# ==================== # | Model parameters | # ==================== # # Continuous equation parameters &PARM01 tRef = 15*20., sRef = 15*35., viscAr=1.E-3, viscAh=5.E5, diffKhT=0.0, diffKrT=3.E-5, diffKhS=0.0, diffKrS=3.E-5, rhonil=1035., gravity=9.81, eosType = 'POLY3', ivdc_kappa=100., implicitDiffusion=.TRUE., useOldFreezing=.TRUE., useRealFreshWaterFlux=.TRUE., useCDscheme=.TRUE., useNHMTerms=.TRUE., # turn on looped cells hFacMin=.05, hFacMindr=50., # set precision of data files readBinaryPrec=32, & # Elliptic solver parameters &PARM02 cg2dMaxIters=500, cg2dTargetResidual=1.E-13, & # Time stepping parameters &PARM03 nIter0 = 0, nTimeSteps = 20, # 100 years of integration will yield a reasonable flow field # startTime = 0., # endTime = 3110400000., deltaTmom = 1200.0, tauCD = 321428., deltaTtracer= 43200.0, deltaTClock = 43200.0, # if you are using a version later than checkpoint45d on the main branch # you can uncomment the following line and increase the time step # deltaTtracer and deltaTClock to 172800.0 as well to speed up the # asynchronous time stepping # deltaTfreesurf = 172800.0, abEps = 0.1, pChkptFreq= 311040000., dumpFreq= 311040000., dumpFreq= 864000., taveFreq= 311040000., taveFreq= 216000., #monitorFreq=31104000., monitorFreq=1., monitor_ioinc=.TRUE., # 2 months restoring timescale for temperature tauThetaClimRelax = 5184000.0, # 6 months restoring timescale for salinity tauSaltClimRelax = 15552000.0, periodicExternalForcing=.TRUE., externForcingPeriod=2592000., externForcingCycle=31104000., & # Gridding parameters &PARM04 usingCartesianGrid=.FALSE., usingSphericalPolarGrid=.TRUE., delR= 50., 70., 100., 140., 190., 240., 290., 340., 390., 440., 490., 540., 590., 640., 690., phiMin=-80., dySpacing=4., dxSpacing=4., & # Input datasets &PARM05 bathyFile= 'bathymetry.bin', hydrogThetaFile='lev_t.bin', hydrogSaltFile= 'lev_s.bin', zonalWindFile= 'trenberth_taux.bin', meridWindFile= 'trenberth_tauy.bin', thetaClimFile= 'lev_sst.bin', saltClimFile= 'lev_sss.bin', surfQFile= 'ncep_qnet.bin', the_run_name= 'global_ocean.90x40x15', # fresh water flux is turned off, uncomment next line to turn on # (not recommened together with surface salinity restoring) # EmPmRFile= 'ncep_emp.bin', &