% This is a matlab script that generates the input data % $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/verification/short_surf_wave/input/gendata.m,v 1.1 2010/01/23 19:42:38 jmc Exp $ % $Name: $ prec='real*8'; ieee='b'; % Dimensions of grid nx=52; ny=1; nz=50; % Nominal depth of model (meters) H=10.; % Size of interior domain Lx=10.; % Horizontal resolution (m) dx=Lx/(nx-2); dy=dx; x=[1:nx]*dx; x=x-mean(x)+Lx/2; fprintf('dx = %d ; x 1,2 .. nx-1,nx = %7.4g %7.4g %7.4g %7.4g\n', ... dx,x(1),x(2),x(nx-1),x(nx)); %gravity=9.81; gravity=10.; dz=H/nz; fprintf('delZ = %d * %7.6g\n',nz,dz) %- initial free-surface: Ampli=0.15; et=x*pi/Lx; et=Ampli*cos(et); et(1)=0; et(nx)=0; %- closed bassin: h0=ones(nx,1); h0(1)=0; h0(nx)=0; h0=-H*h0; fid=fopen('topo_flat.bin','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,h0,prec); fclose(fid); fid=fopen('Eta_ini.bin','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,et,prec); fclose(fid); figure(1);clf; plot(x,et,'k-'); axis([-0.2 10.2 [-1 1]*0.16]); grid