steps: 1) add setenv CVSROOT '' (for setenv CVSROOT '/u/gcmpack' ) into .cshrc 2) a) either create a pair of keys and copy the private/ublic one to proper locations or b) check a machine that has a private key whose public key is in authorizedkeys (say ross) and copy over 3) commit file: cp /scratch/atn/MITgcm/verification/lab_sea/code_5x5_newcode_stripped_v6g/* . cvs co -P -d atnguyen_contrib MITgcm_contrib/atnguyen cd atnguyen_contrib/ mkdir code_21Dec2012_saltplume cvs add code_21Dec2012_saltplume %cvs add -m "code latest saltplume fix" code_21Dec2012_saltplume cd code_21Dec2012_saltplume cvs -q -n update cp /scratch/atn/MITgcm/verification/lab_sea/code_5x5_newcode_stripped_v6g/* . cvs add *.F *.h packages.conf README SIZE.h_mpi cvs -q update cvs commit -m "inprogress swapping 1-x with x in plumefrac" *.F *.h packages.conf README SIZE.h_mpi 3) remove file: cd to the dir of file to remove, say filename is "a.h": cvs -q -n up rm a.h cvs remove a.h cvs commit -m "remove a.h" a.h cvs -q -n up 4) fresh copy of only MITgcm_code + testreport + specific verification exp: cvs co -P MITgcm_code cd MITgcm cvs co -d verification MITgcm/verification/testreport cd verification cvs co -d lab_sea MITgcm/verification/lab_sea 5) fresh copy of entire code + test report + all verification: cvs co -P MITgcm cd MITgcm cvs -q up -A <-- updating file with the most recent copy, not stuck to tag/release cvs co -P MITgcm_contrib/atnguyen cd MITgcm_contrib/ 6) check for updates: cd verification/ cvs diff testreport <-- check diff with exact release copy, not most updated one cvs -diff -r 1.196 testreport <-- check diff with a specific release cvs -q -n up -A testreport <-- show if testreport is different that latest release 7) grepping experiments relevant, for example the ones running with kpp: cd verification/ grep -i 'useKPP.*=.*true' */input*/data.pkg 8) run test report: testreport -norun <-- only do make clean, genmake2, make depend testreport -runonly <-- execute whatever is in 'command ..', skip compiling testreport -q <-- skip make clean, genmake2, make depend