% $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/verification/tutorial_global_oce_latlon/diags_matlab/README,v 1.1 2006/08/12 19:37:26 jmc Exp $ % $Name: $ This set of matlab scripts and functions does some basic diagnostics on the global ocean run. By no means are they meant to be universal or exhaustive. Use them as a starting point for your own diagnostics. After including this directory into your matlab path, change into the directory where the model output is (e.g.: cd build) and type at the matlab prompt: matlab>> path('../diags_matlab',path); % <- if not already in your path matlab>> mit_loadglobal to get a number of plots of meridional overturning stream functions, barotropic streamfunctions, surface fluxes of heat and freshwater, model drift, devations of model hydrography from levitus etc. By default the script will look for time-averaged fields. If there are not any time averaged fields, type matlab>> meanfields = 0; at the matlab prompt before runing the scripts so that the latest snapshot fields are displayed instead. Martin Losch, Oct 17, 2002 mlosch@mit.edu