#! /usr/bin/env bash # $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/verification/global_with_exf/input.yearly/prepare_run,v 1.1 2008/01/31 09:57:20 mlosch Exp $ # $Name: $ #- in order to save disc space, take *.bin files #- from this dir: fromDir="../../tutorial_global_oce_latlon/input" fileList=`( cd $fromDir ; echo bathymetry.bin )` #echo 'fileList=' $fileList #- and do a symbolic link in the current directory # (if the file does not already exist) if test -d $fromDir ; then lnkList='files:' for xx in $fileList do if test -r ${fromDir}/$xx ; then if test ! -r $xx ; then lnkList=${lnkList}" "$xx ln -sf ${fromDir}/$xx . fi fi done echo ' link' $lnkList "from dir:" $fromDir else echo " Error:" $fromDir "not a directory" fi # now link forcing files to yearly names, this is really faking it, since # we use the same files for 1991 and 1992, but it is just a test after all fileList="lev_sss.bin lev_sst.bin ncep_emp.bin ncep_qnet.bin trenberth_taux.bin trenberth_tauy.bin" if test -d $fromDir ; then lnkList='files:' for xx in $fileList do if test -r ${fromDir}/$xx ; then if test ! -r ${xx}_1991 ; then lnkList=${lnkList}" "${xx}_1991 ln -sf ${fromDir}/$xx ./${xx}_1991 fi if test ! -r ${xx}_1992 ; then lnkList=${lnkList}" "${xx}_1992 ln -sf ${fromDir}/${xx} ./${xx}_1992 fi fi done echo ' link' $lnkList "from dir:" $fromDir else echo " Error:" $fromDir "not a directory" fi