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Contents of /MITgcm_contrib/mlosch/interp_llc/topo_s2004.m

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu May 3 21:07:21 2007 UTC (17 years ago) by mlosch
Branch: MAIN
initial checkin of topography and hydrography interpolation scripts for
the llc-grid, based on old matlab scripts by Alistair Adcroft
Let's hope, they are useful.

1 % This is a script that executes a series of commands for
2 % extracting GEBCO data, interpolating, editing and then
3 % generating a mask-file.
4 %
5 % Uses data files: HGRID.mat VGRID.mat
6 % Creates data files: bathymetry.bin
7 % Creates arrays: n/a
8 % Uses m-scripts: setgrid grid_sphere finegrid gen_hxhy xyrecur_* edtopo
9 %
10 % Created 08/15/99 by adcroft@mit.edu
11 % Modified 11/09/99 by adcroft@mit.edu
12 % Maintained by adcroft@mit.edu, abiastoch@ucsd.edu
13 % Modifield to read etopo2 01/10/04 by mlosch@awi-bremerhaven.de
15 %clear all
16 format compact
17 more off
19 skipfv=0
21 load HGRID.mat nxc nyc lon_lo lon_hi lat_lo lat_hi periodic
23 if ~skipfv
25 load HFGRID xcf
26 % Get the GEBCO data on a conveniently sized grid
27 disp('Extracting S2004 data ... ');
28 [He2,xe2,ye2]=extract_s2004(lon_lo,lon_hi,lat_lo,lat_hi);
29 i0=find(xe2>=360+s_lon);
30 xe2(i0) = xe2(i0)-360;
31 if xe2(end)==xe2(1); xe2(end)=xe2(1)+360; end
32 % make the domain bigger so that it covers everything
33 [nxe,nye]=size(He2);
34 imax = min(find(xe2+360>max(xcf(:))));
35 imin = max(find(xe2-360<min(xcf(:))));
36 He2 = [He2(imin+1:end-1,:); He2; He2(2:imax,:)];
37 xe2 = [xe2(imin+1:end-1)-360 xe2 xe2(2:imax)+360];
39 disp(sprintf('S2004 dimensions are %i x %i',size(He2)));
40 save S2004.mat He2 xe2 ye2
42 disp('Extracting BRIOS data ... ');
43 [Hb2,Zb2,xb2,yb2]=extract_brios(lon_lo,lon_hi,lat_lo,lat_hi);
44 i0 = find(xb2>=360+s_lon);
45 xb2 = [xb2(i0)-360; xb2];
46 Hb2 = [Hb2(i0,:); Hb2];
47 Zb2 = [Zb2(i0,:); Zb2];
49 disp(sprintf('BRIOS dimensions are %i x %i',size(Hb2)));
50 save BRIOS.mat Hb2 Zb2 xb2 yb2
52 % Interpolate to fine grid
53 load HFGRID xcf ycf nfinepow
54 disp('Interpolating to fine grid ... ');
55 Hfine = 0*xcf;
56 Bfine = 0*xcf;
57 Zfine = 0*xcf;
58 % this may be replace with something more sophisticated (and expensive)
59 imeth = 'nearest';
60 imeth = 'linear';
61 disp(sprintf('interpolation method: %s',imeth))
62 largeproblem = 1;
63 if largeproblem
64 % divide and conquer
65 [nxt nyt]=size(xcf);
66 nt = 2.^max(nfinepow-2,0);
67 nxt = nxt./nt;
68 nyt = nyt./nt;
69 for j=1:nt
70 jy = nyt*(j-1)+[1:nyt];
71 for i=1:nt
72 ix = nxt*(i-1)+[1:nxt];
73 disp(sprintf('tile number = (%u,%u)',i,j));
74 Hfine(ix,jy)=interp2(xe2(:),ye2(:)',He2',xcf(ix,jy),ycf(ix,jy),imeth);
75 Bfine(ix,jy)=interp2(xb2(:),[yb2;-yb2(end:-1:1)]', ...
76 [Hb2 zeros(size(Hb2))]',xcf(ix,jy),ycf(ix,jy),imeth);
77 Zfine(ix,jy)=interp2(xb2(:),[yb2;-yb2(end:-1:1)]', ...
78 [Zb2 zeros(size(Zb2))]', xcf(ix,jy),ycf(ix,jy),imeth);
79 end
80 end
81 else
82 % do everything in one go
83 Hfine=interp2(xe2(:),ye2(:)',He2',xcf,ycf,imeth);
84 Bfine=interp2(xb2(:),[yb2;-yb2(end:-1:1)]',[Hb2 zeros(size(Hb2))]', ...
85 xcf,ycf,imeth);
86 Zfine=interp2(xb2(:),[yb2;-yb2(end:-1:1)]',[Zb2 zeros(size(Zb2))]', ...
87 xcf,ycf,'nearest');
88 end
90 Bfine(isnan(Bfine)) = 0;
91 Zfine(isnan(Zfine)) = 0;
92 % add bathymetry under shelfice
93 msk0 = Hfine;
94 msk0(find(msk0>0))=1;
95 sizmsk = Zfine;
96 sihmsk = Bfine;
97 sihmsk(find(sihmsk~=0))=1;
98 sizmsk(find(sizmsk~=0))=1;
99 %sizmsk = sizmsk.*sihmsk;
100 % introduce wall at the south (affects only Ross Sea)
101 Zfine = Zfine.*sizmsk;
102 % under ice bottom topography
103 i1 = find(sizmsk == 1);
104 Hfine(i1) = Bfine(i1);
105 %% Handarbeit:
106 %x0=
107 %y0=
108 ierr = find(Zfine(i1)<Hfine(i1));
110 clear Bfine Hb2 xe2 ye2
112 %load HFINE
113 disp(sprintf('Fine grid dimensions are %i x %i x %i',size(Hfine)));
114 save HFINE.mat Hfine xcf ycf
115 save ZFINE.mat Zfine xcf ycf
116 clear He2 xe2 ye2 xcf ycf
118 disp('Adding halo region ...');
119 load HFGRID nfinepow
120 Hfine=exch_llc(Hfine,2^(nfinepow));
121 disp('Limiting to ocean (h<=0) ...');
122 Hfine=min(Hfine,0);
123 disp(sprintf('Fine grid+halo dimensions are %i x %i x %i',size(Hfine)));
125 % Create U/V point depths
126 disp('Initializing thin walls on fine grid ... ');
127 Hx=[];
128 Hy=[];
129 %[Hx,Hy]=gen_hxhy(Hfine);
131 % Recursively coarsen grid
132 disp('Recursively coarsening from fine grid to target ...');
133 %[H2,x2,y2]=xyrecur_max(Hfine,xcfine,ycfine,gridscalepow);
134 %[H2]=xyrecur_ave(Hfine,nfinepow);
135 clear H2 Hx2 Hy2
136 for k=1:size(Hfine,3);
137 [H2(:,:,k),Hx2(:,:,k),Hy2(:,:,k)]=xyrecur_fv(Hfine(:,:,k),Hx,Hy,nfinepow);
138 end
139 clear Hfine Hx Hy
140 save H2.mat H2 Hx2 Hy2
142 % repeat for shelf ice topography Z
143 disp('Shelfice: Adding halo region ...');
144 Zfine=exch_llc(Zfine,2^(nfinepow));
145 disp('Limiting to ocean (h<=0) ...');
146 Zfine=min(Zfine,0);
147 disp(sprintf('Fine grid+halo dimensions are %i x %i x %i',size(Zfine)));
148 % Create U/V point depths
149 disp('Initializing thin walls on fine grid ... ');
150 Zx=[];
151 Zy=[];
152 % Recursively coarsen grid
153 disp('Recursively coarsening from fine grid to target ...');
154 clear ZZ2 Z2 Zx2 Zy2
155 % hack to be able to use xyrecur_fv for shelfice topography: turn
156 % everything upside down
157 ZLARGE = 10000;
158 ZZ = (-ZLARGE-Zfine).*mask(Zfine);
159 for k=1:size(Zfine,3);
160 % [Z2(:,:,k),Zx2(:,:,k),Zy2(:,:,k)]=xyrecur_fv(Zfine(:,:,k),Zx,Zy,nfinepow);
161 [ZZ2(:,:,k),Zx2(:,:,k),Zy2(:,:,k)]=xyrecur_fv(ZZ(:,:,k),Zx,Zy,nfinepow);
162 end
163 zmsk = mask(ZZ2);
164 Z2 = -(ZZ2+ZLARGE).*zmsk;
165 clear Zfine Zx Zy
166 save Z2.mat Z2 Zx2 Zy2
168 % ~skipfv
169 else
170 load H2
171 load Z2
172 end
174 % Drop halo
175 disp(sprintf('Removing halo: remaining grid is (%i,%i)',nxc,nyc));
176 H2=H2(2:end-1,2:end-1,:);
177 Hx2=Hx2(2:end-1,2:end-1,:);
178 Hy2=Hy2(2:end-1,2:end-1,:);
180 load VGRID.mat dz
181 hmax=sum(dz)
182 H2=max(H2,-hmax);
183 Hx2=max(Hx2,-hmax);
184 Hy2=max(Hy2,-hmax);
185 save HH2.mat H2 Hx2 Hy2
187 % Fill or empty top N layers
188 load VGRID.mat dz
189 N=2;
190 Dz=[sum(dz(1:N)) dz((N+1):end)]
191 zround=70; %dz(1);
192 zround=Dz(1);
193 [msk,ddz] = hfac(Dz,Hx2,0,0);
194 if ndims(ddz)==4
195 ddz(:,:,:,1)=min(1,round( ddz(:,:,:,1)/zround ))*Dz(1);
196 else
197 ddz(:,:,1)=min(1,round( ddz(:,:,1)/zround ))*Dz(1);
198 end
199 Hx2=squeeze(-sum(ddz,ndims(ddz)));
200 [msk,ddz] = hfac(Dz,Hy2,0,0);
201 if ndims(ddz)==4
202 ddz(:,:,:,1)=min(1,round( ddz(:,:,:,1)/zround ))*Dz(1);
203 else
204 ddz(:,:,1)=min(1,round( ddz(:,:,1)/zround ))*Dz(1);
205 end
206 Hy2=squeeze(-sum(ddz,ndims(ddz)));
208 % Remove inlets
209 [H2,Hx2,Hy2]=remove_inlets(H2,Hx2,Hy2);
211 % Fill pot holes
212 %[H2,Hx2,Hy2]=fill_potholes(H2,Hx2,Hy2);
214 save h2 H2 Hx2 Hy2
216 % Re-combine thin wall data (not used if keeping thin walls)
217 if exist('Hx2')
218 hn=drop_thinwalls(H2,Hx2,Hy2,periodic);
219 else
220 hn=H2;
221 end
223 % for shelf ice do not do as much
224 Z2=Z2(2:end-1,2:end-1,:);
225 Zx2=Zx2(2:end-1,2:end-1,:);
226 Zy2=Zy2(2:end-1,2:end-1,:);
227 if exist('Zx2')
228 zn=drop_thinwalls(Z2,Zx2,Zy2,periodic);
229 else
230 zn=Z2;
231 end
233 % Round to nearest "res" metres
234 %% res=5;
235 %% hn=res*round(hn/res);
237 save HNo.mat hn
239 % Limit deepest point
240 load VGRID.mat dz
241 hn(find(hn<-sum(dz)))=-sum(dz);
242 % Level land to zero
243 hn(find(hn>0))=0;
245 % Fill or empty top N layers
246 N=2;
247 Dz=[sum(dz(1:N)) dz((N+1):end)]
248 zround=25; %dz(1);
249 zround=Dz(1);
250 [msk,ddz] = hfac(Dz,hn,0,0);
251 if ndims(ddz)==4
252 ddz(:,:,:,1)=min(1,round( ddz(:,:,:,1)/zround ))*Dz(1);
253 else
254 ddz(:,:,1)=min(1,round( ddz(:,:,1)/zround ))*Dz(1);
255 end
256 hn=squeeze(-sum(ddz,ndims(ddz)));
258 % Remove single point holes (new depth matches nearest depth)
259 hn=max(hn, min( min(hn([end 1:end-1],:,:),hn([2:end 1],:,:)) ,...
260 min(hn(:,[1 1:end-1],:),hn(:,[2:end end],:)) ) );
262 % Automatically discard lakes and unattached oceans
263 %%clear all
264 %load HNo
265 msk=mask(hn);
266 if size(hn,1) ==360
267 nstartpts = 10;
268 else
269 nstartpts = 5;
270 end
271 for t=1:size(hn,3);
272 msk(:,:,t)=findocean( msk(:,:,t) ,nstartpts, periodic);
273 end
275 msk=findocean_fast( msk );
276 hn=hn.*msk;
278 % now that we have the basic topography we need to decide which portions
279 % of the cap-faces are used to generate the final cap-face
280 % the idea is to use the triangle that is adjacent to the side face:
281 [nx,ny]=size(hn);
282 nf = nx/4;
283 newface = 0;
284 clear sh
285 for k=1:4
286 face{k} = hn([1:nf] + (k-1)*nf,end-nf+1:end);
287 tmp = face{k}*0;
288 imin = 3;
289 for j=1:(nf/2+1)
290 i = max(1,j-imin):min(nf-j+1+imin,nf);
291 tmp(i,j) = face{k}(i,j);
292 end
293 tmp = rot90(tmp,k-1);
294 % tmp= rot90(face{k},k-1);
295 % sh(k)=subplot(1,4,k);pcol(sq(tmp)'); caxis([-4250 0]); axis image
296 newface = min(newface,tmp);
297 end
298 hn0=hn;
299 h00=hn;
300 for k=1:4
301 hn0([1:nf] + (k-1)*nf,end-nf+1:end)=rot90(newface,1-k);
302 fac = 0; if k==2; fac = 1; end
303 h00([1:nf] + (k-1)*nf,end-nf+1:end)=rot90(newface,1-k)*fac;
304 end
305 hn=hn0;
307 % Edit
308 % Fill oceans to sea-level
309 %hn(find(hn<0))=0;
310 % remove artic from 106 to 270 degrees
311 %hn0=hn;
313 save HN.mat hn
314 save ZN.mat zn
317 % Save bathymetry in bathymetry.bin
318 load FMT
319 %delete bathymetry.bin
320 %wrda('bathymetry.bin',permute(hn,[1 3 2]),1,fmt,Ieee);
321 %wrda('bathymetryHx.bin',Hx2,1,fmt,Ieee);
322 %wrda('bathymetryHy.bin',Hy2,1,fmt,Ieee);
324 gen_masks
326 % correct shelfice topography
327 load ZN zn
328 zn = zn.*msk(:,:,1);
329 izn=find((zn-hn).*msk(:,:,1) < 0);
330 zn(izn) = hn(izn);
331 save ZN zn
333 % divide:
334 hnz = hn;
335 hnz(find(zn==0))=0;
336 hn(find(zn~=0))=0;
337 save HN hn
338 save ZN zn hnz
340 gen_masks
342 load HGRID xg yg
343 xxg=xg(1:end-1,2:end-1);
344 yyg=yg(1:end-1,2:end-1);
345 pcol(xxg',yyg',sq(hn)')
346 axis([min(xg(:)) max(xg(:)) min(yg(:)) max(yg(:))])
348 set(gcf,'renderer','painters');
349 if size(hn,1) == 180
350 title('2x2 lat-lon-cap grid')
351 print -depsc grid2x2.eps
352 end
353 if size(hn,1) == 360
354 title('1x1 lat-lon-cap grid')
355 print -depsc grid1x1.eps
356 end

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