C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/verification/lab_sea/code/SEAICE_OPTIONS.h,v 1.25 2012/02/13 23:25:07 gforget Exp $ C $Name: $ C *==========================================================* C | SEAICE_OPTIONS.h C | o CPP options file for sea ice package. C *==========================================================* C | Use this file for selecting options within the sea ice C | package. C *==========================================================* #ifndef SEAICE_OPTIONS_H #define SEAICE_OPTIONS_H #include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h" #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_SEAICE C Package-specific Options & Macros go here C-- Write "text-plots" of certain fields in STDOUT for debugging. #undef SEAICE_DEBUG C-- Allow sea-ice dynamic code. C This option is provided to allow use of TAMC C on the thermodynamics component of the code only. C Sea-ice dynamics can also be turned off at runtime C using variable SEAICEuseDYNAMICS. #define SEAICE_ALLOW_DYNAMICS C-- By default, the sea-ice package uses its own integrated bulk C formulae to compute fluxes (fu, fv, EmPmR, Qnet, and Qsw) over C open-ocean. When this flag is set, these variables are computed C in a separate external package, for example, pkg/exf, and then C modified for sea-ice effects by pkg/seaice. #define SEAICE_EXTERNAL_FLUXES C-- By default, the sea-ice package uses 2-category thermodynamics. C When this flag is set, an 8-category calculation of ice C thermodynamics is carried out in groatb.F C Note the pickup_seaice.* generated by this option differ C from those generated with the default 2-category model. C Therefore it is not possible to switch between the two C in the middle of an integration. #undef SEAICE_MULTICATEGORY C-- Use the Old version of seaice_growth (close to cvs version 1.70) C otherwise, use the merged version (with some of Ian Fenty s code) #define SEAICE_GROWTH_LEGACY C-- Since the missing sublimation term is now included C this flag is needed for backward compatibility #define SEAICE_DISABLE_SUBLIM C-- Suspected missing term in coupled ocn-ice heat budget (to be further tested) #define SEAICE_DISABLE_HEATCONSFIX C-- options only available in the merged version #ifndef SEAICE_GROWTH_LEGACY C- to ensure heat conservation in the coupled ocean-seaice system # undef SEAICE_HEAT_CONSERV_FIX C- to preclude infinitesimal ice concentrations: # undef ALLOW_PRECLUDE_INFINITESIMAL_AREA #endif C-- The freezing point of water is a simple linear dependence to salinity. C The flag below is now obsolete, but kept to ease the transition C from the old constant freezing point default (see seaice_check.F). #define SEAICE_VARIABLE_FREEZING_POINT C-- By default sea ice is fresh. Set following flag for salty ice. #define SEAICE_VARIABLE_SALINITY C-- Tracers of ice and/or ice cover. #define ALLOW_SITRACER #ifdef ALLOW_SITRACER C-- To try avoid 'spontaneous generation' of tracer maxima by advdiff. # define ALLOW_SITRACER_ADVCAP #endif C-- By default the seaice model is discretized on a B-Grid (for C historical reasons). Define the following flag to use a new C (not thoroughly) test version on a C-grid #define SEAICE_CGRID C-- Only for the C-grid version it is possible to #ifdef SEAICE_CGRID C enable EVP code by defining the following flag # define SEAICE_ALLOW_EVP # ifdef SEAICE_ALLOW_EVP C-- When set use SEAICE_zetaMin and SEAICE_evpDampC to limit C-- viscosities from below and above in seaice_evp C-- not necessary, and not recommended # define SEAICE_ALLOW_CLIPZETA # endif /* SEAICE_ALLOW_EVP */ C allow the truncated ellipse rheology (runtime flag SEAICEuseTEM) # undef SEAICE_ALLOW_TEM #else /* not SEAICE_CGRID, but old B-grid */ C-- By default for B-grid dynamics solver wind stress under sea-ice is C set to the same value as it would be if there was no sea-ice. C Define following CPP flag for B-grid ice-ocean stress coupling. # define SEAICE_BICE_STRESS C-- By default for B-grid dynamics solver surface tilt is obtained C indirectly via geostrophic velocities. Define following CPP C in order to use ETAN instead. # define EXPLICIT_SSH_SLOPE C-- Defining this flag turns on a FV-discretization of the B-grid LSOR C solver. It is smoother and includes all metric terms, similar to the C C-grid solver. It is here for completeness, but its usefulness is C unclear. # undef SEAICE_LSRBNEW #endif /* SEAICE_CGRID */ C-- When set use MAX_HEFF to cap sea ice thickness in seaice_growth #undef SEAICE_CAP_HEFF C-- When set limit the Ice-Loading to mass of 1/5 of Surface ocean grid-box #undef SEAICE_CAP_ICELOAD C-- When set use SEAICE_clipVelocties = .true., to clip U/VICE at 40cm/s, C-- not recommended #define SEAICE_ALLOW_CLIPVELS C enable free drift code #define SEAICE_ALLOW_FREEDRIFT #endif /* ALLOW_SEAICE */ #endif /* SEAICE_OPTIONS_H */ CEH3 ;;; Local Variables: *** CEH3 ;;; mode:fortran *** CEH3 ;;; End: ***