C /==========================================================\ C | KPP_OPTIONS.h | C | o CPP options file for KPP package. | C |==========================================================| C | Use this file for selecting options within the KPP | C | package. KPP is enabled with ALLOW_KPP in CPP_OPTIONS.h | C \==========================================================/ #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" #define _KPP_RL Real*8 #ifdef ALLOW_KPP C o When set, use exchange calls rather than recomputation C to obtain KPP parameters in overlap region. This option C was added to reduce stack size requirements on the C Origin 2000. It decreases memory and computation C requirements at the expense of increased communications. C For a 64-processor 360x224x46 MPI configuration on the C Exemplar or Origin 2000, wall clock time is about the C same whether FRUGAL_KPP is turned on or off. #undef FRUGAL_KPP C o When set, smooth zonal shear meridionally and C meridional shear zonally with 121 filters #define KPP_SMOOTH_SHSQ #undef KPP_SMOOTH_DVSQ C o When set, smooth dbloc KPP variable horizontally #define KPP_SMOOTH_DBLOC C o When set, smooth all KPP density variables horizontally #undef KPP_SMOOTH_DENS #ifdef KPP_SMOOTH_DENS # define KPP_SMOOTH_DBLOC #endif C o When set, smooth vertical viscosity horizontally #undef KPP_SMOOTH_VISC C o When set, smooth vertical diffusivity horizontally #undef KPP_SMOOTH_DIFF C o Get rid of vertical resolution dependence of dVsq term by C estimating a surface velocity that is independent of first C level thickness in the model. #undef KPP_ESTIMATE_UREF C o Include/exclude various time-averaged diagnostic output C for saving storage space #ifdef INCLUDE_DIAGNOSTICS_INTERFACE_CODE #define INCLUDE_DIAGNOSTICS_KPP #undef INCLUDE_DIAGNOSTICS_KPPDIFFKZSTAVE #endif C o Include/exclude KPP non/local transport terms #define KPP_GHAT C o Set precision for KPP variables (Real*4 or Real*8) #endif /* ALLOW_KPP */