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Contents of /MITgcm_contrib/grid_bathymetry_matlab/thincolorbar.m

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Jun 27 15:35:11 2006 UTC (17 years, 10 months ago) by heimbach
Branch: MAIN
Add matlab routines to generate gridded bathymetry file from
ETOPO2.raw.bin (courtesy D. Menemenlis)

1 function handle=thincolorbar(arg1, arg2, arg3)
2 %THINCOLORBAR Display color bar (color scale).
3 %
4 % This is a modification of Matlab's colorbar function that
5 % generates thinner colorbars.
6 %
7 % THINCOLORBAR('vert') appends a vertical color scale to the current
8 % axes. THINCOLORBAR('horiz') appends a horizontal color scale.
9 %
10 % THINCOLORBAR(H) places the thincolorbar in the axes H.
11 % The thincolorbar will be horizontal
12 % if the axes H width > height (in pixels).
13 %
14 % THINCOLORBAR without arguments either adds a new vertical color
15 % scale or updates an existing thincolorbar.
16 %
17 % H = THINCOLORBAR(...) returns a handle to the thincolorbar axes.
18 %
19 % THINCOLORBAR(...,'peer',AX) creates a thincolorbar associated with
20 % axes AXinstead of the current axes.
21 %
22 % See also IMAGESC.
24 % Clay M. Thompson 10-9-92
25 % Copyright 1984-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
26 % $Revision: 5.52 $ $Date: 2002/04/08 22:00:12 $
28 narg = nargin;
30 % when this is done doing whatever it does
31 % gcf and gca should be what they were when we got here
32 % so get them now
34 GCF = gcf;
35 GCA = gca;
37 if narg<2
38 haxes = gca;
39 hfig = gcf;
40 if narg<1
41 loc = 'vert'; % Default mode when called without arguments.
42 else
43 % Peer must be followed by a valid axes handle.
44 if strcmp(arg1,'peer')
45 error('Parameter ''peer'' must be followed by an axes handle.');
46 end
47 loc = arg1;
48 end
49 elseif narg == 2
50 % This is the case ONLY when peer and a handle is passed.
51 if strcmp(arg1,'peer')
52 if ishandle(arg2) & strcmp(get(arg2, 'type'), 'axes')
53 haxes = arg2;
54 hfig = get(haxes,'parent');
55 loc = 'vert';
56 narg = 0;
57 else
58 % If second arg is not a valid axes handle
59 error('Second argument must be a scalar axes handle.');
60 end
61 else
62 error('Unknown command option.');
63 end
64 else
65 % For three arguments the first must be the mode or a axes handle,
66 % second must be the string 'peer' and third must be the peer axes handle.
67 loc = arg1;
68 if strcmp(arg2,'peer')
69 if ishandle(arg3) & strcmp(get(arg3, 'type'), 'axes')
70 haxes = arg3;
71 hfig = get(haxes,'parent');
72 narg = 1;
73 else
74 error('Third argument must be a scalar axes handle.');
75 end
76 else
77 error('Unknown command option.');
78 end
79 end
81 % Catch colorbar('delete') special case -- must be called by the deleteFcn.
82 if narg==1 & strcmp(loc,'delete')
83 ax = gcbo;
84 %
85 % If called from ColorbarDeleteProxy, delete the colorbar axes
86 %
87 if strcmp(get(ax,'tag'),'ColorbarDeleteProxy')
88 cbo = ax;
89 ax = get(cbo,'userdata');
90 if ishandle(ax)
91 ud = get(ax,'userdata');
93 % Do a sanity check before deleting colorbar
94 if isfield(ud,'ColorbarDeleteProxy') & ...
95 isequal(ud.ColorbarDeleteProxy,cbo) & ...
96 ishandle(ax)
97 try
98 delete(ax)
99 end
100 end
101 end
102 else
103 %
104 % If called from the colorbar image resize the original axes
105 %
106 if strcmp(get(ax,'tag'),'TMW_COLORBAR')
107 ax=get(ax,'parent');
108 end
110 ud = get(ax,'userdata');
111 if isfield(ud,'PlotHandle') & ...
112 ishandle(ud.PlotHandle) & ...
113 isfield(ud,'origPos') & ...
114 ~isempty(ud.origPos)
116 % Get position and orientation of colorbar being deleted
117 delpos = get(ax,'Position');
118 if delpos(3)<delpos(4)
119 delloc = 'vert';
120 else
121 delloc = 'horiz';
122 end
124 % Search figure for existing colorbars
125 % If one is found with the same plothandle but that is not
126 % the same colorbar as the one being deleted
127 % Get its position and orientation
128 otherloc = '';
129 otherpos = [];
130 othercbar = [];
131 phch = get(findall(hfig,'type','image','tag','TMW_COLORBAR'),{'parent'});
132 for i=1:length(phch)
133 phud = get(phch{i},'userdata');
134 if isfield(ud,'PlotHandle') & isfield(phud,'PlotHandle')
135 if isequal(ud.PlotHandle,phud.PlotHandle)
136 if ~isequal(phch{i},ax)
137 othercbar = phch{i};
138 otherpos = get(phch{i},'Position');
139 if otherpos(3)<otherpos(4)
140 otherloc = 'vert';
141 else
142 otherloc = 'horiz';
143 end
144 break;
145 end
146 end
147 end
148 end
151 % get the current plothandle units
152 units = get(ud.PlotHandle,'units');
153 % set plothandle units to normalized
154 set(ud.PlotHandle,'units','normalized');
155 % get current plothandle position
156 phpos = get(ud.PlotHandle,'position');
158 % if the colorbar being deleted is vertical
159 % set the plothandle axis width to the original Pos
160 % width of the colorbar being deleted
161 % if there is another (horizontal) colorbar
162 % do the same to that
163 if strncmp(delloc,'vert',1)
164 phpos(3) = ud.origPos(3);
165 set(ud.PlotHandle,'position',phpos);
166 if strncmp(otherloc,'horiz',1)
167 otherpos(3) = ud.origPos(3);
168 set(othercbar,'position',otherpos);
169 end
171 % update legend (which resizes plothandle)
172 % only when deleting vertical colorbars
174 legH=legend(ud.PlotHandle);
175 if ~isempty(legH) & ishandle(legH)
176 % save size of current plothandle axes with legend ud
177 legend('RecordSize',ud.PlotHandle);
178 % resize (reposition) legend
179 legend('ResizeLegend',legH);
180 end
182 % elseif the colorbar being deleted is horizontal
183 % set the plothandle y and height to the original Pos
184 % y and height of the colorbar being deleted.
185 % if there is another (vertical) colorbar
186 % do the same to that
187 elseif strncmp(delloc,'horiz',1)
188 phpos(4) = ud.origPos(4);
189 phpos(2) = ud.origPos(2);
190 set(ud.PlotHandle,'position',phpos);
191 if strncmp(otherloc,'vert',1)
192 otherpos(4) = ud.origPos(4);
193 otherpos(2) = ud.origPos(2);
194 set(othercbar,'position',otherpos);
195 end
197 end
199 % restore the plothandle units
200 set(ud.PlotHandle,'units',units);
203 end
205 if isfield(ud,'ColorbarDeleteProxy') & ishandle(ud.ColorbarDeleteProxy)
206 try
207 delete(ud.ColorbarDeleteProxy)
208 end
209 end
210 end
211 % before going, be sure to reset current figure and axes
212 set(0,'currentfigure',GCF);
213 set(gcf,'currentaxes',GCA);
214 return
215 end
217 % If called with COLORBAR(H) or for an existing colorbar, don't change
218 % the NextPlot property.
220 ax = [];
221 cbarinaxis=0;
222 if narg==1
223 if ishandle(loc)
224 ax = loc;
225 ud = get(ax,'userdata');
226 if isfield(ud,'ColorbarDeleteProxy')
227 error('Colorbar cannot be added to another colorbar.')
228 end
229 if ~strcmp(get(ax,'type'),'axes')
230 error('Requires axes handle.');
231 end
233 cbarinaxis=1;
234 units = get(ax,'units');
235 set(ax,'units','pixels');
236 rect = get(ax,'position');
237 set(ax,'units',units);
238 if rect(3) > rect(4)
239 loc = 'horiz';
240 else
241 loc = 'vert';
242 end
243 end
244 end
247 % the axes handle, shorter name
248 h = haxes;
250 % Catch attempt to add colorbar to a colorbar or legend
251 % if the axes h is a colorbar or legend (according to tag)
252 % reset it to the PlotHandle field of its userdata
253 tagstr = get(h,'tag');
254 if strcmpi('Legend',tagstr) | strcmpi('Colorbar',tagstr)
255 ud = get(h,'userdata');
256 if isfield(ud,'PlotHandle')
257 h = ud.PlotHandle;
258 else
259 % If handle is a dying or mutant colorbar or legend
260 % do nothing.
261 % but before going, be sure to reset current figure and axes
262 set(0,'currentfigure',GCF);
263 set(gcf,'currentaxes',GCA);
264 return;
265 end
266 end
268 % Determine color limits by context. If any axes child is an image
269 % use scale based on size of colormap, otherwise use current CAXIS.
271 ch = get(gcda(hfig,h),'children');
272 hasimage = 0; t = [];
273 cdatamapping = 'direct';
275 for i=1:length(ch),
276 typ = get(ch(i),'type');
277 if strcmp(typ,'image'),
278 hasimage = 1;
279 cdatamapping = get(ch(i), 'CDataMapping');
280 elseif strcmp(typ,'surface') & ...
281 strcmp(get(ch(i),'FaceColor'),'texturemap') % Texturemapped surf
282 hasimage = 2;
283 cdatamapping = get(ch(i), 'CDataMapping');
284 elseif strcmp(typ,'patch') | strcmp(typ,'surface')
285 cdatamapping = get(ch(i), 'CDataMapping');
286 end
287 end
289 if ( strcmp(cdatamapping, 'scaled') )
290 % Treat images and surfaces alike if cdatamapping == 'scaled'
291 t = caxis(h);
292 d = (t(2) - t(1))/size(colormap(h),1);
293 t = [t(1)+d/2 t(2)-d/2];
294 else
295 if hasimage,
296 t = [1, size(colormap(h),1)];
297 else
298 t = [1.5 size(colormap(h),1)+.5];
299 end
300 end
302 oldloc = 'none';
303 oldax = [];
304 if ~cbarinaxis
305 % Search for existing colorbar (parents of TMW_COLORBAR tagged images)
306 ch = get(findall(hfig,'type','image','tag','TMW_COLORBAR'),{'parent'});
307 ax = [];
308 for i=1:length(ch)
309 ud = get(ch{i},'userdata');
310 d = ud.PlotHandle;
311 % if the plothandle (axis) of the colorbar is our axis
312 if isequal(d,h)
313 pos = get(ch{i},'Position');
314 if pos(3)<pos(4)
315 oldloc = 'vert';
316 else
317 oldloc = 'horiz';
318 end
319 % set ax to the ith colorbar
320 % if it's location (orientation) is the same as the
321 % new colorbar location (so a second colorbar with
322 % the same orientation won't be created, and existing
323 % colorbar will be updated
324 if strncmp(oldloc,loc,1)
325 ax = ch{i};
326 % Make sure image deletefcn doesn't trigger a colorbar('delete')
327 % for colorbar update - huh?
328 set(findall(ax,'type','image'),'deletefcn','')
329 break;
330 end
331 end
332 end
333 end
335 origNextPlot = get(hfig,'NextPlot');
336 if strcmp(origNextPlot,'replacechildren') | strcmp(origNextPlot,'replace')
337 set(hfig,'NextPlot','add');
338 end
340 if loc(1)=='v' % create or refresh vertical colorbar
342 if isempty(ax)
343 legend('RestoreSize',h); %restore axes to pre-legend size
344 units = get(h,'units');
345 set(h,'units','normalized');
346 pos = get(h,'Position');
347 [az,el] = view(h);
349 %cdm start modification
350 %cdm stripe = 0.075; edge = 0.02;
351 %cdm if all([az,el]==[0 90])
352 %cdm space = 0.05;
353 %cdm else
354 %cdm space = .1;
355 %cdm end
356 stripe = 0.025; edge = 0.005;
357 if all([az,el]==[0 90])
358 space = 0.015;
359 else
360 space = .03;
361 end
362 %cdm end modification
364 set(h,'Position',[pos(1) pos(2) pos(3)*(1-stripe-edge-space) pos(4)]);
365 legend('RecordSize',h); %set this as the new legend fullsize
367 rect = [pos(1)+(1-stripe-edge)*pos(3) pos(2) stripe*pos(3) pos(4)];
368 ud.origPos = pos;
370 % Create axes for stripe and
371 % create ColorbarDeleteProxy object (an invisible text object in
372 % the target axes) so that the colorbar will be deleted
373 % properly.
374 ud.ColorbarDeleteProxy = text('parent',h,...
375 'visible','off',...
376 'tag','ColorbarDeleteProxy',...
377 'HandleVisibility','off',...
378 'deletefcn','colorbar(''delete'',''peer'',get(gcbf,''currentaxes''))');
380 axH = graph3d.colorbar('parent',hfig);
381 set(axH,'position',rect,'Orientation','vert');
382 ax = double(axH);
384 setappdata(ax,'NonDataObject',[]); % For DATACHILDREN.M
385 set(ud.ColorbarDeleteProxy,'userdata',ax)
386 set(h,'units',units)
387 else
388 axH=[];
389 ud = get(ax,'userdata');
390 end
392 % Create color stripe
393 n = size(colormap(h),1);
395 img = image([0 1],t,(1:n)',...
396 'Parent',ax,...
397 'Tag','TMW_COLORBAR',...
398 'deletefcn','colorbar(''delete'',''peer'',get(gcbf,''currentaxes''))',...
399 'SelectionHighlight','off',...
400 'HitTest','off');
402 %set up axes delete function
403 set(ax,...
404 'Ydir','normal',...
405 'YAxisLocation','right',...
406 'xtick',[],...
407 'tag','Colorbar',...
408 'deletefcn','colorbar(''delete'',''peer'',get(gcbf,''currentaxes''))');
411 elseif loc(1)=='h', % create or refresh horizontal colorbar
413 if isempty(ax),
414 legend('RestoreSize',h); %restore axes to pre-legend size
415 units = get(h,'units'); set(h,'units','normalized')
416 pos = get(h,'Position');
417 %cdm start modification
418 %cdm stripe = 0.075; space = 0.1;
419 stripe = 0.025; space = 0.05;
420 %cdm end modification
421 set(h,'Position',...
422 [pos(1) pos(2)+(stripe+space)*pos(4) pos(3) (1-stripe-space)*pos(4)])
423 legend('RecordSize',h); %set this as the new legend fullsize
424 rect = [pos(1) pos(2) pos(3) stripe*pos(4)];
425 ud.origPos = pos;
427 % Create axes for stripe and
428 % create ColorbarDeleteProxy object (an invisible text object in
429 % the target axes) so that the colorbar will be deleted
430 % properly.
431 ud.ColorbarDeleteProxy = text('parent',h,...
432 'visible','off',...
433 'tag','ColorbarDeleteProxy',...
434 'handlevisibility','off',...
435 'deletefcn','colorbar(''delete'',''peer'',get(gcbf,''currentaxes''))');
437 axH = graph3d.colorbar('parent',hfig);
438 set(axH,'Orientation','horiz');
439 set(axH,'position',rect);
440 ax = double(axH);
442 setappdata(ax,'NonDataObject',[]); % For DATACHILDREN.M
443 set(ud.ColorbarDeleteProxy,'userdata',ax)
444 set(h,'units',units)
445 else
446 axH=[];
447 ud = get(ax,'userdata');
448 end
450 % Create color stripe
451 n = size(colormap(h),1);
452 img=image(t,[0 1],(1:n),...
453 'Parent',ax,...
454 'Tag','TMW_COLORBAR',...
455 'deletefcn','colorbar(''delete'',''peer'',get(gcbf,''currentaxes''))',...
456 'SelectionHighlight','off',...
457 'HitTest','off');
459 % set up axes deletefcn
460 set(ax,...
461 'Ydir','normal',...
462 'Ytick',[],...
463 'tag','Colorbar',...
464 'deletefcn','colorbar(''delete'',''peer'',get(gcbf,''currentaxes''))')
466 else
467 error('COLORBAR expects a handle, ''vert'', or ''horiz'' as input.')
468 end
470 if ~isfield(ud,'ColorbarDeleteProxy')
471 ud.ColorbarDeleteProxy = [];
472 end
474 if ~isfield(ud,'origPos')
475 ud.origPos = [];
476 end
478 ud.PlotHandle = h;
479 set(ax,'userdata',ud)
480 set(hfig,'NextPlot',origNextPlot)
482 legH=legend(h);
483 if ~isempty(legH) & ishandle(legH)
484 % resize (reposition) legend
485 legend('ResizeLegend',legH);
486 axes(legH);
487 end
489 %make sure annotation layer ends up on top.
490 plotedit(get(ax,'parent'),'promoteoverlay');
492 if nargout>0
493 handle = ax;
494 end
496 % Finally, before going, be sure to reset current figure and axes
497 set(0,'currentfigure',GCF);
498 set(gcf,'currentaxes',GCA);
500 %--------------------------------
501 function h = gcda(hfig, haxes)
502 %GCDA Get current data axes
504 h = datachildren(hfig);
505 if isempty(h) | any(h == haxes)
506 h = haxes;
507 else
508 h = h(1);
509 end

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