#L2H = -image_type gif -split 5 -show_section_numbers -link 2 \ # -address "support@mitgcm.org" \ # -local_icons -noantialias -notransparent -white L2H = -image_type png -split 5 -show_section_numbers -link 2 \ -address "mitgcm-support@dev.mitgcm.org" \ -local_icons -noantialias -notransparent -white default: @echo "Targets" @echo " make all - everything in order" @echo " make tex - tex and bibliograohy" @echo " make ps - postscript form of manual" @echo " make pdf - pdf form of manual" @echo " make l2h - latex2html of manual" @echo " make html - hypertext form of manual with substitutions" all: make tex make ps make pdf make ps.gz make html tex: manual.dvi ps: manual.ps ps.gz: manual.ps gzip -9 -c manual.ps > manual.ps.gz pdf: manual.pdf #eh3 WARNING: due to the make dependencies, using the following rule will #eh3 *always* result in running the "manual.dvi" and "l2h.tgz" rules #eh3 *TWICE* due to the "*/*.ps" entry in the dependency list! #eh3 html: #eh3 make l2h #eh3 make subfigs html: make l2h cd manual; ../tools/make_mail_subjects.sh cd manual; ../tools/figsub.sh cd manual; ../tools/fix_docref_target.sh tar -czf manual.tgz manual l2h: l2h.tgz subfigs: manual.tgz manual.dvi: *.tex */*.tex */*/*/*.tex */*.ps */*.eps */*/*/*.eps TEXINPUTS=.:::texinputs latex manual bibtex manual TEXINPUTS=.:::texinputs latex manual TEXINPUTS=.:::texinputs latex manual | tee warnings manual.ps: manual.dvi dvips -Pcmz -Pamz -o manual.ps manual.dvi manual.pdf: manual.ps ps2pdf -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.2 -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true manual.ps manual.pdf clean: rm -f manual.{aux,bbl,blg,dvi,log,out,toc} warnings l2h.log Clean: make clean rm -f manual.{ps,pdf,ps.gz} rm -rf manual rm -f manual.{tz,tgz} mbkup.{tz,tgz} l2h.{tz,tgz} # Note - the noantialias option here does not affect the gif images # that are generated. However, it does make ppmquant to run in # a way that leaves out the -floyd option. This option # causes problems with some figures. If you really want # to use -antialias then you need to turn off the -floyd option. # To do this either # 1. edit the pstoimg script that comes with latex2html # 2. rename /usr/bin/ppmquant to /usr/bin/ppmquant.orig and # create a shell script that calls /usr/bin/ppmquant.orig # with just the option -256. # e.g. # mv /usr/bin/ppmquant /usr/bin/ppmquant.orig # cat > /usr/bin/ppmquant <