function new = change(old,relation,flag,value) % CHANGE Change values in a matrix %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % CHANGE 1.3 92/03/25 % % new = change(old,relation,flag,value) % % DESCRIPTION: % Changes the 'flag' values in the matrix "old" to the new "value" % according to the "relation". % % INPUT: % old = matrix containing values related to "flag" % are to be converted to "value" % flag = values related to "flag" then replaced by "value" % value = replacement value % relation = string relation e.g. '<', '>', '==' % % OUTPUT: % new = matrix "old" with all flagged values changed % to "value" (can be returned to same matrix "old") % % EXAMPLE: A = change(A,'==',NaN,0 ) % B = change(A,'<', -99,NaN) % % CALLER: general purpose % CALLEE: none % % AUTHOR: Phil Morgan 3-02-92 % @(#)change.m 1.3 92/03/25 % @(#)change.m Martin Losch 02/03/08, % fixed bug that couldn't handle ~= NaN % % Re-created after 2-2-92 hard disk crash. % Based on flagnan.m - Steve Rintoul Dec 90 % alter.m - Phil Morgan Feb 91 % convert.m - Peter Mcintosh Aug 91 %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/verification/tutorial_global_oce_latlon/diags_matlab/change.m,v 1.3 2006/08/12 20:25:12 jmc Exp $ % $Name: checkpoint62t $ % CHECK INPUT ARGUMENTS CALL if nargin ~= 4 error('CHANGE.M: Must have 4 input arguments') end if (strcmp(relation,'==') | strcmp(relation,'>') | strcmp(relation,'<') | ... strcmp(relation,'~=') | strcmp(relation,'>=') | ... strcmp(relation,'<=')) % valid relation else error(['CHANGE.M: Relation ''' relation ''' not valid']) end % BODY if isnan(flag) if strcmp(relation,'==') replace = find(isnan(old)); elseif strcmp(relation,'~=') replace = find(~isnan(old)); else error(['CHANGE.M: Relation ''' relation ''' not valid for flag NaN']) end else eval(['replace = find(old',relation,'flag);']); end nreplace = length(replace); new = old; if nreplace>0 new(replace) = value*ones(1,nreplace); end %if %--------------------------------------------------------------------