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Contents of /MITgcm_contrib/darwinview/src/windows.c

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Jul 11 14:34:55 2007 UTC (16 years, 9 months ago) by marissa
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: version_0, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +1 -0 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Adding the latest and greatest darwinview source

1 #include <GL/glut.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <stdio.h>
4 #include <string.h>
5 #include <math.h>
6 #define WINDOW "image"
7 #define UP 101
8 #define DOWN 103
9 #define RIGHT 102
10 #define LEFT 100
11 #define MAX 200
13 int NX, NY, MAXNZ, sets;
14 int foo;
16 void do_byteswap_f32( float arr[], int nel ), global(), local( int, int );
17 void readnames( char[] ), readarray( float[], char[], int ), readjet();
18 void TimerFunction( int );
20 float data[MAX*MAX], mxval, mnval, jet[MAX][MAX];
21 float globalmx=0, globalmn=100;
22 int win[MAX], ilev=1, howmany, count=0, glo=0, usr=0, anim=0;
23 char fns[MAX][MAX];
25 void menu(int value){
26 int i;
28 switch( value ){
29 case 1: usr=glo=0; // unset glo & usr, sets local max/min
30 local( count, ilev ); // reads new array, set local max/min
31 break;
32 case 2: glo=1; // enables global max/min
33 usr=0; // unsets usr
34 mxval=globalmx; // sets max to globalmx
35 mnval=globalmn; // sets min to globalmn
36 break;
37 case 3: usr=1; // switch to user-set max/min
38 glo=0; // unset glo
39 printf( "Max=" ); scanf( "%f", &mxval ); // prompt for new max/min
40 printf( "Min=" ); scanf( "%f", &mnval );
41 break;
42 }
43 for( i=0; i<sets; i++){
44 glutSetWindow(win[i]);
45 glutPostRedisplay(); // display with new values
46 }
47 }
49 void display(void){
50 int i, j, ioff;
51 float r, g, b, num, k, y;
52 char str[MAX];
53 glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ); // background to black
55 ioff=0; // ioff will count thru both i&j b/c data is 1D
56 for( j=0; j<NY; j++ )
57 for( i=0; i<NX; i++ ){
58 r=g=b=0; // set color values to black
59 if( data[ioff]==0 ); // if data=0, values stay black
60 else{
61 if( data[ioff]<mnval ) num=0; // if data is less than min, =min
62 else{
63 if( data[ioff]>mxval ) num=63; // if data is more than max, =max
64 else
65 num=63*( data[ioff]-mnval )/( mxval-mnval ); //scale num from 0-63
66 }
67 r=jet[(int)num][0]; // set red val
68 g=jet[(int)num][1]; // set green val
69 b=jet[(int)num][2]; // set blue val
70 }
72 glColor3f( r, g, b ); // put r, g, b into effect
73 glRectf( i, j, i+1, j+1 ); // draws a square for data value
74 ioff++;
75 }
77 glColor3f( 1, 1, 1 ); // set color to white
78 glRectf( NX, 0, NX+1, NY+1 ); // draws a border
79 for( i=0; i<64; i++ ){ //draws color bar
80 glColor3f( jet[i][0], jet[i][1], jet[i][2]); //sets color
81 k=(float)i; // turns i into a float
82 y=(float)NY/64; // sets height of rectangles
83 glRectf( NX+10, y*k, NX+20, (k+1)*y ); // draws rectangle
84 }
86 glColor3f( 1, 1, 1 ); // color to white
88 sprintf( str, "%.4e", mxval ); // labels color bar with max val
89 glRasterPos2f( NX+2, NY-1 ); // sets where to write to
90 for( i=0; i<strlen( str ); i++) // writes each character
91 glutBitmapCharacter( GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12, str[i] );
93 str[0]='\0'; // sets str to null
95 sprintf( str, "%.4e", mnval ); // labels color bar with min val
96 glRasterPos2f( NX+2, 1 ); // sets where to write to
97 for( i=0; i<strlen( str ); i++ ) // writes each character
98 glutBitmapCharacter( GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12, str[i] );
100 glRectf( 0, NY, NX, NY+1 ); // draws a border
101 glRasterPos2f( 1, NY+6 ); // sets where to write to
102 for( i=0; i<strlen( fns[count] ); i++ ) // labels current file name
103 glutBitmapCharacter( GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18, fns[count][i] );
105 str[0]='\0'; // sets str to null
107 sprintf( str, "Level %d", ilev ); // labels current level
108 glRasterPos2f( 1, NY+3 ); // sets where to write to
109 for( i=0; i<strlen( str ); i++ ) // writes each character
110 glutBitmapCharacter( GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18, str[i] );
112 str[0]='\0'; //sets str to null
114 if( glo ) // labels how max/min have been set
115 sprintf( str, "Global" ); // if glo is set, display Global
116 if( usr )
117 sprintf( str, "User-set" ); // if usr is set, display User-set
118 if( !usr && !glo )
119 sprintf( str, "Local" ); // else display Local
120 glRasterPos2f( NX+12, NY+3);
121 for( i=0; i<strlen( str ); i++ ) // write each char of label
122 glutBitmapCharacter( GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18, str[i] );
124 str[0]='\0';
126 if( anim ){ // tell user if autoplay is on
127 sprintf( str, "Autoplay" );
128 glRasterPos2f( NX-8, NY+3 );
129 for(i=0; i<strlen( str ); i++ ) // write each char of label
130 glutBitmapCharacter( GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18, str[i] );
131 }
133 glutSwapBuffers();
134 glFlush();
135 }
137 void key( unsigned char key, int x, int y ){ //called on key press
138 int i;
140 switch(key){
141 case 'q': exit(0); //quits on 'q'
142 break;
143 case 'r': count=0;
144 ilev=1;
145 if( glo || usr )
146 readarray( data, fns[count], ilev );
147 else
148 local( count, ilev );
149 for( i=0; i<sets; i++){
150 glutSetWindow(win[i]);
151 glutPostRedisplay();
152 }
153 break;
154 case 'a': anim++; // switches autoplay off/on
155 anim=anim%2; // when a is pressed repeatedly
156 for( i=0; i<sets; i++){
157 glutSetWindow(win[i]);
158 glutPostRedisplay();
159 }
160 break;
161 }
162 }
164 void TimerFunction( int value ){
165 int i;
167 switch(value){ // increments in the correct direction
168 case DOWN : if( ilev<MAXNZ )
169 ilev++; // if down arrow pressed, moves down levels
170 break;
171 case UP : if( ilev>1 )
172 ilev--; // if up arrow is pressed, moves up levels
173 break;
174 case LEFT : if( count>0 )
175 count--; // if left arrow is pressed, moves back in time
176 break;
177 case RIGHT: if( count<howmany-1 )
178 count++; // if right arrow is pressed, moves forward in time
179 break;
180 }
182 if( glo || usr ) // if glo or usr is set, read new array w/o
183 readarray( data, fns[count], ilev ); // calculating new max/min
184 else // if local max/min is set
185 local( count, ilev ); // read new array, calculate new max/min
187 for( i=0; i<sets; i++){
188 glutSetWindow(win[i]);
189 glutPostRedisplay(); // display with new values
190 }
192 switch( value ){
193 case DOWN : if( ilev<MAXNZ ) // sets limit that you can go down
194 glutTimerFunc( 100, TimerFunction, value ); // recalls itself
195 break;
196 case UP : if( ilev>1 ) // sets limit that you can go up
197 glutTimerFunc( 100, TimerFunction, value ); // recalls itself
198 break;
199 case LEFT : if( count>0 ) // sets limit that you can go left
200 glutTimerFunc( 100, TimerFunction, value ); // recalls itself
201 break;
202 case RIGHT: if( count<howmany-1 ) // sets limit that you can go right
203 glutTimerFunc( 100, TimerFunction, value ); // recalls itself
204 break;
205 }
206 }
208 void specialkey( int key, int x, int y ){
209 int i;
211 if( anim ) // if animation is set, call the timer function
212 glutTimerFunc( 100, TimerFunction, key);
214 switch(key){
215 case DOWN : if( ilev<MAXNZ ) // if you haven't reached the bottom
216 ilev++; // keep going down
217 break;
218 case UP : if( ilev>1 ) // if you haven't reached the top
219 ilev--; // keep going up
220 break;
221 case RIGHT : if( count<howmany-1 ) // if you haven't reached the last file
222 count++; // keep going right
223 break;
224 case LEFT : if( count>0 ) // if you haven't reached the first file
225 count--; // keep going left
226 break;
227 }
228 if( glo || usr ) // if global or user-set max/min
229 readarray(data, fns[count], ilev); // read new array w/o new max/min
230 else // if local max/min set
231 local(count, ilev); // read new array and calculate local max/min
233 for(i=0; i<sets; i++){
234 glutSetWindow(win[i]);
235 glutPostRedisplay(); // display with new values
236 }
237 }
239 void global(){ // calculates the max/min for the total data set
240 FILE* fp;
241 int i, j;
243 for( i=0; i<howmany; i++ ) // cycles through each file
244 for( j=0; j<MAXNZ; j++ ){ // cycles through each level for each file
245 local( i, j ); // calculates local/max/min for specific data set
246 if( mxval > globalmx ) globalmx = mxval; // sets highest value to globalmx
247 if( mnval < globalmn ) globalmn = mnval; // sets lowest value to globalmn
248 }
249 }
251 void local( int time, int lev ){ // calculates local max/min
252 int i;
254 mxval=0;
255 mnval=100;
256 readarray( data, fns[time], lev ); // read new array of data
257 for( i=0;i<NX*NY;i++ ){
258 if( data[i] > mxval ) mxval=data[i]; // set largest val to mxval
259 if( data[i] < mnval ) mnval=data[i]; // set smallest val to mnval
260 }
261 }
263 void readnames( char filename[] ){ // reads in list of filenames containing data
264 FILE* fp;
265 int i=0;
267 fp=fopen( filename, "r" ); // opens list
268 while( !feof(fp) ){ // reads until the end of the file
269 fscanf( fp, "%s",fns[i] ); // places filename into an array of strings
270 i++; // counts how many filenames there are
271 }
272 fclose( fp ); // close file
273 howmany=i-1;
274 }
276 void readjet(){ //reads in color scale values
278 FILE* fp;
279 int i, j;
281 fp=fopen( "jet.dat", "r" ); // opens file containing values
282 for( i=0; i<64; i++ ) // reads in 64 sets of r, g, b values
283 for( j=0; j<3; j++ )
284 fscanf( fp, "%f", &jet[i][j] );
285 fclose( fp ); // closes file
286 }
289 void readarray( float arr[], char filename[], int il ){ // reads new data
290 FILE *fp;
291 int i;
293 fp=fopen( filename, "r" ); // opens the file containing data
294 fseek( fp, (il-1)*NX*NY*4, SEEK_SET ); // seeks to the correct level using ilev
295 fread( arr, sizeof( arr[0] ), NX*NY, fp ); // reads in data to fill one level
296 fclose( fp ); // close file
297 do_byteswap_f32( arr,NX*NY ); // swaps the binary data
298 }
300 void do_byteswap_f32( float arr[], int nel ) // switches endian
301 {
302 int i;
303 char src[4];
304 char trg[4];
305 for( i=0; i<nel; i++ ){
306 memcpy( src, &(arr[i]), 4);
307 trg[0]=src[3];
308 trg[1]=src[2];
309 trg[2]=src[1];
310 trg[3]=src[0];
311 memcpy( &(arr[i]), trg, 4);
312 }
313 }
314 int main( int argc, char *argv[] ){
315 int i, x, y, tmp;
316 char filename[MAX];
318 printf( "Please enter x, y and z dimensions\n" );
319 scanf( "%d %d %d", &NX, &NY, &MAXNZ ); //user-set NX, NY, NZ
320 printf( "Please enter filename\n" );
321 scanf( "%s", filename ); //filename contains names of data files
322 printf( "how many data sets?\n" );
323 scanf( "%d", &sets);
325 readjet(); // stores color values
326 readnames( filename ); // gets list of filenames to read from
327 global(); // calculates max and min for all data
328 local( count, ilev ); // sets curr data array, finds local max/min
330 glutInit( &argc, argv ); // initializes stuff
331 glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE );
332 glutInitWindowSize( 1400/3, ((NY+15)*1400)/((NX+25)*3) ); // sets window size from NX, NY
334 for(i=0; i<sets; i++){
335 x=(i%3)*(1400/3);
336 y=(i/3)*((NY+15)*1400)/((NX+25)*3);
337 glutInitWindowPosition( x, y );
338 win[i]=glutCreateWindow( WINDOW ); // window is created
339 glClearColor( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); // sets clear color to black
340 gluOrtho2D( 0, NX+25, 0, NY+15 ); // sets how data is mapped to window
341 glutDisplayFunc( display );
342 glutKeyboardFunc( key ); // called on key press
343 glutSpecialFunc( specialkey ); // called on special key press (arrow keys)
345 glutCreateMenu( menu ); // adds a menu
346 glutAddMenuEntry( "Local Color Scale", 1 ); // describes choices
347 glutAddMenuEntry( "Global Color Scale", 2 );
348 glutAddMenuEntry( "User-Set Color Scale", 3 );
349 glutAttachMenu( GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON ); // menu called on right click
350 }
352 glutMainLoop();
353 return 0;
354 }

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