#!/bin/bash # # $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/verification/testreport,v 1.2 2003/09/01 16:50:27 edhill Exp $ # usage() { echo echo "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]" echo echo "where possible OPTIONS are:" echo " (-help|-h) print usage" echo " (-optfile=|-of=)STRING list of genmake2 \"optfiles\"" echo " (-a|-addr)STRING list of email recipients" echo " (-t|-tdir)STRING list of \"test\" dirs" echo exit 1 } # build the mpack utility build_mpack() { echo -n "building the mpack utility... " if test ! -x "$MPACKDIR/mpack" ; then if test ! -d $MPACKDIR ; then echo "Error: can't find \"$MPACKDIR\"" echo " are you sure this program is being run in the correct " echo " (that is, \"MITGCM_ROOT\verification\") directory?" exit 1 fi echo -n "building mpack... " ( cd $MPACKDIR && ./configure && make ) > build_mpack.out 2>&1 RETVAL=$? if test "x$RETVAL" != x0 ; then echo echo "Error building the mpack tools at: $MPACK_DIR" exit 1 fi fi echo "OK" } compare_lines() { # use codelet to compare lines if [ $verbose -gt 1 ]; then cat tmp3.txt 1>&2 fi return `./a.out < tmp3.txt` } testoutput_for_prop() { # testoutput_for_prop dir s1 label subdir # # compares files in $dir/$subdir/output.txt and $dir/results/output.txt # using search strings s1 and text label if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo testoutput_for_prop: grep "$2" $1/$4/output.txt 1>&2 fi if [ -r $1/$4/output.txt ]; then grep "$2" $1/$4/output.txt | sed 's/.*=//' | nl > tmp1.txt lncnt=`wc -l tmp1.txt | awk '{print $1}' ` if [ $lncnt -lt 3 ]; then if [ $verbose -gt 0 ]; then echo Not enough lines of output when searching for "$2" 1>&2 fi return 99 fi else echo testoutput_for_prop: output.txt from model run was not readable 1>&2 return 99 fi if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo testoutput_for_prop: grep "$2" $1/results/output.txt 1>&2 fi grep "$2" $1/results/output.txt | sed 's/.*=//' | nl > tmp2.txt lncnt=`wc -l tmp2.txt | awk '{print $1}' ` if [ $lncnt -lt 3 ]; then if [ $verbose -gt 0 ]; then echo Not enough lines of output when searching for "$2" 1>&2 fi return 99 fi if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo testoutput_for_prop: join tmp1.txt tmp2.txt 1>&2 fi join tmp1.txt tmp2.txt | awk '{print $1 " " $2 " " $3}' > tmp3.txt if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo testoutput_for_prop: compare_lines 1>&2 fi compare_lines digits_of_similarity=$? if [ $digits_of_similarity -eq 99 ]; then if [ $verbose -gt 0 ]; then echo testoutput_for_prop: No comparison was available for \"$2\" 1>&2 fi digits_of_similarity=99 else if [ $verbose -gt 0 ]; then echo There were $digits_of_similarity decimal places of similarity for \"$2\" 1>&2 fi fi rm tmp1.txt tmp2.txt tmp3.txt return $digits_of_similarity } dashnum() { # dashnum n1 n2 n3 ... # # print numbers using %3i format or "--" if number = 99 for num in $@ ; do if [ $num = 99 ]; then printf ' --' else printf '%3i' $num fi done } testoutput() { # testoutput diretory subdir # # test output in "directory" if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo testoutput: testoutput_for_prop $1 cg2d_init_res 1>&2 fi testoutput_for_prop $1 "cg2d_init_res" "cg2d init. residual" $2; cg2dres=$? if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then echo testoutput: cg2dres=$cg2dres 1>&2 fi testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_theta_min" "theta minimum" $2; tmin=$? testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_theta_max" "theta maximum" $2; tmax=$? testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_theta_mean" "theta mean" $2; tmean=$? testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_theta_sd" "theta s.d." $2; tsd=$? testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_salt_min" "salt minimum" $2; smin=$? testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_salt_max" "salt maximum" $2; smax=$? testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_salt_mean" "salt mean" $2; smean=$? testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_salt_sd" "salt s.d." $2; ssd=$? testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_uvel_min" "U minimum" $2; umin=$? testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_uvel_max" "U maximum" $2; umax=$? testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_uvel_mean" "U mean" $2; umean=$? testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_uvel_sd" "U s.d." $2; usd=$? testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_vvel_min" "V minimum" $2; vmin=$? testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_vvel_max" "V maximum" $2; vmax=$? testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_vvel_mean" "V mean" $2; vmean=$? testoutput_for_prop $1 "dynstat_vvel_sd" "V s.d." $2; vsd=$? dashnum $cg2dres $tmin $tmax $tmean $tsd $smin $smax $smean $ssd \ $umin $umax $umean $usd $vmin $vmax $vmean $vsd } genmakemodel() { # genmakemodel directory GENMAKE2="../../../tools/genmake2" ( cd $1; printf 'genmake ... ' 1>&2 # ../../../tools/genmake -ieee -mods=../code > make.log 2>&1 $GENMAKE2 -ds --mods=../code "--optfile="$OPTFILE > make.log 2>&1 RETVAL=$? for i in gm_state gm_optfile gm_local Makefile ; do if test -r $i ; then cp $i $CDIR fi done if test "x$RETVAL" != x0 ; then tail make.log echo "genmakemodel: genmake failed" 1>&2 cp make.log $CDIR return 1 else echo "succesful" 1>&2 fi ) } makeclean() { # makeclean directory ( cd $1; rm -f output.txt printf 'make CLEAN ... ' 2>&1 if test -r Makefile ; then make CLEAN >> make.log 2>&1 RETVAL=$? if test "x$RETVAL" != x0 ; then tail make.log echo "makeclean: \"make CLEAN\" failed" 1>&2 cp make.log $CDIR"/make.log" return 1 fi fi echo succesful 1>&2 exit 0 ) } makedependmodel() { # makedependmodel directory ( cd $1; printf 'make depend ... ' 1>&2 make depend >> make.log 2>&1 RETVAL=$? if test "x$RETVAL" != x0 ; then tail make.log echo "makedependmodel: make depend failed" 1>&2 cp make.log $CDIR"/make.log" return 1 else echo succesful 1>&2 fi ) } makemodel() { # makemodel directory ( cd $1; if test -r Makefile ; then printf 'make ... ' 1>&2 make >> make.log 2>&1 RETVAL=$? if test "x$RETVAL" != x0 ; then tail make.log echo failed 1>&2 cp make.log $CDIR"/make.log" return 1 else echo succesful 1>&2 fi fi ) } linkdata() { # linkdata flag # # symbolically link data files to run directory if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then ( cd $2 ; ln -sf ../input/* . ) fi } runmodel() { # runmodel directory exe # # runs the model "exe" in "directory" (exe is relative to directory) ( cd $1 if [ -x $2 ]; then if [ $quick -eq 0 ]; then rm -f output.txt fi printf 'runmodel: ' 1>&2 make output.txt RETVAL=$? if test "x$RETVAL" = x0 ; then cp output.txt $CDIR"/output.txt" return 0 else return 1 fi fi ) } createcodelet() { # create codelet for comparing model output echo -n "creating the comparison code... " cat > tmp_cmpnum.f < $SUMMARY cat << EOF >> $SUMMARY T S U V G D M c m s m s m s m s E p a R g m m e . m m e . m m e . m m e . N n k u 2 i a a d i a a d i a a d i a a d 2 d e n d n x n . n x n . n x n . n x n . EOF NDIR=0 # For each optfile... for OPTFILE in $OPTFILES ; do OPTFILE=`pwd`"/$OPTFILE" if test ! -r $OPTFILE ; then echo "Error: can't read optfile \"$OPTFILE\"" exit 1 fi echo echo "OPTFILE=$OPTFILE" >> $SUMMARY echo >> $SUMMARY # ...and each test directory... for dir in $TESTDIRS ; do # Create an output dir for each OPTFILE/tdir combination CDIR=$DRESULTS"/"$DRESULTS"_"$NDIR mkdir $CDIR CDIR=`pwd`"/$CDIR" # ...configue, make, run, and compare the output. echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo echo "Experiment: $dir" echo unset genmake makedepend make run results='-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --' ( cd $dir/input; rm -f *.{o,f,c,F} *.[f,F]90 work* output.txt Make* make.log; ) if [ -r $dir/build ]; then seperatebuilddir=1 builddir=build rundir=build ( cd $dir/build; ln -sf ../input/* . ) else seperatebuilddir=0 builddir=input rundir=input fi # Verify that the testdir exists and contains previous # results in the correct location--or skip this directory! if test ! -r $dir"/results/output.txt" ; then echo | tee $SUMMARY echo "can't read \"$dir/results/output.txt\" -- skipping $dir" \ | tee $SUMMARY continue fi genmakemodel $dir/$builddir && genmake=Y \ && makeclean $dir/$builddir \ && makedependmodel $dir/$builddir && makedepend=Y \ && makemodel $dir/$builddir && make=Y \ && linkdata $seperatebuilddir $dir/$rundir \ && runmodel $dir/$builddir mitgcmuv && run=Y \ && results=`testoutput $dir $rundir` echo formatresults $dir ${genmake:-N} ${makedepend:-N} ${make:-N} \ ${run:-N} $results echo formatresults $dir ${genmake:-N} ${makedepend:-N} ${make:-N} \ ${run:-N} $results >> $SUMMARY echo "fresults='" > $CDIR"/summary.txt" formatresults $dir ${genmake:-N} ${makedepend:-N} ${make:-N} \ ${run:-N} $results >> $CDIR"/summary.txt" echo "'" >> $CDIR"/summary.txt" echo "MACH='$MACH'" >> $CDIR"/summary.txt" echo "UNAMEA='$UNAMEA'" >> $CDIR"/summary.txt" echo "DATE='$DATE'" >> $CDIR"/summary.txt" echo "tdir='$dir'" >> $CDIR"/summary.txt" ( cd $DRESULTS tar -cf $NDIR".tar" $DRESULTS"_"$NDIR > /dev/null 2>&1 gzip $NDIR".tar" ) $MPACK -s MITgcm-test -m 1000000 $DRESULTS"/"$NDIR".tar.gz" $ADDRESSES RETVAL=$? if test "x$RETVAL" != x0 ; then echo "Warning: \"$MPACK\" failed -- please contact " else rm -f $DRESULTS"/"$NDIR".tar*" fi NDIR=$(( $NDIR + 1 )) done done rm tmp_cmpnum.f a.out cat $SUMMARY