#object: directions to install the global_oce_llc90 verification experiments cd MITgcm/verification/ cvs co -P -d global_oce_llc90 MITgcm_contrib/verification_other/global_oce_llc90 cd global_oce_llc90 ln -s code code_ad cvs co -P -d input_fields MITgcm_contrib/gael/verification/ECCO_v4_r2/input_fields cd input_fields ./gunzip_files cd .. wget ftp://mit.ecco-group.org/ecco_for_las/version_4/checkpoints/global_oce_input_fields.tar.gz gunzip global_oce_input_fields.tar.gz tar xf global_oce_input_fields.tar \rm -f global_oce_input_fields.tar mv global_oce_input_fields input_verifs wget ftp://mit.ecco-group.org/ecco_for_las/version_4/checkpoints/core2_cnyf.tar tar xf core2_cnyf.tar \rm -f core2_cnyf.tar mv core2_cnyf input_verifs/. cd .. #history: #2016/12/15 Gael Forget get tar balls from ftp://mit.ecco-group.org rather than http://mitgcm.org #2016/09/26 Gael Forget mv global_oce_input_fields to input_verifs inside global_oce_llc90 #2016/09/26 Gael Forget add wget core2_cnyf.tar #2016/09/26 Gael Forget remove cs32 related commands #2016/09/26 Gael Forget remove hidden related commands #2016/06/17 Gael Forget README file creation