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Contents of /MITgcm/verification/flt_example/previously_aux/cvprofiles.F

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Sep 13 17:43:56 2001 UTC (22 years, 9 months ago) by adcroft
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: checkpoint46n_post, checkpoint51k_post, checkpoint47j_post, checkpoint48d_pre, checkpoint44b_post, checkpoint51j_post, branch-exfmods-tag, checkpoint47e_post, checkpoint43a-release1mods, checkpoint44h_pre, checkpoint47i_post, checkpoint52l_pre, checkpoint44e_post, checkpoint52e_pre, release1_p12, release1_p13, release1_p10, release1_p11, release1_p16, release1_p17, release1_p14, release1_p15, checkpoint47f_post, checkpoint47c_post, checkpoint50e_post, checkpoint52e_post, checkpoint50c_post, checkpoint46i_post, checkpoint51n_pre, checkpoint47d_post, checkpoint44f_pre, checkpoint47a_post, checkpoint46f_post, checkpoint46l_pre, checkpoint46d_pre, release1_beta1, checkpoint48e_post, checkpoint46e_post, checkpoint48h_post, checkpoint48d_post, checkpoint50g_post, release1-branch_tutorials, checkpoint46c_post, checkpoint44g_post, branchpoint-genmake2, checkpoint44h_post, checkpoint46l_post, checkpoint46k_post, checkpoint52j_pre, checkpoint46e_pre, branch-netcdf, checkpoint52l_post, checkpoint48f_post, checkpoint45d_post, checkpoint51r_post, checkpoint52b_pre, checkpoint51o_pre, checkpoint46j_pre, checkpoint45b_post, checkpoint46b_pre, checkpoint51i_post, checkpoint46j_post, checkpoint48c_post, chkpt44a_pre, release1-branch-end, release1_final_v1, checkpoint51e_post, checkpoint51b_post, checkpoint46, checkpoint51l_pre, checkpoint52m_post, release1_p12_pre, checkpoint46c_pre, checkpoint43, checkpoint40, checkpoint41, checkpoint47d_pre, checkpoint47, checkpoint44, checkpoint45, checkpoint48, checkpoint49, checkpoint44f_post, checkpoint47b_post, checkpoint51l_post, checkpoint48i_post, checkpoint51o_post, checkpoint51f_pre, release1_b1, checkpoint52j_post, checkpoint51q_post, checkpoint50d_pre, checkpoint52k_post, chkpt44d_post, checkpoint46h_pre, checkpoint51, checkpoint50, checkpoint47h_post, checkpoint52, release1_p8, release1_p9, checkpoint50d_post, checkpoint52d_post, checkpoint46g_pre, release1_p2, release1_p3, release1_p4, checkpoint51b_pre, release1_p6, checkpoint52a_post, checkpoint46a_post, checkpoint47g_post, checkpoint52b_post, chkpt44a_post, checkpoint52f_post, checkpoint44b_pre, checkpoint52c_post, release1_p1, checkpoint46m_post, checkpoint48a_post, checkpoint51h_pre, checkpoint46a_pre, checkpoint50c_pre, checkpoint45c_post, checkpoint50b_pre, release1_p5, checkpoint44e_pre, checkpoint51g_post, ecco_c52_e35, release1_p7, checkpoint46b_post, checkpoint51f_post, checkpoint46d_post, checkpoint48b_post, checkpoint50b_post, checkpoint46g_post, release1_p13_pre, checkpoint51c_post, checkpoint45a_post, checkpoint50f_post, checkpoint50a_post, checkpoint42, checkpoint50f_pre, checkpoint52a_pre, checkpoint51d_post, checkpoint48c_pre, release1-branch_branchpoint, checkpoint51m_post, checkpoint51t_post, checkpoint50h_post, checkpoint52i_post, checkpoint51a_post, checkpoint46h_post, checkpoint50e_pre, checkpoint50i_post, checkpoint51p_post, checkpoint51n_post, release1_chkpt44d_post, checkpoint48g_post, checkpoint51i_pre, chkpt44c_pre, checkpoint52i_pre, checkpoint51u_post, checkpoint52h_pre, checkpoint52f_pre, checkpoint51s_post, chkpt44c_post
Branch point for: netcdf-sm0, branch-genmake2, release1, branch-exfmods-curt, release1_coupled, branch-nonh, tg2-branch, release1_final, checkpoint51n_branch, release1-branch, release1_50yr
Added package "flt".
 o pkg/flt
 o verification/flt_example
 o visualization of trajectories supplied
 o works but output not available to testscript

1 program cvprofiles
2 c
3 c=======================================================================
4 c converts binary float profiles to netCDF
5 c
6 c * must be compiled with a FORTRAN90 compiler and netcdf library
7 c f90 cvprofiles.F /usr/local/lib/libnetcdf.a
8 c f90 cvprofiles.F /net/ice/ecco/lib/libnetcdf.a (for the ECCO cluster)
9 c * uses namelist data.profiles
10 c
11 c Arne Biastoch, abiastoch@ucsd.edu, 11/16/2000
12 c
13 c=======================================================================
14 c
15 integer stdin, stdout, stderr
16 parameter (stdin = 5, stdout = 6, stderr = 6)
17 c
18 parameter (maxcoord=3000, maxdepth=100)
19 character iotext*80, expnam*60, stamp*32
20 c
21 c variables for filenames
22 integer narg, npart
23 character*6 cpart
24 character*1 split
25 integer factor(6)
26 data factor / 1.e5, 1.e4, 1.e3, 1.e2, 1.e1, 1.e0 /
27 character*(80) dataFName
28 logical exst
29 c
30 c parameter(spval=-1.0e+23)
31 parameter(spval=-999.)
33 c number of variables per record
34 c parameter(imax=10)
35 integer narg
36 logical preflag
37 c
38 c netCDF ids
39 c
40 integer iret, ncid, VARid
41 integer partdim,Timedim,Dep_tdim, Dep_wdim, Dep_wm1dim
42 integer partid, Timeid
43 integer xpartid, ypartid, kpartid
44 integer tempid, saltid, uvelid, vvelid, zetaid
45 integer Dep_tid, Dep_wid, Dep_wm1id
46 c
47 c variable shapes, corner and edge lengths
48 c
49 integer dims(4), corner(4), edges(4)
50 c
51 character*1 inumber(4)
52 c
53 c attribute vectors
54 c
55 integer longval(1)
56 real floatval(2)
57 character*1 charval(1)
58 character name*24, unit*16, grid*2
59 logical usingSphericalPolarGrid
60 logical iedge
61 c
62 c data variables for NetCDF
63 c
64 real, dimension(:), allocatable :: Dep_t, Dep_w, Dep_wm1
65 real, dimension(:), allocatable :: pnum,time
66 real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: xpart,ypart,kpart,zeta
67 real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: uvel,vvel,temp,salt
68 double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: tmp
69 c
70 c these variables cannot be allocatable because they appear in the namelist
71 c
72 real delZ(maxdepth)
73 c
74 c namelist contains
75 c
76 data npart /10/
77 character*50 outname2
78 character*50 fName, outname
79 data fName / 'float_profiles' /
80 character*20 startDate
81 data startDate / '01-JAN-1992:12:00:00' /
82 data expnam /'Experimentname not set in data.profiles'/
83 data usingSphericalPolarGrid /.true./
84 namelist /dimensions/ expnam, startDate, usingSphericalPolarGrid
85 namelist /floats/ fName
86 namelist /coord/ Nr, delZ
87 c
88 c in most systems netcdf.inc should be side in /usr/local/include
89 c include '/usr/local/include/netcdf.inc'
90 c include '/users/guests2/ux451985/netcdf/include/netcdf.inc'
91 include '/net/ice/ecco/include/netcdf.inc'
93 ioun=11
94 open(ioun,file='data.profiles',status='old',form='formatted')
95 read (unit=ioun, end=666, nml=dimensions)
96 write (stdout,dimensions)
97 close (ioun)
98 666 continue
99 open(ioun,file='data.profiles',status='old',form='formatted')
100 read (unit=ioun, end=777, nml=coord)
101 c write (stdout,coord)
102 close (ioun)
103 777 continue
104 open(ioun,file='data.profiles',status='old',form='formatted')
105 read (unit=ioun, end=999, nml=floats)
106 write (stdout,floats)
107 close (ioun)
108 999 continue
110 c
111 c big data set:
112 c if the data set contains a big number of particles and timesteps
113 c it has to be read in chunks. This takes longer but fits better
114 c into the memory. The argument preflag is used to indicate a big
115 c data set.
116 c
117 preflag = .false.
118 narg=iargc()
119 if ( narg .gt. 0 ) preflag = .true.
121 c
122 c strip names
123 c
124 IL=ILNBLNK( fName )
126 c check existent files
127 c
128 iGmax=1
129 do m=1,100
130 write(dataFname(1:80),'(2a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a)')
131 & fName(1:IL),'.',iGmax,'.',1,'.data'
132 inquire( file=dataFname, exist=exst )
133 if (exst) iGmax = iGmax + 1
134 enddo
136 jGmax=1
137 do m=1,100
138 write(dataFname(1:80),'(2a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a)')
139 & fName(1:IL),'.',1,'.',jGmax,'.data'
140 inquire( file=dataFname, exist=exst )
141 if (exst) jGmax = jGmax + 1
142 enddo
144 iGmax = iGmax - 1
145 jGmax = jGmax - 1
146 print*, 'There are ',iGmax,' x ',jGmax,' files'
148 c open first file and get dimensions (float number and time)
149 c
150 imax=(6+4*Nr)
151 ilen=imax*8
153 allocate (tmp(imax))
154 c
155 write(dataFname(1:80),'(2a,a)')
156 & fName(1:IL),'.001.001.data'
157 open(1,file=dataFname,status='old',form='unformatted'
158 & ,access='direct',recl=ilen)
159 c
160 read(1,rec=1) tmp
161 rcountstart = SNGL(tmp(2))
162 rcountdelta = SNGL(tmp(4))
163 icount = INT(tmp(5))
164 npart = INT(tmp(6))
165 close(1)
166 print*, 'npart = ',npart
167 print*, 'timesteps= ',icount
168 if (preflag) then
169 print*, 'big data set --> read in chunks'
170 endif
173 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
174 c allocate variables
175 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
176 c
177 allocate (pnum(npart))
178 allocate (time(icount))
179 allocate (Dep_t(Nr))
180 allocate (Dep_w(Nr+1))
181 allocate (Dep_wm1(Nr))
182 allocate (xpart(npart,icount))
183 allocate (ypart(npart,icount))
184 allocate (kpart(npart,icount))
185 allocate (temp(npart,Nr,icount))
186 if (.not. preflag) then
187 allocate (uvel(npart,Nr,icount))
188 allocate (vvel(npart,Nr,icount))
189 allocate (salt(npart,Nr,icount))
190 endif
191 allocate (zeta(npart,icount))
193 c initialize arrays
194 c
195 do m=1,npart
196 do n=1,icount
197 xpart(m,n) = spval
198 ypart(m,n) = spval
199 kpart(m,n) = spval
200 do k=1,Nr
201 if (.not. preflag) uvel(m,k,n) = spval
202 if (.not. preflag) vvel(m,k,n) = spval
203 temp(m,k,n) = spval
204 if (.not. preflag) salt(m,k,n) = spval
205 enddo
206 zeta(m,n) = spval
207 enddo
208 enddo
209 c
210 c
211 c test if depth axis is evenly spaced (in that case no edges have to
212 c be set)
213 c
214 iedge=.false.
215 do k=2,Nr
216 if (delZ(k) .ne. delZ(k-1)) then
217 iedge=.true.
218 goto 20
219 endif
220 enddo
221 20 continue
222 c
223 Dep_w(1)=0.
224 Dep_wm1(1)=0.
225 do k=2,Nr+1
226 Dep_w(k)=Dep_w(k-1)+delZ(k-1)
227 if (k .ne. Nr+1) Dep_wm1(k) = Dep_w(k)
228 enddo
229 c
230 do k=1,Nr
231 Dep_t(k)=(Dep_w(k)+Dep_w(k+1))*0.5
232 enddo
233 c
234 c generate axes
235 c
236 time(1)=rcountstart
237 do m=2,icount
238 time(m) = time(m-1)+rcountdelta
239 enddo
240 print*, 'time: ',time
241 c
242 do ip=1,npart
243 pnum(ip) = FLOAT(ip)
244 enddo
245 c print*, 'pnum: ',pnum
246 c
247 c
248 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
249 c open files and read input
250 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
251 c
252 itotalrecord = 0
254 do iG=1,iGmax
255 do jG=1,jGmax
256 c
257 write(dataFname(1:80),'(2a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a)')
258 & fName(1:IL),'.',iG,'.',jG,'.data'
259 open(1,file=dataFname,status='old',form='unformatted'
260 & ,access='direct',recl=ilen)
261 c
262 read(1,rec=1) tmp
263 imaxrecord = INT(tmp(1))
264 print*,'read ',dataFname,imaxrecord
265 itotalrecord = itotalrecord + imaxrecord
266 c goto 200
268 do irec=2,imaxrecord+1
270 read(1,rec=irec) tmp
271 ip = INT(tmp(1))
272 if (ip .gt. npart) then
273 print*,'ip out of order: ',ip,npart
274 stop
275 endif
276 np = INT((tmp(2)-rcountstart)/rcountdelta+1)
279 if (usingSphericalPolarGrid) then
280 xpart(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(3))
281 ypart(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(4))
282 else
283 xpart(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(3))/1000.
284 ypart(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(4))/1000.
285 endif
286 kpart(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(5))
287 zeta(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(6))
288 do k=1,Nr
289 if (.not. preflag) uvel(ip,k,np) = SNGL(tmp(6+k))
290 if (.not. preflag) vvel(ip,k,np) = SNGL(tmp(6+1*Nr+k))
291 temp(ip,k,np) = SNGL(tmp(6+2*Nr+k))
292 if (.not. preflag) salt(ip,k,np) = SNGL(tmp(6+3*Nr+k))
293 if (temp(ip,k,np) .eq. 0.) then
294 if (.not. preflag) uvel(ip,k,np) = spval
295 if (.not. preflag) vvel(ip,k,np) = spval
296 temp(ip,k,np) = spval
297 if (.not. preflag) salt(ip,k,np) = spval
298 endif
299 enddo
300 c print*, 'rec= ',irec,' npart= ',ip,' timestep= ',np
301 c & ,time(np),tmp
302 c & ,xpart(ip,np),ypart(ip,np),kpart(ip,np),uvel(ip,np,1),
303 c & vvel(ip,np,1),temp(ip,np,1),salt(ip,np,1),zeta(ip,np)
304 100 continue
305 enddo
307 close(1)
308 200 continue
309 enddo
310 enddo
312 print*,icount,' x ',npart,' = ',icount*npart,' records expected,',
313 & ' found ',itotalrecord,' float records'
314 print*,'==> ',icount*npart-itotalrecord,' float records missing'
315 c
316 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
317 c define netCDF variables
318 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
319 c
320 write(stdout,*) ' Start Converting'
321 c
322 c enter define mode: NCCLOB=overwrite, NCNOCLOB=do not overwrite
323 c
324 IL=ILNBLNK( fname )
325 outname2=fname(1:IL)//'.cdf'
326 write (stdout,*)
327 & ' ==> Writing a profiles to file ',outname2(1:IL+4)
328 ncid = nccre(outname2(1:IL+4), NCCLOB, iret)
329 if (iret .ne. 0) write(stdout,*) 'Error: Open NetCDF file'
330 c
331 c define dimensions
332 c
333 partdim = ncddef(ncid, 'Particles', npart, iret)
334 Dep_tdim = ncddef(ncid, 'Depth_t', Nr, iret)
335 Dep_wm1dim= ncddef(ncid, 'Depth_wm1', Nr, iret)
336 Dep_wdim = ncddef(ncid, 'Depth_w', Nr+1, iret)
337 Timedim = ncddef(ncid, 'Time', NCUNLIM, iret)
338 if (iret .ne. 0) write(stdout,*) 'Error: define dimensions'
339 c
340 c define variables
341 c
342 dims(1) = partdim
343 partid = ncvdef (ncid,'Particles',NCFLOAT,1,dims,iret)
344 dims(1) = Dep_tdim
345 Dep_tid = ncvdef (ncid,'Depth_t', NCFLOAT,1,dims,iret)
346 dims(1) = Dep_wdim
347 Dep_wid = ncvdef (ncid,'Depth_w', NCFLOAT,1,dims,iret)
348 dims(1) = Dep_wm1dim
349 Dep_wm1id= ncvdef (ncid,'Depth_wm1', NCFLOAT,1,dims,iret)
350 dims(1) = Timedim
351 Timeid = ncvdef (ncid,'Time', NCFLOAT,1,dims,iret)
352 if (iret .ne. 0) write(stdout,*) 'Error: define axis ids'
353 c
354 dims(1) = partdim
355 dims(2) = Timedim
356 xpartid = ncvdef (ncid,'xpart', NCFLOAT,2,dims,iret)
357 ypartid = ncvdef (ncid,'ypart', NCFLOAT,2,dims,iret)
358 kpartid = ncvdef (ncid,'kpart', NCFLOAT,2,dims,iret)
359 zetaid = ncvdef (ncid,'zeta', NCFLOAT,2,dims,iret)
360 c
361 dims(1) = partdim
362 dims(2) = Dep_tdim
363 dims(3) = Timedim
364 uvelid = ncvdef (ncid,'uvel', NCFLOAT,3,dims,iret)
365 vvelid = ncvdef (ncid,'vvel', NCFLOAT,3,dims,iret)
366 tempid = ncvdef (ncid,'temp', NCFLOAT,3,dims,iret)
367 saltid = ncvdef (ncid,'salt', NCFLOAT,3,dims,iret)
368 if (iret .ne. 0) write(stdout,*) 'Error: define variable ids'
369 c
370 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
371 c assign attributes
372 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
373 c
374 charval(1) = ' '
375 c
376 name = 'Particles Number '
377 c unit = 'particle number '
378 call ncaptc(ncid, partid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret)
379 call ncaptc(ncid, partid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret)
380 c
381 name = 'Time'
382 unit = 'seconds'
383 call ncaptc(ncid, Timeid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret)
384 call ncaptc(ncid, Timeid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret)
385 call ncaptc(ncid, Timeid,'time_origin',NCCHAR, 20,startDate, iret)
386 if (iret .ne. 0) write(stdout,*) 'Error: assign axis attributes'
387 c
388 c
389 name = 'Depth of T grid points '
390 unit = 'meters '
391 call ncaptc(ncid, Dep_tid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret)
392 call ncaptc(ncid, Dep_tid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret)
393 call ncaptc(ncid, Dep_tid, 'positive', NCCHAR, 4, 'down',iret)
394 c call ncaptc(ncid, Dep_tid, 'point_spacing',NCCHAR,6,'uneven',iret)
395 if (iedge)
396 & call ncaptc(ncid, Dep_tid, 'edges',NCCHAR, 7,'Depth_w',iret)
397 c
398 name = 'Depth at top of T box'
399 unit = 'meters '
400 call ncaptc(ncid, Dep_wm1id, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret)
401 call ncaptc(ncid, Dep_wm1id, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret)
402 call ncaptc(ncid, Dep_wm1id, 'positive', NCCHAR, 4, 'down',iret)
403 c
404 name = 'Depth at bottom of T box'
405 unit = 'meters '
406 call ncaptc(ncid, Dep_wid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret)
407 call ncaptc(ncid, Dep_wid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret)
408 call ncaptc(ncid, Dep_wid, 'positive', NCCHAR, 4, 'down',iret)
409 floatval(1) = spval
410 c
411 if (usingSphericalPolarGrid) then
412 name = 'LONGITUDE '
413 unit = 'degrees_W '
414 else
415 name = 'X_t '
416 unit = 'kilometer '
417 endif
418 call ncaptc(ncid, xpartid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret)
419 call ncaptc(ncid, xpartid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret)
420 call ncapt (ncid, xpartid,'missing_value',NCFLOAT,1,floatval,iret)
421 call ncapt (ncid, xpartid,'_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1,floatval, iret)
422 c
423 if (usingSphericalPolarGrid) then
424 name = 'LATITUDE '
425 unit = 'degrees_N '
426 else
427 name = 'Y_t '
428 unit = 'kilometer '
429 endif
430 call ncaptc(ncid, ypartid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret)
431 call ncaptc(ncid, ypartid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret)
432 call ncapt (ncid, ypartid,'missing_value',NCFLOAT,1,floatval,iret)
433 call ncapt (ncid, ypartid,'_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1,floatval, iret)
434 c
435 name = 'LEVEL '
436 unit = 'LEVEL '
437 call ncaptc(ncid, kpartid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret)
438 call ncaptc(ncid, kpartid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret)
439 call ncapt (ncid, kpartid,'missing_value',NCFLOAT,1,floatval,iret)
440 call ncapt (ncid, kpartid,'_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1,floatval, iret)
441 c
443 unit = 'deg C '
444 call ncaptc(ncid, tempid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret)
445 call ncaptc(ncid, tempid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret)
446 call ncapt (ncid, tempid, 'missing_value',NCFLOAT,1,floatval,iret)
447 call ncapt (ncid, tempid, '_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1,floatval, iret)
448 c
449 name = 'SALINITY '
450 unit = 'PSU '
451 call ncaptc(ncid, saltid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret)
452 call ncaptc(ncid, saltid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret)
453 call ncapt (ncid, saltid, 'missing_value',NCFLOAT,1,floatval,iret)
454 call ncapt (ncid, saltid, '_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1,floatval, iret)
455 c
456 name = 'U VELOCITY '
457 unit = 'm/sec'
458 call ncaptc(ncid, uvelid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret)
459 call ncaptc(ncid, uvelid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret)
460 call ncapt (ncid, uvelid, 'missing_value',NCFLOAT,1,floatval,iret)
461 call ncapt (ncid, uvelid, '_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1,floatval, iret)
462 c
463 name = 'V VELOCITY '
464 unit = 'm/sec'
465 call ncaptc(ncid, vvelid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret)
466 call ncaptc(ncid, vvelid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret)
467 call ncapt (ncid, vvelid, 'missing_value',NCFLOAT,1,floatval,iret)
468 call ncapt (ncid, vvelid, '_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1,floatval, iret)
469 c
470 name = 'SEA SURFACE HEIGHT '
471 unit = 'm '
472 call ncaptc(ncid, zetaid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret)
473 call ncaptc(ncid, zetaid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret)
474 call ncapt (ncid, zetaid,'missing_value',NCFLOAT, 1,floatval,iret)
475 call ncapt (ncid, zetaid,'_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1, floatval, iret)
476 c
477 if (iret .ne. 0) write(stdout,*) 'Error: define variable attrib.'
478 c
479 expname= ' '
480 stamp = ' '
481 call ncaptc(ncid, NCGLOBAL, 'title', NCCHAR, 60, expnam, iret)
482 call ncaptc(ncid, NCGLOBAL, 'history', NCCHAR, 32, stamp, iret)
483 c
484 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
485 c leave define mode
486 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
487 c
488 call ncendf(ncid, iret)
489 c
490 c
491 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
492 c put variables in netCDF file
493 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
494 c
495 c store Particles
496 corner(1) = 1
497 edges(1) = npart
498 call ncvpt(ncid, partid, corner, edges, pnum, iret)
499 c
500 c store Time
501 corner(1) = 1
502 edges(1) = icount
503 call ncvpt(ncid, Timeid, corner, edges, Time, iret)
504 c
505 c store Depth_t
506 corner(1) = 1
507 edges(1) = Nr
508 call ncvpt(ncid, Dep_tid, corner, edges, Dep_t, iret)
509 c store Depth_w
510 corner(1) = 1
511 edges(1) = Nr+1
512 call ncvpt(ncid, Dep_wid, corner, edges, Dep_w, iret)
513 c store Depth_wm1
514 corner(1) = 1
515 edges(1) = Nr
516 call ncvpt(ncid, Dep_wm1id, corner, edges, Dep_wm1, iret)
517 c store 2D values
518 corner(1) = 1
519 corner(2) = 1
520 edges(1) = npart
521 edges(2) = icount
522 VARid=xpartid
523 call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, xpart, iret)
524 VARid=ypartid
525 call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, ypart, iret)
526 VARid=kpartid
527 call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, kpart, iret)
528 VARid=zetaid
529 call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, zeta, iret)
530 c store values
531 corner(1) = 1
532 corner(2) = 1
533 corner(3) = 1
534 edges(1) = npart
535 edges(2) = Nr
536 edges(3) = icount
537 VARid=tempid
538 call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, temp, iret)
540 if (preflag) then
541 c read in salt into temp array
542 do iG=1,iGmax
543 do jG=1,jGmax
544 c
545 write(dataFname(1:80),'(2a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a)')
546 & fName(1:IL),'.',iG,'.',jG,'.data'
547 open(1,file=dataFname,status='old',form='unformatted'
548 & ,access='direct',recl=ilen)
549 c
550 read(1,rec=1) tmp
551 imaxrecord = INT(tmp(1))
552 print*,'read salt from ',dataFname
553 do irec=2,imaxrecord+1
555 read(1,rec=irec) tmp
556 ip = INT(tmp(1))
557 np = INT((tmp(2)-rcountstart)/rcountdelta+1)
558 do k=1,Nr
559 temp(ip,k,np) = SNGL(tmp(6+3*Nr+k))
560 if (SNGL(tmp(6+2*Nr+k)) .eq. 0.) then
561 temp(ip,k,np) = spval
562 endif
563 enddo
564 enddo
565 close(1)
566 enddo
567 enddo
568 VARid=saltid
569 call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, temp, iret)
571 c read in u into temp array
572 do iG=1,iGmax
573 do jG=1,jGmax
574 c
575 write(dataFname(1:80),'(2a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a)')
576 & fName(1:IL),'.',iG,'.',jG,'.data'
577 open(1,file=dataFname,status='old',form='unformatted'
578 & ,access='direct',recl=ilen)
579 c
580 read(1,rec=1) tmp
581 imaxrecord = INT(tmp(1))
582 print*,'read uvel from ',dataFname
583 do irec=2,imaxrecord+1
585 read(1,rec=irec) tmp
586 ip = INT(tmp(1))
587 np = INT((tmp(2)-rcountstart)/rcountdelta+1)
588 do k=1,Nr
589 temp(ip,k,np) = SNGL(tmp(6+k))
590 if (SNGL(tmp(6+2*Nr+k)) .eq. 0.) then
591 temp(ip,k,np) = spval
592 endif
593 enddo
594 enddo
595 close(1)
596 enddo
597 enddo
598 VARid=uvelid
599 call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, temp, iret)
601 c read in v into temp array
602 do iG=1,iGmax
603 do jG=1,jGmax
604 c
605 write(dataFname(1:80),'(2a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a)')
606 & fName(1:IL),'.',iG,'.',jG,'.data'
607 open(1,file=dataFname,status='old',form='unformatted'
608 & ,access='direct',recl=ilen)
609 c
610 read(1,rec=1) tmp
611 imaxrecord = INT(tmp(1))
612 print*,'read vvel from ',dataFname
613 do irec=2,imaxrecord+1
615 read(1,rec=irec) tmp
616 ip = INT(tmp(1))
617 np = INT((tmp(2)-rcountstart)/rcountdelta+1)
618 do k=1,Nr
619 temp(ip,k,np) = SNGL(tmp(6+1*Nr+k))
620 if (SNGL(tmp(6+2*Nr+k)) .eq. 0.) then
621 temp(ip,k,np) = spval
622 endif
623 enddo
624 enddo
625 close(1)
626 enddo
627 enddo
628 VARid=vvelid
629 call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, temp, iret)
631 else
633 VARid=saltid
634 call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, salt, iret)
635 VARid=uvelid
636 call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, uvel, iret)
637 VARid=vvelid
638 call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, vvel, iret)
640 endif
641 c
642 if (iret .ne. 0) write(stdout,*) 'Error: write variables'
643 call ncclos (ncid, iret)
644 c
645 write(stdout,*) ' End '
647 end
651 C /==========================================================\
653 C | o Find last non-blank in character string. |
654 C \==========================================================/
656 CHARACTER*(*) string
657 CEndOfInterface
659 C
660 LS = LEN(string)
662 DO 10 L = LS, 1, -1
663 IF ( string(L:L) .EQ. ' ' ) GOTO 10
665 GOTO 11
668 C
670 END

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