Southern-Ocean box with Biochemistry, using Open-Boundary Conditions (pkg/obcs) at Northern, Eastern and Western edges of the domain. ====================================================================== This experiment illustrates and tests the use of package DIC with OBCS. The configuration (e.g., resolution), model parameters and forcing are almost identical to tutorial_global_oce_biogeo expect that the horizontal domain is limited to a sub-domain around Drake passage with open-boundary conditions coming from the last year of a 2 yrs global simulation and initial conditions taken from t=1.yr of this same simulation. This enable to compare directly the results of the first year simulation of this regional set-up with the 2nd year results of the global set-up run. Configure and compile the code: cd build ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods ../code [-of my_platform_optionFile] make depend make cd .. To run: cd run ln -s ../input/* . ln -s ../build/mitgcmuv . ./mitgcmuv > output.txt cd .. There is comparison output in the directory: results/output.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To generate inital and open boundary conditions: a) The global set-up (using executable from: tutorial_global_oce_biogeo/build) was run for 2 years using model-parameter from inp_global/. The only differences with the ones used in tutorial_global_oce_biogeo are: - CD-Scheme is turned off (useCDscheme=F), since it is not implemented for OBCS ; - as a consequence, horizontal viscosity (viscAh) is increased from 2.E5 to 3.E5; - convective-adjustment diffusivity (ivdc_kappa) is reduced from 100. to 10.m^2/s; - implicit vertical viscosity is turned off (not needed); - free-surface exact conservation is turned on (exactConserv=T); - use the Avective-Form of GM (in data.gmredi: GM_AdvForm=T) instead of Skew-Flux; to repeat this global simutlation, from so_box_biogeo/ mkdir run_glob ; cd run_glob ln -s ../inp_global/* . ../inp_global/prepare_run ln -s ../../tutorial_global_oce_biogeo/build/mitgcmuv . ./mitgcmuv > output.glob cd .. b) Then regional model forcing files, initial conditions and open-boundary conditions files are generated using the matlab script: "mk_box_input.m" cd inp_global/ matlab >> mk_box_input