% % [] = B_COMPUTE_RELATIVE_VORTICITY(SNAPSHOT) % % For a time snapshot, this program computes the % 3D relative vorticity field from 3D % horizontal speed fields U,V (x,y,z) as: % OMEGA = ( -dVdz ; dUdz ; dVdx - dUdy ) % = ( Ox ; Oy ; ZETA ) % 3 output files are created. % % 06/07/2006 % gmaze@mit.edu % function [] = B_compute_relative_vorticity(snapshot) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Setup %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% global sla netcdf_UVEL netcdf_VVEL netcdf_domain netcdf_suff pv_checkpath %% U,V files name: filU = strcat(netcdf_UVEL,'.',netcdf_domain); filV = strcat(netcdf_VVEL,'.',netcdf_domain); %% Path and extension to find them: pathname = strcat('netcdf-files',sla,snapshot,sla); ext = strcat('.',netcdf_suff); %% Load files: ferfile = strcat(pathname,sla,filU,ext); ncU = netcdf(ferfile,'nowrite'); [Ulon Ulat Udpt] = coordfromnc(ncU); ferfile = strcat(pathname,sla,filV,ext); ncV = netcdf(ferfile,'nowrite'); [Vlon Vlat Vdpt] = coordfromnc(ncV); clear ext ferfile %% Optionnal flags computeZETA = 1; % Compute ZETA or not ? global toshow % Turn to 1 to follow the computing process %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % VERTICAL COMPONENT: ZETA % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % U field is on the zonal side of the c-grid and % V field on the meridional one. % So computing meridional gradient for U and % zonal gradient for V makes the relative vorticity % zeta defined on the corner of the c-grid. %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Dimensions of ZETA field: if toshow,disp('Dim'),end ny = length(Ulat)-1; nx = length(Vlon)-1; nz = length(Udpt); % Note that Udpt=Vdpt ZETA_lon = Ulon(1:nx); ZETA_lat = Vlat(1:ny); %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Pre-allocation: if toshow,disp('Pre-allocate'),end ZETA = zeros(nz,ny-1,nx-1).*NaN; dx = zeros(ny-1,nx-1); dy = zeros(ny-1,nx-1); %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Compute relative vorticity for each z-level: if computeZETA for iz=1:nz if toshow disp(strcat('Computing \zeta at depth : ',num2str(Udpt(iz)),... 'm (',num2str(iz),'/',num2str(nz),')' )); end % Get velocities: U = ncU{4}(iz,:,:); V = ncV{4}(iz,:,:); % And now compute the vertical component of relative vorticity: % (TO DO: m_lldist accepts tables as input, so this part may be % done without x,y loop ...) for iy = 1 : ny for ix = 1 : nx if iz==1 % It's more efficient to make this test each time than % recomputing distance each time. m_lldist is a slow routine. % ZETA axis and grid distance: dx(iy,ix) = m_lldist([Vlon(ix+1) Vlon(ix)],[1 1]*Vlat(iy)); dy(iy,ix) = m_lldist([1 1]*Vlon(ix),[Ulat(iy+1) Ulat(iy)]); end %if % Horizontal gradients and ZETA: dVdx = ( V(iy,ix+1)-V(iy,ix) ) / dx(iy,ix) ; dUdy = ( U(iy+1,ix)-U(iy,ix) ) / dy(iy,ix) ; ZETA(iz,iy,ix) = dVdx - dUdy; end %for ix end %for iy end %for iz %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Netcdf record: % General informations: netfil = strcat('ZETA','.',netcdf_domain,'.',netcdf_suff); units = '1/s'; ncid = 'ZETA'; longname = 'Vertical Component of the Relative Vorticity'; uniquename = 'vertical_relative_vorticity'; % Open output file: nc = netcdf(strcat(pathname,sla,netfil),'clobber'); % Define axis: nc('X') = nx; nc('Y') = ny; nc('Z') = nz; nc{'X'} = 'X'; nc{'Y'} = 'Y'; nc{'Z'} = 'Z'; nc{'X'} = ncfloat('X'); nc{'X'}.uniquename = ncchar('X'); nc{'X'}.long_name = ncchar('longitude'); nc{'X'}.gridtype = nclong(0); nc{'X'}.units = ncchar('degrees_east'); nc{'X'}(:) = ZETA_lon; nc{'Y'} = ncfloat('Y'); nc{'Y'}.uniquename = ncchar('Y'); nc{'Y'}.long_name = ncchar('latitude'); nc{'Y'}.gridtype = nclong(0); nc{'Y'}.units = ncchar('degrees_north'); nc{'Y'}(:) = ZETA_lat; nc{'Z'} = ncfloat('Z'); nc{'Z'}.uniquename = ncchar('Z'); nc{'Z'}.long_name = ncchar('depth'); nc{'Z'}.gridtype = nclong(0); nc{'Z'}.units = ncchar('m'); nc{'Z'}(:) = Udpt; % And main field: nc{ncid} = ncfloat('Z', 'Y', 'X'); nc{ncid}.units = ncchar(units); nc{ncid}.missing_value = ncfloat(NaN); nc{ncid}.FillValue_ = ncfloat(NaN); nc{ncid}.longname = ncchar(longname); nc{ncid}.uniquename = ncchar(uniquename); nc{ncid}(:,:,:) = ZETA; nc=close(nc); clear x y z U V dx dy nx ny nz DVdx dUdy end %if compute ZETA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % HORIZONTAL COMPONENTS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if toshow, disp('') disp('Now compute horizontal components of relative vorticity ...'); end % U and V are defined on the same Z grid. %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Dimensions of OMEGA x and y fields: if toshow,disp('Dim'),end O_nx = [length(Vlon) length(Ulon)]; O_ny = [length(Vlat) length(Ulat)]; O_nz = length(Udpt) - 1; % Idem Vdpt %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Pre-allocations: if toshow,disp('Pre-allocate'),end Ox = zeros(O_nz,O_ny(1),O_nx(1)).*NaN; Oy = zeros(O_nz,O_ny(2),O_nx(2)).*NaN; %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Horizontal components: %% Vertical grid differences: dZ = diff(Udpt); Odpt = Udpt(1:O_nz) + dZ/2; %% Zonal component of OMEGA: if toshow,disp('Zonal direction ...'); end [a dZ_3D c] = meshgrid(Vlat,dZ,Vlon); clear a c V = ncV{4}(:,:,:); Ox = - ( V(2:O_nz+1,:,:) - V(1:O_nz,:,:) ) ./ dZ_3D; clear V dZ_3D % For memory use %% Meridional component of OMEGA: if toshow,disp('Meridional direction ...'); end [a dZ_3D c] = meshgrid(Ulat,dZ,Ulon); clear a c U = ncU{4}(:,:,:); Oy = ( U(2:O_nz+1,:,:) - U(1:O_nz,:,:) ) ./ dZ_3D; clear U dZ_3D % For memory use clear dZ %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Record Zonal component: if toshow,disp('Records ...'); end % General informations: netfil = strcat('OMEGAX','.',netcdf_domain,'.',netcdf_suff); units = '1/s'; ncid = 'OMEGAX'; longname = 'Zonal Component of the Relative Vorticity'; uniquename = 'zonal_relative_vorticity'; % Open output file: nc = netcdf(strcat(pathname,sla,netfil),'clobber'); % Define axis: nc('X') = O_nx(1); nc('Y') = O_ny(1); nc('Z') = O_nz; nc{'X'} = 'X'; nc{'Y'} = 'Y'; nc{'Z'} = 'Z'; nc{'X'} = ncfloat('X'); nc{'X'}.uniquename = ncchar('X'); nc{'X'}.long_name = ncchar('longitude'); nc{'X'}.gridtype = nclong(0); nc{'X'}.units = ncchar('degrees_east'); nc{'X'}(:) = Vlon; nc{'Y'} = ncfloat('Y'); nc{'Y'}.uniquename = ncchar('Y'); nc{'Y'}.long_name = ncchar('latitude'); nc{'Y'}.gridtype = nclong(0); nc{'Y'}.units = ncchar('degrees_north'); nc{'Y'}(:) = Vlat; nc{'Z'} = ncfloat('Z'); nc{'Z'}.uniquename = ncchar('Z'); nc{'Z'}.long_name = ncchar('depth'); nc{'Z'}.gridtype = nclong(0); nc{'Z'}.units = ncchar('m'); nc{'Z'}(:) = Odpt; % And main field: nc{ncid} = ncfloat('Z', 'Y', 'X'); nc{ncid}.units = ncchar(units); nc{ncid}.missing_value = ncfloat(NaN); nc{ncid}.FillValue_ = ncfloat(NaN); nc{ncid}.longname = ncchar(longname); nc{ncid}.uniquename = ncchar(uniquename); nc{ncid}(:,:,:) = Ox; nc=close(nc); %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Record Meridional component: % General informations: netfil = strcat('OMEGAY','.',netcdf_domain,'.',netcdf_suff); units = '1/s'; ncid = 'OMEGAY'; longname = 'Meridional Component of the Relative Vorticity'; uniquename = 'meridional_relative_vorticity'; % Open output file: nc = netcdf(strcat(pathname,sla,netfil),'clobber'); % Define axis: nc('X') = O_nx(2); nc('Y') = O_ny(2); nc('Z') = O_nz; nc{'X'} = 'X'; nc{'Y'} = 'Y'; nc{'Z'} = 'Z'; nc{'X'} = ncfloat('X'); nc{'X'}.uniquename = ncchar('X'); nc{'X'}.long_name = ncchar('longitude'); nc{'X'}.gridtype = nclong(0); nc{'X'}.units = ncchar('degrees_east'); nc{'X'}(:) = Ulon; nc{'Y'} = ncfloat('Y'); nc{'Y'}.uniquename = ncchar('Y'); nc{'Y'}.long_name = ncchar('latitude'); nc{'Y'}.gridtype = nclong(0); nc{'Y'}.units = ncchar('degrees_north'); nc{'Y'}(:) = Ulat; nc{'Z'} = ncfloat('Z'); nc{'Z'}.uniquename = ncchar('Z'); nc{'Z'}.long_name = ncchar('depth'); nc{'Z'}.gridtype = nclong(0); nc{'Z'}.units = ncchar('m'); nc{'Z'}(:) = Odpt; % And main field: nc{ncid} = ncfloat('Z', 'Y', 'X'); nc{ncid}.units = ncchar(units); nc{ncid}.missing_value = ncfloat(NaN); nc{ncid}.FillValue_ = ncfloat(NaN); nc{ncid}.longname = ncchar(longname); nc{ncid}.uniquename = ncchar(uniquename); nc{ncid}(:,:,:) = Oy; nc=close(nc);