$Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm_contrib/verification_other/update_history,v 1.6 2013/08/13 16:35:13 jmc Exp $ $Name: $ Update history and content of "MITgcm_contrib/verification_other" ================================================================= checkpoint64m (2013/08/13) synchronised with main MITgcm code. checkpoint64k (2013/07/23) synchronised with main MITgcm code. 2013/07/07: - add a 3rd atm_gray set-up, CS-32 with 26 levels and evolving SST checkpoint64i (2013/06/18) synchronised with main MITgcm code. 2013/06/12: - add the 2 working set-up (atm_gray & offline_cheapaml) to one acesgrid daily test (using gfortran with MPI & mth and testing also the restart) 2013/06/10: - add secondary test (offline_cheapaml/input.dyn/) using seaice-dynamics and convergent wind to produce precip. checkpoint64h (2013/05/26) - add this file and make synchronised tag with main MITgcm code. 2013/05/22: - add simple experiment "offline_cheapaml" (cartesian-coordinate zonally periodic channel, similar to offline_exf_seaice/input.thsice) using cheapAML pkg without ocean time-stepping (offline) but with seaice. 2013/05/08: - update atm_gray experiments to use new pkg "atm_phys" (instead of mypackage) 2012/09/11: - add code (for now, using "mypackage") and 2 example experiments using gray atmospheric physics in dir "atm_gray"; see atm_gray/README. 2012/02/04: - Create dir "verification_other" in Contrib area (MITgcm_contrib) for additional - not automatically tested - experiments, some might or might not be up to date with the main MITgcm code. - Move from MITgcm/verification to Contrib/verification_other the following un-tested set-up: global1x1_tot/ global2x2_tot/ lab_sea/code_ad_seaice_ocean/ input_ad_seaice_ocean/ code_ad_seaice_only/ input_ad_seaice_only/ natl_box_adjoint/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------