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Contents of /MITgcm_contrib/mlosch/optim_m1qn3/optim_readdata.F

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Apr 26 11:10:06 2012 UTC (11 years, 11 months ago) by mlosch
Branch: MAIN
First working version of a new optimization package that uses a slightly
modified version of m1qn3, v3.3
to work as an offline optimizer. The advantage of m1qn3_offline is, that
it is run in reverse communication control mode, so that it gives back
control to the call routine (here a script) to provide a new estimate of the
cost function and the gradient based on the control vector. This way we can
do complete line searches that are meaningful.

1 C $Header: $
2 C $Name: $
4 c Include ECCO_CPPOPTIONS because the ecco_ctrl,cost files
5 c have headers with options for OBCS masks.
6 #include "ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h"
8 subroutine optim_readdata(
9 I nn,
10 I dfile,
11 I lheaderonly,
12 O ff,
13 O vv
14 & )
16 c ==================================================================
17 c SUBROUTINE optim_readdata
18 c ==================================================================
19 c
20 c o Read the data written by the MITgcmUV state estimation setup and
21 c join them to one vector that is subsequently used by the minimi-
22 c zation algorithm "lsopt". Depending on the specified file name
23 c either the control vector or the gradient vector can be read.
24 c
25 c *dfile* should be the radix of the file: ecco_ctrl or ecco_cost
26 c
27 c started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 12-Apr-2000
28 c
29 c changed: Patrick Heimbach heimbach@mit.edu 19-Jun-2000
30 c - finished, revised and debugged
31 c
32 c ==================================================================
33 c SUBROUTINE optim_readdata
34 c ==================================================================
36 implicit none
38 c == global variables ==
40 #include "EEPARAMS.h"
41 #include "SIZE.h"
42 #include "ctrl.h"
43 #include "optim.h"
45 c == routine arguments ==
47 integer nn
48 _RL ff
50 #if defined (DYNAMIC)
51 _RL vv(nn)
52 #elif defined (USE_POINTER) || (MAX_INDEPEND == 0)
53 _RL vv
54 pointer (pvv,vv(1))
55 #else
56 integer nmax
57 parameter( nmax = MAX_INDEPEND )
58 _RL vv(nmax)
59 #endif
61 character*(9) dfile
62 logical lheaderonly
64 c == local variables ==
66 integer bi,bj
67 integer biG,bjG
68 integer i,j
69 integer ii,k
70 integer icvar
71 integer icvrec
72 integer icvcomp
73 integer icvoffset
74 integer nopt
75 integer funit
77 integer cbuffindex
78 real*4 cbuff( sNx*nSx*nPx*sNy*nSy*nPy )
80 character*(128) fname
82 c integer filei
83 c integer filej
84 c integer filek
85 c integer fileiG
86 c integer filejG
87 c integer filensx
88 c integer filensy
89 integer filenopt
90 _RL fileff
92 cgg(
93 _RL gg
94 integer igg
95 integer iobcs
96 cgg)
98 c == end of interface ==
100 print *, 'pathei-lsopt in optim_readdata'
102 c-- The reference i/o unit.
103 funit = 20
105 c-- Next optimization cycle.
106 nopt = optimcycle
108 if ( dfile .eq. ctrlname ) then
109 print*
110 print*,' OPTIM_READDATA: Reading control vector'
111 print*,' for optimization cycle: ',nopt
112 print*
113 else if ( dfile .eq. costname ) then
114 print*
115 print*,' OPTIM_READDATA: Reading cost function and'
116 print*,' gradient of cost function'
117 print*,' for optimization cycle: ',nopt
118 print*
119 else
120 print*
121 print*,' OPTIM_READDATA: subroutine called by a false *dfile*'
122 print*,' argument. *dfile* = ',dfile
123 print*
124 stop ' ... stopped in OPTIM_READDATA.'
125 endif
127 c-- Read the data.
129 bjG = 1 + (myygloballo - 1)/sny
130 biG = 1 + (myxgloballo - 1)/snx
132 c-- Generate file name and open the file.
133 write(fname(1:128),'(4a,i4.4)')
134 & dfile,'_',yctrlid(1:10),'.opt', nopt
135 open( funit, file = fname,
136 & status = 'old',
137 & form = 'unformatted',
138 & access = 'sequential' )
139 print*, 'opened file ', fname
141 c-- Read the header.
142 read( funit ) nvartype
143 read( funit ) nvarlength
144 read( funit ) yctrlid
145 read( funit ) filenopt
146 read( funit ) fileff
147 read( funit ) fileiG
148 read( funit ) filejG
149 read( funit ) filensx
150 read( funit ) filensy
152 read( funit ) (nWetcGlobal(k), k=1,nr)
153 read( funit ) (nWetsGlobal(k), k=1,nr)
154 read( funit ) (nWetwGlobal(k), k=1,nr)
155 #ifdef ALLOW_CTRL_WETV
156 read( funit ) (nWetvGlobal(k), k=1,nr)
157 #endif
159 read(funit) (nWetiGlobal(k), k=1,nr)
160 c read(funit) nWetiGlobal(1)
161 #endif
163 cgg( Add OBCS Mask information into the header section for optimization.
165 read( funit ) ((nWetobcsnGlo(k,iobcs), k=1,nr),iobcs= 1,nobcs)
166 #endif
168 read( funit ) ((nWetobcssGlo(k,iobcs), k=1,nr),iobcs= 1,nobcs)
169 #endif
171 read( funit ) ((nWetobcswGlo(k,iobcs), k=1,nr),iobcs= 1,nobcs)
172 #endif
174 read( funit ) ((nWetobcseGlo(k,iobcs), k=1,nr),iobcs= 1,nobcs)
175 #endif
176 cgg)
177 read( funit ) (ncvarindex(i), i=1,maxcvars)
178 read( funit ) (ncvarrecs(i), i=1,maxcvars)
179 read( funit ) (ncvarxmax(i), i=1,maxcvars)
180 read( funit ) (ncvarymax(i), i=1,maxcvars)
181 read( funit ) (ncvarnrmax(i), i=1,maxcvars)
182 read( funit ) (ncvargrd(i), i=1,maxcvars)
183 read( funit )
185 cph(
186 cph if (lheaderonly) then
187 print *, 'pathei: nvartype ', nvartype
188 print *, 'pathei: nvarlength ', nvarlength
189 print *, 'pathei: yctrlid ', yctrlid
190 print *, 'pathei: filenopt ', filenopt
191 print *, 'pathei: fileff ', fileff
192 print *, 'pathei: fileiG ', fileiG
193 print *, 'pathei: filejG ', filejG
194 print *, 'pathei: filensx ', filensx
195 print *, 'pathei: filensy ', filensy
197 print *, 'pathei: nWetcGlobal ',
198 & (nWetcGlobal(k), k=1,nr)
199 print *, 'pathei: nWetsGlobal ',
200 & (nWetsGlobal(k), k=1,nr)
201 print *, 'pathei: nWetwGlobal ',
202 & (nWetwGlobal(k), k=1,nr)
203 print *, 'pathei: nWetvGlobal ',
204 & (nWetvGlobal(k), k=1,nr)
206 print *, 'pathei: nWetiGlobal ',
207 & (nWetiGlobal(k), k=1,nr)
208 #endif
210 do iobcs=1,nobcs
211 print *, 'pathei: nWetobcsnGlo (iobcs=', iobcs,')',
212 & (nWetobcsnGlo(k,iobcs), k=1,nr)
213 enddo
214 #endif
216 do iobcs=1,nobcs
217 print *, 'pathei: nWetobcssGlo (iobcs=', iobcs,')',
218 & (nWetobcssGlo(k,iobcs), k=1,nr)
219 enddo
220 #endif
222 do iobcs=1,nobcs
223 print *, 'pathei: nWetobcswGlo (iobcs=', iobcs,')',
224 & (nWetobcswGlo(k,iobcs), k=1,nr)
225 enddo
226 #endif
228 do iobcs=1,nobcs
229 print *, 'pathei: nWetobcseGlo (iobcs=', iobcs,')',
230 & (nWetobcseGlo(k,iobcs), k=1,nr)
231 enddo
232 #endif
233 print *, 'pathei: ncvarindex ',
234 & (ncvarindex(i), i=1,maxcvars)
235 print *, 'pathei: ncvarrecs ',
236 & (ncvarrecs(i), i=1,maxcvars)
237 print *, 'pathei: ncvarxmax ',
238 & (ncvarxmax(i), i=1,maxcvars)
239 print *, 'pathei: ncvarymax ',
240 & (ncvarymax(i), i=1,maxcvars)
241 print *, 'pathei: ncvarnrmax ',
242 & (ncvarnrmax(i), i=1,maxcvars)
243 print *, 'pathei: ncvargrd ',
244 & (ncvargrd(i), i=1,maxcvars)
245 cph end if
246 cph)
247 c-- Check the header information for consistency.
249 cph if ( filenopt .ne. nopt ) then
250 cph print*
251 cph print*,' READ_HEADER: Input data belong to the wrong'
252 cph print*,' optimization cycle.'
253 cph print*,' optimization cycle = ',nopt
254 cph print*,' input optim cycle = ',filenopt
255 cph print*
256 cph stop ' ... stopped in READ_HEADER.'
257 cph endif
259 if ( (fileiG .ne. biG) .or. (filejG .ne. bjG) ) then
260 print*
261 print*,' READ_HEADER: Tile indices of loop and data '
262 print*,' do not match.'
263 print*,' loop x/y component = ',
264 & biG,bjG
265 print*,' data x/y component = ',
266 & fileiG,filejG
267 print*
268 stop ' ... stopped in READ_HEADER.'
269 endif
271 if ( (filensx .ne. nsx) .or. (filensy .ne. nsy) ) then
272 print*
273 print*,' READ_HEADER: Numbers of tiles do not match.'
274 print*,' parameter x/y no. of tiles = ',
275 & bi,bj
276 print*,' data x/y no. of tiles = ',
277 & filensx,filensy
278 print*
279 stop ' ... stopped in READ_HEADER.'
280 endif
282 ce Add some more checks. ...
284 if (.NOT. lheaderonly) then
285 c-- Read the data.
286 icvoffset = 0
287 do icvar = 1,maxcvars
288 if ( ncvarindex(icvar) .ne. -1 ) then
289 do icvrec = 1,ncvarrecs(icvar)
290 do bj = 1,nsy
291 do bi = 1,nsx
292 read( funit ) ncvarindex(icvar)
293 read( funit ) filej
294 read( funit ) filei
295 do k = 1,ncvarnrmax(icvar)
296 cbuffindex = 0
297 if (ncvargrd(icvar) .eq. 'c') then
298 cbuffindex = nWetcGlobal(k)
299 else if (ncvargrd(icvar) .eq. 's') then
300 cbuffindex = nWetsGlobal(k)
301 else if (ncvargrd(icvar) .eq. 'w') then
302 cbuffindex = nWetwGlobal(k)
303 else if (ncvargrd(icvar) .eq. 'v') then
304 cbuffindex = nWetvGlobal(k)
306 else if (ncvargrd(icvar) .eq. 'i') then
307 cbuffindex = nWetiGlobal(k)
308 #endif
309 cgg( O.B. points have the grid mask "m".
310 else if (ncvargrd(icvar) .eq. 'm') then
311 cgg From "icvrec", calculate what iobcs must be.
312 gg = (icvrec-1)/nobcs
313 igg = int(gg)
314 iobcs= icvrec - igg*nobcs
316 if (icvar .eq. 11) then
317 cbuffindex = nWetobcsnGlo(k,iobcs)
318 endif
319 #endif
321 if (icvar .eq. 12) then
322 cbuffindex = nWetobcssGlo(k,iobcs)
323 endif
324 #endif
326 if (icvar .eq. 13) then
327 cbuffindex = nWetobcswGlo(k,iobcs)
328 endif
329 #endif
331 if (icvar .eq. 14) then
332 cbuffindex = nWetobcseGlo(k,iobcs)
333 endif
334 #endif
335 cgg)
336 endif
337 if ( icvoffset + cbuffindex .gt. nvarlength ) then
338 print*
339 print *, ' ERROR:'
340 print *, ' There are at least ', icvoffset+cbuffindex,
341 & ' records in '//fname(1:28)//'.'
342 print *, ' This is more than expected from nvarlength =',
343 & nvarlength, '.'
344 print *, ' Something is wrong in the computation of '//
345 & 'the wet points or'
346 print *, ' in computing the number of records in '//
347 & 'some variable(s).'
348 print *, ' ... stopped in OPTIM_READDATA.'
349 stop ' ... stopped in OPTIM_READDATA.'
350 endif
351 if (cbuffindex .gt. 0) then
352 read( funit ) cbuffindex
353 read( funit ) filek
354 read( funit ) (cbuff(ii), ii=1,cbuffindex)
355 do icvcomp = 1,cbuffindex
356 vv(icvoffset+icvcomp) = cbuff(icvcomp)
357 c If you want to optimize with respect to just O.B. T and S
358 c uncomment the next two lines.
359 c if (iobcs .eq. 3) vv(icvoffset+icvcomp)=0.
360 c if (iobcs .eq. 4) vv(icvoffset+icvcomp)=0.
361 enddo
362 icvoffset = icvoffset + cbuffindex
363 endif
364 enddo
365 enddo
366 enddo
367 enddo
368 endif
369 enddo
371 else
373 c-- Assign the number of control variables.
374 nn = nvarlength
376 endif
378 close( funit )
380 c-- Assign the cost function value in case we read the cost file.
382 if ( dfile .eq. ctrlname ) then
383 ff = 0. d 0
384 else if ( dfile .eq. costname ) then
385 ff = fileff
386 endif
387 c-- Always return the cost function value if lheaderonly
388 if ( lheaderonly) ff = fileff
390 return
391 end

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