function [GRID] = loadgrid(varargin) %loadgrid() %loadgrid(DIRECTORY) % %Reads MITgcm output files and input "data" file to create a GRID structure %If DIRECTORY is not specified the current working directory is used. % %The following files are expected to be in the directory: % data XC.* YC.* XG.* YG.* DXG.* DYG.* RAC.* hFacC.* hFacW.* hFacS.* % %e.g. %>> GRID=loadgrid %GRID = % drf: [50 70 100 140 190 240 290 340 390 440 490 540 590 640 690] % drc: [25 60 85 120 165 215 265 315 365 415 465 515 565 615 665] % rf: [1x16 double] % rc: [1x15 double] % xc: [90x40 double] % yc: [90x40 double] % xg: [90x40 double] % yg: [90x40 double] % dxg: [90x40 double] % dyg: [90x40 double] % rac: [90x40 double] % hfacc: [90x40x15 double] % hfacw: [90x40x15 double] % hfacs: [90x40x15 double] % mskc: [90x40x15 double] % mAtl: [90x40 double] % matl: [90x40 double] % mPac: [90x40 double] % mpac: [90x40 double] % msoc: [90x40 double] %>> GRID2=loadgrid('/scratch/john/run2/'); % %Most elements of the structure are named to corresponding to MITgcm %variables. % %Lower case regional masks (matl, mpac and msoc) denote Atlantic and Pacific %Southern Ocean regions only and are exclusive (i.e. matl does not extend %into the Southern Ocean). %Upper case regional masks (mAtl and mPac) denotes sectors and do include the %Southern Ocean. % sum(sum( GRID.mskc(:,:,1) )) = sum( GRID.mAtl(:) + GRID.mPac(:) ) % = sum( GRID.matl(:) + GRID.mpac(:) + GRID.msoc(:) ) % %Written by, 2001 % if nargin==0 Dir='./'; elseif nargin==1 Dir=[varargin{1} '/']; else error('I don''t know what to do with the second argument'); end % Extract drF from "data" file datafile=[Dir 'data']; fid=fopen(datafile,'r'); if fid==-1 error(['Could not open file:' datafile ' for reading']); end fclose(fid); drf=evalc([ ... '! grep -v ''#'' ' datafile ... '| awk ''/[dD[eE][lL][rRzZpP]/,/XXX/ {printf "%s",$0}'' ' ... '| sed ''s/[dD][eE][lL][zZrRpP][ ]*=\([0-9Ee,\. +\-]*\).*/\1/'' ' ... '| sed ''s/[ ]//g'' ' ... '| sed ''s/,/ /g'' ' ... ';' ]); eval(['drf=[' drf '];']) drf=drf; drc=(drf([1 1:end-1])+drf)/2; drc(1)=drc(1)/2; %% % Extract drC from output file %% outputfile='output.txt'; %% drc=evalc(['!head -1000 ' outputfile ... %% ' | awk ''/drC/,/;/ {print $3}'' -' ... %% ' | egrep "e|E"' ... %% ' | sed ''s/,//'' ']); %% eval(['drc=[' drc '];']) %% drc=drc'; %% % Extract drF from output file %% drf=evalc('!head -1000 output.txt | awk "/drF/,/;/ {print \$3}" - | egrep "e|E" | sed s/,// '); %% eval(['drf=[' drf '];']) %% drf=drf'; rf=-cumsum([0 drf]); rc=-cumsum([drc]); GRID.drf=drf; GRID.drc=drc; GRID.rf=rf; GRID.rc=rc; msg1='Error: Grid data written by the model is needed. The following files are needed: XC.* YC.* XG.* YG.* DXG.* DYG.* RAC.* hFacC.* hFacW.* hFacS.*'; msg2='Error: The appropriate model output files are not present. If the following files were not written by the model check that you have version 1.11 or greater of ini_grid.F: DXG.* DYG.* RAC.*'; xc=locrdmds([Dir 'XC'],msg1); GRID.xc=xc; yc=locrdmds([Dir 'YC'],msg1); GRID.yc=yc; xg=locrdmds([Dir 'XG'],msg1); GRID.xg=xg; yg=locrdmds([Dir 'YG'],msg1); GRID.yg=yg; dxg=locrdmds([Dir 'DXG'],msg2); GRID.dxg=dxg; dyg=locrdmds([Dir 'DYG'],msg2); GRID.dyg=dyg; rac=locrdmds([Dir 'RAC'],msg2); GRID.rac=rac; hfacc=locrdmds([Dir 'hFacC'],msg1); GRID.hfacc=hfacc; hfacw=locrdmds([Dir 'hFacW'],msg1); GRID.hfacw=hfacw; hfacs=locrdmds([Dir 'hFacS'],msg1); GRID.hfacs=hfacs; mskc=hfacc; mskc(find(hfacc~=0))=1; GRID.mskc=mskc; mskc=mskc(:,:,1); j=[]; %j=[j find( yc>-32.5 & xc>290 )']; %j=[j find( yc>-32.5 & xc<25 )']; j=[j find( xc>290 )']; j=[j find( xc<25 & xc>290-360 )']; j=[j find( yc>9 & yc<60 & (yc-9)+(xc-276)>0 )']; j=[j find( yc>9 & yc<60 & (yc-9)+(xc-276+360)>0 & xc<30 )']; j=[j find( yc>17 & yc<60 & xc>261 )']; j=[j find( yc>50 & (yc-70)-(xc-270)<0 )']; j=[j find( yc>31 & xc<38 & xc>-90 )']; j=[j find( yc>31 & xc>360-90 )']; j=[j find( yc>64 )']; matl=0*mskc; matl(j)=1; matl=matl.*mskc; GRID.mAtl=matl; j=[]; j=[j find( yc>-32.5 )']; matl=0*mskc; matl(j)=1; matl=GRID.mAtl.*matl.*mskc; GRID.matl=matl; mpac=(1-matl).*mskc; j=[]; j=[j find( yc<65 )']; mpac=0*mskc; mpac(j)=1; mpac=mpac.*mskc.*(1-GRID.mAtl); GRID.mPac=mpac; j=[]; j=[j find( yc>-32.5 )']; mpac=0*mskc; mpac(j)=1; mpac=GRID.mPac.*mpac.*mskc; GRID.mpac=mpac; msoc=(1-matl).*(1-mpac).*mskc; j=[]; j=[j find( yc<0 )']; GRID.msoc=msoc.*mskc.*(1-mpac).*(1-matl); function [A] = locrdmds(fname,errmsg) [fid,msg]=fopen([fname '.001.001.meta'],'r'); if fid == -1 A=[]; disp(errmsg); error(['The error occured while trying to open ' fname '.001.001.meta']) else fclose(fid); A=rdmds(fname); end