# ********************* # External Forcing Data # ********************* &EXF_NML_01 exf_iprec = 32, exf_debugLev = 3, & # ********************* &EXF_NML_02 #hfluxstartdate1 = 19920101, #hfluxstartdate2 = 000000, hfluxperiod = -12., # #sfluxstartdate1 = 19920101, #sfluxstartdate2 = 000000, sfluxperiod = -12., # #ustressstartdate1 = 19920101, #ustressstartdate2 = 000000, ustressperiod = -12., # #vstressstartdate1 = 19920101, #vstressstartdate2 = 000000, vstressperiod = -12., # #climsststartdate1 = 19920101, #climsststartdate2 = 000000, climsstperiod = -12., # 2 months restoring timescale for temperature climsstTauRelax = 5184000., # #climsssstartdate1 = 19920101, #climsssstartdate2 = 000000, climsssperiod = -12., # 6 months restoring timescale for salinity climsssTauRelax = 15552000., # hfluxfile = 'ncep_qnet.bin', #sfluxfile = 'ncep_emp.bin', # here we deviate from the general pattern and prescribe a forcing fiels # with (i,j)=(1,1) at the NW (.flipped) instead of the SW (.bin) corner # to test the correpsonding code, see also below #ustressfile = 'trenberth_taux.bin', ustressfile = 'trenberth_taux.flipped', vstressfile = 'trenberth_tauy.bin', climsstfile = 'lev_sst.bin', climsssfile = 'lev_sss.bin', # & # ********************* &EXF_NML_03 & # ********************* &EXF_NML_04 hflux_lon0 = 2., hflux_lon_inc = 4., hflux_lat0 = -78., hflux_lat_inc = 39*4., hflux_nlon = 90, hflux_nlat = 40, # sflux_lon0 = 2., sflux_lon_inc = 4., sflux_lat0 = -78., sflux_lat_inc = 39*4., sflux_nlon = 90, sflux_nlat = 40, # # here we deviate from the general pattern and prescribe a forcing fiels # with (i,j)=(1,1) at the NW instead of the SW corner; the grid # information has been change so that latitude now starts in the north ustress_lon0 = 0., ustress_lon_inc = 4., ustress_lat0 = 78., ustress_lat_inc = 39*-4., ustress_nlon = 90, ustress_nlat = 40, # vstress_lon0 = 2., vstress_lon_inc = 4., vstress_lat0 = -80., vstress_lat_inc = 39*4., vstress_nlon = 90, vstress_nlat = 40, # climsst_lon0 = 2., climsst_lon_inc = 4., climsst_lat0 = -78., climsst_lat_inc = 39*4., climsst_nlon = 90, climsst_nlat = 40, # climsss_lon0 = 2., climsss_lon_inc = 4., climsss_lat0 = -78., climsss_lat_inc = 39*4., climsss_nlon = 90, climsss_nlat = 40, # &