C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/verification/tutorial_global_oce_latlon/code/ptracers_forcing_surf.F,v 1.6 2010/09/05 22:32:48 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "PTRACERS_OPTIONS.h" CBOP C !ROUTINE: PTRACERS_FORCING_SURF C !INTERFACE: ========================================================== SUBROUTINE PTRACERS_FORCING_SURF( I relaxForcingS, I bi, bj, iMin, iMax, jMin, jMax, I myTime,myIter,myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: C Precomputes surface forcing term for pkg/ptracers. C Precomputation is needed because of non-local KPP transport term, C routine KPP_TRANSPORT_PTR. C !USES: =============================================================== IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "SURFACE.h" #include "DYNVARS.h" #include "FFIELDS.h" #include "PTRACERS_SIZE.h" #include "PTRACERS_PARAMS.h" #include "PTRACERS_FIELDS.h" C !INPUT PARAMETERS: =================================================== C relaxForcingS :: Salt forcing due to surface relaxation C bi,bj :: tile indices C myTime :: model time C myIter :: time-step number C myThid :: thread number _RL relaxForcingS(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) INTEGER bi, bj, iMin, iMax, jMin, jMax _RL myTime INTEGER myIter INTEGER myThid #ifdef ALLOW_PTRACERS C !LOCAL VARIABLES: ==================================================== C i,j :: loop indices C iTrc :: tracer index C ks :: surface level index INTEGER i, j INTEGER iTrc, ks _RL add2EmP(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) _RL epsil, cutoff, tmpVar CEOP IF ( usingPCoords ) THEN ks = Nr ELSE ks = 1 ENDIF C Example of how to add forcing at the surface DO iTrc=1,PTRACERS_numInUse DO j = jMin, jMax DO i = iMin, iMax surfaceForcingPTr(i,j,bi,bj,iTrc) = & + 1. _d 0 / (10. _d 0 * 86400. _d 0) & * ( 0. _d 0 - pTracer(i,j,ks,bi,bj,iTrc) ) & * drF(ks) * _hFacC(i,j,ks,bi,bj) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO C-- Option to convert Salt-relaxation into additional EmP contribution IF ( PTRACERS_addSrelax2EmP ) THEN C- here we assume that salt_EvPrRn = 0 C set cutoff value to prevent too large additional EmP: C current limit is set to 0.1 CFL epsil = 1. _d -10 cutoff = 0.1 _d 0 *drF(ks)/PTRACERS_dTLev(ks) IF ( ( (nonlinFreeSurf.GT.0 .OR. usingPCoords) & .AND. useRealFreshWaterFlux ) & .OR.convertFW2Salt .EQ. -1. ) THEN DO j = jMin, jMax DO i = iMin, iMax tmpVar = MAX( salt(i,j,ks,bi,bj), epsil ) add2EmP(i,j) = relaxForcingS(i,j)/tmpVar add2EmP(i,j) = rUnit2mass & *MAX( -cutoff, MIN( add2EmP(i,j), cutoff ) ) ENDDO ENDDO ELSE DO j = jMin, jMax DO i = iMin, iMax add2EmP(i,j) = relaxForcingS(i,j)/convertFW2Salt add2EmP(i,j) = rUnit2mass & *MAX( -cutoff, MIN( add2EmP(i,j), cutoff ) ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF #ifdef ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS IF ( useDiagnostics ) THEN CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(add2EmP,'Add2EmP ',0,1,2,bi,bj,myThid) ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS */ ELSE DO j = jMin, jMax DO i = iMin, iMax add2EmP(i,j) = 0. _d 0 ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF C-- end of "addEmP" setting #ifdef EXACT_CONSERV IF ( (nonlinFreeSurf.GT.0 .OR. usingPCoords) & .AND. useRealFreshWaterFlux ) THEN DO iTrc=1,PTRACERS_numInUse c- NonLin_FrSurf and RealFreshWaterFlux : PmEpR effectively changes c the water column height ; temp., salt, (tracer) flux associated c with this input/output of water is added here to the surface tendency. c IF (PTRACERS_EvPrRn(iTrc).NE.UNSET_RL) THEN DO j = jMin, jMax DO i = iMin, iMax surfaceForcingPTr(i,j,bi,bj,iTrc) = & surfaceForcingPTr(i,j,bi,bj,iTrc) & + ( PmEpR(i,j,bi,bj) - add2EmP(i,j) ) & *( PTRACERS_EvPrRn(iTrc) - pTracer(i,j,ks,bi,bj,iTrc) ) & *mass2rUnit ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| ELSE #else /* EXACT_CONSERV */ IF (.TRUE.) THEN #endif /* EXACT_CONSERV */ C-- EmPmR does not really affect the water column height (for tracer budget) C and is converted to a salt tendency. IF (convertFW2Salt .EQ. -1.) THEN C- use local surface tracer field to calculate forcing term: DO iTrc=1,PTRACERS_numInUse IF (PTRACERS_EvPrRn(iTrc).NE.UNSET_RL) THEN C account for Rain/Evap tracer content (PTRACERS_EvPrRn) using C local surface tracer DO j = jMin, jMax DO i = iMin, iMax surfaceForcingPTr(i,j,bi,bj,iTrc) = & surfaceForcingPTr(i,j,bi,bj,iTrc) & + ( EmPmR(i,j,bi,bj) + add2EmP(i,j) ) & *( pTracer(i,j,ks,bi,bj,iTrc) - PTRACERS_EvPrRn(iTrc) ) & *mass2rUnit ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ELSE C- use uniform tracer value to calculate forcing term: DO iTrc=1,PTRACERS_numInUse IF (PTRACERS_EvPrRn(iTrc).NE.UNSET_RL) THEN C account for Rain/Evap tracer content (PTRACERS_EvPrRn) assuming uniform C surface tracer (=PTRACERS_ref) DO j = jMin, jMax DO i = iMin, iMax surfaceForcingPTr(i,j,bi,bj,iTrc) = & surfaceForcingPTr(i,j,bi,bj,iTrc) & + ( EmPmR(i,j,bi,bj) + add2EmP(i,j) ) & *( PTRACERS_ref(ks,iTrc) - PTRACERS_EvPrRn(iTrc) ) & *mass2rUnit ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO C- end local-surface-tracer / uniform-value distinction ENDIF ENDIF C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| #endif /* ALLOW_PTRACERS */ RETURN END