function [col,mapC]=change_colmap(kchg); % CHANGE_COLMAP :: simple function to modify the default colormap % [col,mapC]=change_colmap(-1) :: replace 1rst color with white % [col,mapC]=change_colmap(2) :: I don't remember ... % $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm_contrib/jmc_script/change_colmap.m,v 1.1 2013/01/10 18:27:54 jmc Exp $ % $Name: $ col=[1:64]; colormap('default'); mapC=colormap; if kchg == -1, mapC(1,:)=[1 1 1]; colormap(mapC); elseif kchg == 2, col(3:18)=[46 33 44 27 42:-2:20] ; col(9)=51; col(13)=50; col(16)=35; col(19:34)=[58 49:-2:37 23 48 31 43 30 25:-2:21]; col(23)=52; col(35:47)=[29 53:64]; col(41)=38; col(48:64)=19:-1:3; map2=zeros(64,3); map2([1:64],:)=mapC(col([1:64]),:); mapC=map2; mapC(1,:)=[1 1 1]; colormap(mapC); end return