# Diagnostic Package Choices #----------------- # for each output-stream: # filename(n) : prefix of the output file name (only 8.c long) for outp.stream n # frequency(n):< 0 : write snap-shot output every |frequency| seconds # > 0 : write time-average output every frequency seconds # timePhase(n) : write at time = timePhase + multiple of |frequency| # averagingFreq(n) : frequency (in s) for periodic averaging interval # averagingPhase(n): phase (in s) for periodic averaging interval # repeatCycle(n) : number of averaging intervals in 1 cycle # levels(:,n) : list of levels to write to file (Notes: declared as REAL) # when this entry is missing, select all common levels of this list # fields(:,n) : list of diagnostics fields (8.c) (see "available_diagnostics.log" # file for the list of all available diag. in this particular config) #----------------- &DIAGNOSTICS_LIST # diag_mnc = .FALSE., # dumpAtLast = .TRUE., fields(1:6,1) = 'SI_Uvel ','SI_Vvel ','SI_Thick', 'SI_area ','SI_float','SI_selev' # 'SIheff ','SIarea ','SIhsnow ','SIatmFW ', # 'SHIForcT','SHIForcS', # 'surForcT','surForcS','TFLUX ','SFLUX ','oceFreez', # 'TRELAX ','SRELAX ', # 'GM_VisbK', filename(1) = 'land_ice', frequency(1) = 63072000, # 'GM_PsiX ','GM_PsiY ', # 'GM_Kwx ','GM_Kwy ','GM_Kwz ', # 'GM_Kux ','GM_Kvy ', # 'GM_Kuz ','GM_Kvz ', #- disable this output list by commenting out the file name # filename(3) = 'diagsEXF', # frequency(3) = 1., # fields(1,4) = 'ADVx_TH ','ADVy_TH ','ADVr_TH ', # 'DIFx_TH ','DIFy_TH ','DFrE_TH ', # 'DFrI_TH ', # 'ADVx_SLT', # filename(4) = 'flxDiag', # frequency(4) = 2592000., & # Parameter for Diagnostics of per level statistics: #----------------- # for each output-stream: # stat_fname(n) : prefix of the output file name (only 8.c long) for outp.stream n # stat_freq(n):< 0 : write snap-shot output every |stat_freq| seconds # > 0 : write time-average output every stat_freq seconds # stat_phase(n) : write at time = stat_phase + multiple of |stat_freq| # stat_region(:,n) : list of "regions" (default: 1 region only=global) # stat_fields(:,n) : list of diagnostics fields (8.c) (see "available_diagnostics.log" # file for the list of all available diag. in this particular config) #----------------- &DIAG_STATIS_PARMS #- regional mask: 3 lat. band: 1 : y <= -24 ; 2 : -24