t" change.case$ } { number tie.or.space.connect } if$ } FUNCTION {format.article.crossref} { word.in "\cite{" * crossref * "}" * } FUNCTION {format.book.crossref} { volume empty$ { "empty volume in " cite$ * "'s crossref of " * crossref * warning$ word.in } { "vol." volume tie.or.space.connect " of " * } if$ "\cite{" * crossref * "}" * } FUNCTION {format.incoll.inproc.crossref} { word.in "\cite{" * crossref * "}" * } % urlbst... % Functions for making hypertext links. % In all cases, the stack has (link-text href-url) % % make 'null' specials FUNCTION {make.href.null} { pop$ } % make hypertex specials FUNCTION {make.href.hypertex} { "\special {html: }" * swap$ * "\special {html:}" * } % make hyperref specials FUNCTION {make.href.hyperref} { " \href{" swap$ * "}{" * swap$ * "}" * } FUNCTION {make.href} { hrefform #2 = 'make.href.hyperref % hrefform = 2 { hrefform #1 = 'make.href.hypertex % hrefform = 1 'make.href.null % hrefform = 0 (or anything else) if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.url} { url empty$ { "" } { hrefform #1 = { % special case -- add HyperTeX specials urlintro "\url{" url * "}" * url make.href.hypertex * } { urlintro "\url{" * url * "}" * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.eprint} { eprint empty$ { "" } { eprintprefix eprint * eprinturl eprint * make.href } if$ } FUNCTION {format.doi} { doi empty$ { "" } { doiprefix doi * doiurl doi * make.href } if$ } % Output a URL. We can't use the more normal idiom (something like % `format.url output'), because the `inbrackets' within % format.lastchecked applies to everything between calls to `output', % so that `format.url format.lastchecked * output' ends up with both % the URL and the lastchecked in brackets. FUNCTION {output.url} { url empty$ 'skip$ { new.block format.url output format.lastchecked output } if$ } FUNCTION {output.web.refs} { new.block output.url addeprints eprint empty$ not and { format.eprint output.nonnull } 'skip$ if$ adddoiresolver doi empty$ not and { format.doi output.nonnull } 'skip$ if$ % addeprints % { eprint empty$ % 'skip$ % { format.eprint output.nonnull } % if$ % } % 'skip$ % if$ } % Webpage entry type. % Title and url fields required; % author, note, year, month, and lastchecked fields optional % See references % ISO 690-2 http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/iso/tc46sc9/standard/690-2e.htm % http://www.classroom.net/classroom/CitingNetResources.html % http://neal.ctstateu.edu/history/cite.html % http://www.cas.usf.edu/english/walker/mla.html % for citation formats for web pages. FUNCTION {webpage} { output.bibitem author empty$ { editor empty$ 'skip$ % author and editor both optional { format.editors output.nonnull } if$ } { editor empty$ { format.authors output.nonnull } { "can't use both author and editor fields in " cite$ * warning$ } if$ } if$ % author empty$ % 'skip$ % { format.authors output.nonnull } % if$ new.block format.title "title" output.check inbrackets "online" output new.block year empty$ 'skip$ { format.date "year" output.check } if$ lastchecked empty$ 'skip$ { format.lastchecked output } if$ new.block format.url "url" output.check new.block note output fin.entry } % ...urlbst to here FUNCTION {article} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check author format.key output format.title "title" output.check crossref missing$ { journal emphasize "journal" output.check format.vol.num.pages output } { format.article.crossref output.nonnull format.pages output } if$ note output format.date "year" output.check output.web.refs % urlbst fin.entry } FUNCTION {book} { output.bibitem author empty$ { format.editors "author and editor" output.check editor format.key output } { format.authors output.nonnull crossref missing$ { "author and editor" editor either.or.check } 'skip$ if$ } if$ format.btitle "title" output.check crossref missing$ { format.bvolume output format.number.series output new.sentence publisher "publisher" output.check address output } { format.book.crossref output.nonnull } if$ format.edition output note output format.date "year" output.check output.web.refs % urlbst fin.entry } FUNCTION {booklet} { output.bibitem format.authors output author format.key output format.title "title" output.check howpublished output address output note output format.date "year" output.check output.web.refs % urlbst fin.entry } FUNCTION {inbook} { output.bibitem author empty$ { format.editors "author and editor" output.check editor format.key output } { format.authors output.nonnull crossref missing$ { "author and editor" editor either.or.check } 'skip$ if$ } if$ format.btitle "title" output.check crossref missing$ { format.bvolume output format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check format.number.series output new.sentence publisher "publisher" output.check address output } { format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check format.book.crossref output.nonnull } if$ format.edition output note output format.date "year" output.check output.web.refs % urlbst fin.entry } FUNCTION {incollection} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check author format.key output format.title "title" output.check crossref missing$ { format.in.ed.booktitle "booktitle" output.check format.bvolume output format.number.series output format.chapter.pages output new.sentence publisher "publisher" output.check address output format.edition output } { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull format.chapter.pages output } if$ note output format.date "year" output.check output.web.refs % urlbst fin.entry } FUNCTION {inproceedings} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check author format.key output format.title "title" output.check crossref missing$ { format.in.ed.booktitle "booktitle" output.check format.bvolume output format.number.series output format.pages output address output new.sentence organization output publisher output } { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull format.pages output } if$ note output format.date "year" output.check output.web.refs % urlbst fin.entry } FUNCTION {conference} { inproceedings } FUNCTION {manual} { output.bibitem format.authors output author format.key output format.btitle "title" output.check organization output address output format.edition output note output format.date "year" output.check output.web.refs % urlbst fin.entry } FUNCTION {mastersthesis} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check author format.key output format.title "title" output.check "Master's thesis" format.thesis.type output.nonnull school "school" output.check address output note output format.date "year" output.check output.web.refs % urlbst fin.entry } FUNCTION {misc} { output.bibitem format.authors output author format.key output format.title output howpublished output note output format.date "year" output.check output.web.refs % urlbst fin.entry } FUNCTION {phdthesis} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check author format.key output format.title "title" output.check "Ph.D. thesis" format.thesis.type output.nonnull school "school" output.check address output note output format.date "year" output.check output.web.refs % urlbst fin.entry } FUNCTION {proceedings} { output.bibitem format.editors output editor format.key output format.btitle "title" output.check format.bvolume output format.number.series output address output new.sentence organization output publisher output note output format.date "year" output.check output.web.refs % urlbst fin.entry } FUNCTION {techreport} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check author format.key output format.title "title" output.check format.tr.number output.nonnull institution "institution" output.check address output note output format.date "year" output.check output.web.refs % urlbst fin.entry } FUNCTION {unpublished} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check author format.key output format.title "title" output.check note "note" output.check format.date "year" output.check output.web.refs % urlbst fin.entry } FUNCTION {default.type} { misc } MACRO {jan} {"January"} MACRO {feb} {"February"} MACRO {mar} {"March"} MACRO {apr} {"April"} MACRO {may} {"May"} MACRO {jun} {"June"} MACRO {jul} {"July"} MACRO {aug} {"August"} MACRO {sep} {"September"} MACRO {oct} {"October"} MACRO {nov} {"November"} MACRO {dec} {"December"} MACRO {acmcs} {"ACM Computing Surveys"} MACRO {acta} {"Acta Informatica"} MACRO {cacm} {"Communications of the ACM"} MACRO {ibmjrd} {"IBM Journal of Research and Development"} MACRO {ibmsj} {"IBM Systems Journal"} MACRO {ieeese} {"IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering"} MACRO {ieeetc} {"IEEE Transactions on Computers"} MACRO {ieeetcad} {"IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits"} MACRO {ipl} {"Information Processing Letters"} MACRO {jacm} {"Journal of the ACM"} MACRO {jcss} {"Journal of Computer and System Sciences"} MACRO {scp} {"Science of Computer Programming"} MACRO {sicomp} {"SIAM Journal on Computing"} MACRO {tocs} {"ACM Transactions on Computer Systems"} MACRO {tods} {"ACM Transactions on Database Systems"} MACRO {tog} {"ACM Transactions on Graphics"} MACRO {toms} {"ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software"} MACRO {toois} {"ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems"} MACRO {toplas} {"ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"} MACRO {tcs} {"Theoretical Computer Science"} READ FUNCTION {sortify} { purify$ "l" change.case$ } INTEGERS { len } FUNCTION {chop.word} { 's := 'len := s #1 len substring$ = { s len #1 + global.max$ substring$ } 's if$ } FUNCTION {format.lab.names} { 's := s #1 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ s num.names$ duplicate$ #2 > { pop$ " et~al." * } { #2 < 'skip$ { s #2 "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}" format.name$ "others" = { " et~al." * } { " and " * s #2 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ * } if$ } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {author.key.label} { author empty$ { key empty$ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } 'key if$ } { author format.lab.names } if$ } FUNCTION {author.editor.key.label} { author empty$ { editor empty$ { key empty$ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } 'key if$ } { editor format.lab.names } if$ } { author format.lab.names } if$ } FUNCTION {editor.key.label} { editor empty$ { key empty$ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } 'key if$ } { editor format.lab.names } if$ } FUNCTION {calc.label} { type$ "book" = type$ "inbook" = or 'author.editor.key.label { type$ "proceedings" = 'editor.key.label 'author.key.label if$ } if$ emphasize "(" * year duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ "????" } { purify$ #-1 #4 substring$ } if$ * 'label := } FUNCTION {sort.format.names} { 's := #1 'nameptr := "" s num.names$ 'numnames := numnames 'namesleft := { namesleft #0 > } { nameptr #1 > { " " * } 'skip$ if$ s nameptr "{vv{ } }{ll{ }}{ f{ }}{ jj{ }}" format.name$ 't := nameptr numnames = t "others" = and { "et al" * } { numnames #2 > nameptr #2 = and { "zzzzzz" * #1 'namesleft := } { t sortify * } if$ } if$ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := } while$ } FUNCTION {sort.format.title} { 't := "A " #2 "An " #3 "The " #4 t chop.word chop.word chop.word sortify #1 global.max$ substring$ } FUNCTION {author.sort} { author empty$ { key empty$ { "to sort, need author or key in " cite$ * warning$ "" } { key sortify } if$ } { author sort.format.names } if$ } FUNCTION {author.editor.sort} { author empty$ { editor empty$ { key empty$ { "to sort, need author, editor, or key in " cite$ * warning$ "" } { key sortify } if$ } { editor sort.format.names } if$ } { author sort.format.names } if$ } FUNCTION {editor.sort} { editor empty$ { key empty$ { "to sort, need editor or key in " cite$ * warning$ "" } { key sortify } if$ } { editor sort.format.names } if$ } FUNCTION {presort} { calc.label label sortify " " * type$ "book" = type$ "inbook" = or 'author.editor.sort { type$ "proceedings" = 'editor.sort 'author.sort if$ } if$ #1 entry.max$ substring$ 'sort.label := sort.label * " " * title field.or.null sort.format.title * #1 entry.max$ substring$ 'sort.key$ := } ITERATE {presort} SORT STRINGS { last.label next.extra } INTEGERS { last.extra.num } FUNCTION {initialize.extra.label.stuff} { #0 int.to.chr$ 'last.label := "" 'next.extra := #0 'last.extra.num := } FUNCTION {forward.pass} { last.label label = { last.extra.num #1 + 'last.extra.num := last.extra.num int.to.chr$ 'extra.label := } { "a" chr.to.int$ 'last.extra.num := "" 'extra.label := label 'last.label := } if$ } FUNCTION {reverse.pass} { next.extra "b" = { "a" 'extra.label := } 'skip$ if$ extra.label 'next.extra := label extra.label * 'label := } EXECUTE {initialize.extra.label.stuff} ITERATE {forward.pass} REVERSE {reverse.pass} FUNCTION {bib.sort.order} { sort.label " " * year field.or.null sortify * " " * title field.or.null sort.format.title * #1 entry.max$ substring$ 'sort.key$ := } ITERATE {bib.sort.order} SORT FUNCTION {begin.bib} { preamble$ empty$ 'skip$ { preamble$ write$ newline$ } if$ "\begin{thebibliography}{}" write$ newline$ } EXECUTE {begin.bib} EXECUTE {init.config.constants} EXECUTE {init.state.consts} ITERATE {call.type$} FUNCTION {end.bib} { newline$ "\end{thebibliography}" write$ newline$ } EXECUTE {end.bib} %% End of customized bst file