% Compare output of new and reference (c32) codes. p1='../output/'; % reference (c32)output location p2='../../../exe/'; % new output file location lat=13:2:43; lon=322:2:360; % latitude, longitude % model depths dZ=[10 10 15 20 20 25 35 50 75 100 150 200 275 ... 350 415 450 500 500 500 500 500 500 500]; dpt=dZ/2; for i=2:length(dZ) dpt(i)=dpt(i)+sum(dZ(1:(i-1))); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % load and compare temperature tx=4; % time index dp=1; % depth level cx=[15 28]; cxd=[-1 1]*.005; % color axes T1=readbin([p1 'T.001.001.data'],[20 16 23 4],1); T2=readbin([p2 'T.001.001.data'],[20 16 23 4],1); figure(1), clf reset set(gcf,'PaperOrientation','portrait') set(gcf,'PaperPosition',[0.5 0.5 7.5 10.]) subplot(311), pcolor(lon,lat,T1(:,:,dp,tx)'); shading flat, caxis(cx), colorbar title(['c32 temperature (deg C), day 30' ... ', ' int2str(dpt(dp)) ' m depth' ... ', ' ' min=' num2str(min(min(T1(:,:,dp,tx))),4) ... ', ' ' max=' num2str(max(max(T1(:,:,dp,tx))),4) ]) ylabel('Latitude North') subplot(312), pcolor(lon,lat,T2(:,:,dp,tx)'); shading flat, caxis(cx), colorbar title(['new temperature (deg C), day 30' ... ', ' ' min=' num2str(min(min(T1(:,:,dp,tx))),4) ... ', ' ' max=' num2str(max(max(T1(:,:,dp,tx))),4) ]) ylabel('Latitude North') subplot(313), pcolor(lon,lat,T2(:,:,dp,tx)'-T1(:,:,dp,tx)'); shading flat, caxis(cxd), colorbar title(['Difference (deg C)' ... ', ' ' min=' num2str(min(min(T2(:,:,dp,tx)'-T1(:,:,dp,tx)')),4) ... ', ' ' max=' num2str(max(max(T2(:,:,dp,tx)'-T1(:,:,dp,tx)')),4) ]) ylabel('Latitude North'), xlabel('Longitude East') orient tall filename = 'comp_temp.eps' eval([ 'print -depsc ', filename ]) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % load and compare boundary layer depth tx=4; % time index cx=[0 55]; cxd=[-1 1]*4; % color axes H1=readbin([p1 'KPPhbl.001.001.data'],[20 16 1 4],1); H2=readbin([p2 'KPPhbl.001.001.data'],[20 16 1 4],1); figure(2), clf reset set(gcf,'PaperOrientation','portrait') set(gcf,'PaperPosition',[0.5 0.5 7.5 10.]) subplot(311), pcolor(lon,lat,H1(:,:,1,tx)'); shading flat, caxis(cx), colorbar title(['c32 boundary layer depth (m), day 30' ... ', ' ' min=' num2str(min(min(H1(:,:,1,tx))),4) ... ', ' ' max=' num2str(max(max(H1(:,:,1,tx))),4) ]) ylabel('Latitude North') subplot(312), pcolor(lon,lat,H2(:,:,1,tx)'); shading flat, caxis(cx), colorbar title([ 'new boundary layer depth (m), day 30' ... ', ' ' min=' num2str(min(min(H2(:,:,1,tx))),4) ... ', ' ' max=' num2str(max(max(H2(:,:,1,tx))),4)] ) ylabel('Latitude North') subplot(313), pcolor(lon,lat,H2(:,:,1,tx)'-H1(:,:,1,tx)'); shading flat, caxis(cxd), colorbar title(['Difference (m)' ... ', ' ' min=' num2str(min(min(H2(:,:,1,tx)'-H1(:,:,1,tx)')),4) ... ', ' ' max=' num2str(max(max(H2(:,:,1,tx)'-H1(:,:,1,tx)')),4)] ) ylabel('Latitude North'), xlabel('Longitude East') orient tall filename = 'comp_bldepth.eps' eval([ 'print -depsc ', filename ]) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % load and compare KPP diffusivity tx=4; % time index id=2:23; % depth index cx=[-5 -1.4]; cxd=[-1 1]*.003; % color axes yticks=['.00001';'.0001 ';'.001 ';'.01 ']; dticks=[3000 1000 300 100 30]; D1=readbin([p1 'KPPdiffKzT.001.001.data'],[20 16 23 4],1); D2=readbin([p2 'KPPdiffKzT.001.001.data'],[20 16 23 4],1); figure(3), clf reset set(gcf,'PaperOrientation','portrait') set(gcf,'PaperPosition',[0.5 0.5 7.5 10.]) tmp=squeeze(D1(10,:,id,tx))'; tmp(find(~tmp))=1e-10; tmp1=log10(tmp); subplot(311), pcolor(lat,-log10(dpt(id)),tmp1); shading interp, caxis(cx), h=colorbar; set(h,'YTick',-5:-2,'YTickLabel',yticks) set(gca,'YTick',-log10(dticks),'YTickLabel',dticks) title(['c32 KPP diffusivity (m^2/s), day 30' ... ', ' ' min=' num2str(min(min(D1(10,:,id,tx))),4) ... ', ' ' max=' num2str(max(max(D1(10,:,id,tx))),4)]) ylabel('Depth (m)') tmp=squeeze(D2(10,:,id,tx))'; tmp(find(~tmp))=1e-10; tmp2=log10(tmp); subplot(312), pcolor(lat,-log10(dpt(id)),tmp2); shading interp, caxis(cx), h=colorbar; set(h,'YTick',-5:-2,'YTickLabel',yticks) set(gca,'YTick',-log10(dticks),'YTickLabel',dticks) title([ 'new KPP diffusivity (m^2/s), day 30' ... ', ' ' min=' num2str(min(min(D2(10,:,id,tx))),4) ... ', ' ' max=' num2str(max(max(D2(10,:,id,tx))),4) ]) ylabel('Depth (m)') subplot(313), pcolor(lat,-log10(dpt(id)),10.^tmp2-10.^tmp1); shading interp, caxis(cxd), colorbar set(gca,'YTick',-log10(dticks),'YTickLabel',dticks) title([ 'Difference (m^2/s)' ... ', ' ' min=' num2str(min(min(10.^tmp2-10.^tmp1)),4) ... ', ' ' max=' num2str(max(max(10.^tmp2-10.^tmp1)),4) ]) ylabel('Depth (m)'), xlabel('Latitude North') orient tall filename = 'comp_diffus.eps' eval([ 'print -depsc ', filename ])