program cvfloat c c======================================================================= c converts binary float trajectories to netCDF c c * must be compiled with a FORTRAN90 compiler and netcdf library c f90 cvfloat.F /usr/local/lib/libnetcdf.a c f90 cvfloat.F /net/ice/ecco/lib/libnetcdf.a (for the ECCO cluster) c * uses namelist data.float c c Arne Biastoch,, 11/16/2000 c c======================================================================= c integer stdin, stdout, stderr parameter (stdin = 5, stdout = 6, stderr = 6) c character iotext*80, expnam*60, stamp*32 c c variables for filenames integer narg, npart character*6 cpart character*1 split integer factor(6) data factor / 1.e5, 1.e4, 1.e3, 1.e2, 1.e1, 1.e0 / character*(80) dataFName logical exst c c parameter(spval=-1.0e+23) parameter(spval=-999.) c c number of variables per record parameter(imax=10) c integer narg logical preflag c c netCDF ids c integer iret, ncid, VARid integer partdim,Timedim integer partid, Timeid integer xpartid, ypartid, kpartid integer tempid, saltid, uvelid, vvelid, zetaid c c variable shapes, corner and edge lengths c integer dims(4), corner(4), edges(4) c character*1 inumber(4) c c attribute vectors c integer longval(1) real floatval(2) character*1 charval(1) character name*24, unit*16, grid*2 logical usingSphericalPolarGrid c c data variables for NetCDF c real, dimension(:), allocatable :: pnum,time real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: xpart,ypart,kpart & ,uvel,vvel,temp,salt,zeta double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: tmp c c namelist contains c data npart /10/ character*50 outname2 character*50 fName, outname data fName / 'float_trajectories' / character*20 startDate data startDate / '01-JAN-1992:12:00:00' / data expnam /'Experimentname not set in data.float'/ data usingSphericalPolarGrid /.true./ namelist /dimensions/ expnam, startDate, usingSphericalPolarGrid namelist /floats/ fName c c in most systems should be side in /usr/local/include c include '/usr/local/include/' c include '/users/guests2/ux451985/netcdf/include/' include '/net/ice/ecco/include/' c c call GETARG(1,cpart) c npart=0 c do i=1,6 c read(cpart(i:i),'(a1)') split c npart = npart + factor(i)*(ICHAR(split)-48) c enddo c print*, 'npart= ',npart c call GETARG(2,fName) ioun=11 open(ioun,file='data.float',status='old',form='formatted') read (unit=ioun, end=666, nml=dimensions) write (stdout,dimensions) close (ioun) 666 continue open(ioun,file='data.float',status='old',form='formatted') read (unit=ioun, end=999, nml=floats) write (stdout,floats) close (ioun) 999 continue c c preliminary use: c if floats should be viewed during a current model run the first c line of the file may not be updated correctly, i.e. there might c be more times than stated at the beginning. By giving a flag c only icount-1 timesteps are used c preflag = .false. narg=iargc() if ( narg .gt. 0 ) preflag = .true. c c strip names c IL=ILNBLNK( fName ) c check existent files c iGmax=1 do m=1,100 write(dataFname(1:80),'(2a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a)') & fName(1:IL),'.',iGmax,'.',1,'.data' inquire( file=dataFname, exist=exst ) if (exst) iGmax = iGmax + 1 enddo jGmax=1 do m=1,100 write(dataFname(1:80),'(2a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a)') & fName(1:IL),'.',1,'.',jGmax,'.data' inquire( file=dataFname, exist=exst ) if (exst) jGmax = jGmax + 1 enddo iGmax = iGmax - 1 jGmax = jGmax - 1 print*, 'There are ',iGmax,' x ',jGmax,' files' c open first file and get dimensions (float number and time) c ilen=10*8 allocate (tmp(imax)) c write(dataFname(1:80),'(2a,a)') & fName(1:IL),'' open(1,file=dataFname,status='old',form='unformatted' & ,access='direct',recl=ilen) c read(1,rec=1) tmp rcountstart = SNGL(tmp(2)) rcountdelta = SNGL(tmp(4)) icount = INT(tmp(5)) npart = INT(tmp(6)) close(1) print*, 'npart = ',npart print*, 'timesteps= ',icount if (preflag) then icount=icount-1 print*, 'preliminary --> use timesteps= ',icount endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c allocate variables c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c allocate (pnum(npart)) allocate (time(icount)) allocate (xpart(npart,icount)) allocate (ypart(npart,icount)) allocate (kpart(npart,icount)) allocate (uvel(npart,icount)) allocate (vvel(npart,icount)) allocate (temp(npart,icount)) allocate (salt(npart,icount)) allocate (zeta(npart,icount)) c initialize arrays c do m=1,npart do n=1,icount xpart(m,n) = spval ypart(m,n) = spval kpart(m,n) = spval uvel(m,n) = spval vvel(m,n) = spval temp(m,n) = spval salt(m,n) = spval zeta(m,n) = spval enddo enddo c generate axes c time(1)=rcountstart do m=2,icount time(m) = time(m-1)+rcountdelta enddo print*, 'time: ',time c do ip=1,npart pnum(ip) = FLOAT(ip) enddo c print*, 'pnum: ',pnum c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c open files and read input c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c itotalrecord = 0 do iG=1,iGmax do jG=1,jGmax c write(dataFname(1:80),'(2a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a)') & fName(1:IL),'.',iG,'.',jG,'.data' open(1,file=dataFname,status='old',form='unformatted' & ,access='direct',recl=ilen) c read(1,rec=1) tmp imaxrecord = INT(tmp(1)) print*,'read ',dataFname itotalrecord = itotalrecord + imaxrecord do irec=2,imaxrecord+1 read(1,rec=irec) tmp ip = INT(tmp(1)) if (ip .gt. npart) then print*,'ip out of order: ',ip,npart stop endif np = INT((tmp(2)-rcountstart)/rcountdelta+1) c this is only for prelimiray results. Use only icount-1 timesteps if (preflag .and. (np .gt. icount .or. np .lt. 1)) & goto 100 if (usingSphericalPolarGrid) then xpart(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(3)) ypart(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(4)) else xpart(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(3))/1000. ypart(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(4))/1000. endif kpart(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(5)) uvel(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(6)) vvel(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(7)) temp(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(8)) salt(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(9)) zeta(ip,np) = SNGL(tmp(10)) c if (ip .eq. 59) c & print*, 'rec= ',irec,' npart= ',ip,' timestep= ',np, c & time(np), c & xpart(ip,np),ypart(ip,np),kpart(ip,np) 100 continue enddo close(1) enddo enddo print*,icount,' x ',npart,' = ',icount*npart,' records expected,', & ' found ',itotalrecord,' float records' print*,'==> ',icount*npart-itotalrecord,' float records missing' c c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c define netCDF variables c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c write(stdout,*) ' Start Converting' c c enter define mode: NCCLOB=overwrite, NCNOCLOB=do not overwrite c IL=ILNBLNK( fname ) outname2=fname(1:IL)//'.cdf' write (stdout,*) & ' ==> Writing a trajectories to file ',outname2(1:IL+4) ncid = nccre(outname2(1:IL+4), NCCLOB, iret) if (iret .ne. 0) write(stdout,*) 'Error: Open NetCDF file' c c define dimensions c partdim = ncddef(ncid, 'Particles', npart, iret) Timedim = ncddef(ncid, 'Time', NCUNLIM, iret) if (iret .ne. 0) write(stdout,*) 'Error: define dimensions' c c define variables c dims(1) = partdim partid = ncvdef (ncid,'Particles',NCFLOAT,1,dims,iret) dims(1) = Timedim Timeid = ncvdef (ncid,'Time', NCFLOAT,1,dims,iret) if (iret .ne. 0) write(stdout,*) 'Error: define axis ids' c dims(1) = partdim dims(2) = Timedim xpartid = ncvdef (ncid,'xpart', NCFLOAT,2,dims,iret) ypartid = ncvdef (ncid,'ypart', NCFLOAT,2,dims,iret) kpartid = ncvdef (ncid,'kpart', NCFLOAT,2,dims,iret) uvelid = ncvdef (ncid,'uvel', NCFLOAT,2,dims,iret) vvelid = ncvdef (ncid,'vvel', NCFLOAT,2,dims,iret) tempid = ncvdef (ncid,'temp', NCFLOAT,2,dims,iret) saltid = ncvdef (ncid,'salt', NCFLOAT,2,dims,iret) zetaid = ncvdef (ncid,'zeta', NCFLOAT,2,dims,iret) if (iret .ne. 0) write(stdout,*) 'Error: define variable ids' c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c assign attributes c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c charval(1) = ' ' c name = 'Particles Number ' c unit = 'particle number ' call ncaptc(ncid, partid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret) call ncaptc(ncid, partid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret) c name = 'Time' unit = 'seconds' call ncaptc(ncid, Timeid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret) call ncaptc(ncid, Timeid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret) call ncaptc(ncid, Timeid,'time_origin',NCCHAR, 20,startDate, iret) if (iret .ne. 0) write(stdout,*) 'Error: assign axis attributes' c floatval(1) = spval c if (usingSphericalPolarGrid) then name = 'LONGITUDE ' unit = 'degrees_W ' else name = 'X_t ' unit = 'kilometer ' endif call ncaptc(ncid, xpartid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret) call ncaptc(ncid, xpartid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret) call ncapt (ncid, xpartid,'missing_value',NCFLOAT,1,floatval,iret) call ncapt (ncid, xpartid,'_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1,floatval, iret) c if (usingSphericalPolarGrid) then name = 'LATITUDE ' unit = 'degrees_N ' else name = 'Y_t ' unit = 'kilometer ' endif call ncaptc(ncid, ypartid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret) call ncaptc(ncid, ypartid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret) call ncapt (ncid, ypartid,'missing_value',NCFLOAT,1,floatval,iret) call ncapt (ncid, ypartid,'_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1,floatval, iret) c name = 'LEVEL ' unit = 'LEVEL ' call ncaptc(ncid, kpartid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret) call ncaptc(ncid, kpartid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret) call ncapt (ncid, kpartid,'missing_value',NCFLOAT,1,floatval,iret) call ncapt (ncid, kpartid,'_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1,floatval, iret) c name = 'POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE ' unit = 'deg C ' call ncaptc(ncid, tempid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret) call ncaptc(ncid, tempid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret) call ncapt (ncid, tempid, 'missing_value',NCFLOAT,1,floatval,iret) call ncapt (ncid, tempid, '_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1,floatval, iret) c name = 'SALINITY ' unit = 'PSU ' call ncaptc(ncid, saltid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret) call ncaptc(ncid, saltid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret) call ncapt (ncid, saltid, 'missing_value',NCFLOAT,1,floatval,iret) call ncapt (ncid, saltid, '_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1,floatval, iret) c name = 'U VELOCITY ' unit = 'm/sec' call ncaptc(ncid, uvelid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret) call ncaptc(ncid, uvelid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret) call ncapt (ncid, uvelid, 'missing_value',NCFLOAT,1,floatval,iret) call ncapt (ncid, uvelid, '_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1,floatval, iret) c name = 'V VELOCITY ' unit = 'm/sec' call ncaptc(ncid, vvelid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret) call ncaptc(ncid, vvelid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret) call ncapt (ncid, vvelid, 'missing_value',NCFLOAT,1,floatval,iret) call ncapt (ncid, vvelid, '_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1,floatval, iret) c name = 'SEA SURFACE HEIGHT ' unit = 'm ' call ncaptc(ncid, zetaid, 'long_name', NCCHAR, 24, name, iret) call ncaptc(ncid, zetaid, 'units', NCCHAR, 16, unit, iret) call ncapt (ncid, zetaid,'missing_value',NCFLOAT, 1,floatval,iret) call ncapt (ncid, zetaid,'_FillValue', NCFLOAT, 1, floatval, iret) c if (iret .ne. 0) write(stdout,*) 'Error: define variable attrib.' c expname= ' ' stamp = ' ' call ncaptc(ncid, NCGLOBAL, 'title', NCCHAR, 60, expnam, iret) call ncaptc(ncid, NCGLOBAL, 'history', NCCHAR, 32, stamp, iret) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c leave define mode c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c call ncendf(ncid, iret) c c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c put variables in netCDF file c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c store Particles corner(1) = 1 edges(1) = npart call ncvpt(ncid, partid, corner, edges, pnum, iret) c c store Time corner(1) = 1 edges(1) = icount call ncvpt(ncid, Timeid, corner, edges, Time, iret) c c store values corner(1) = 1 corner(2) = 1 edges(1) = npart edges(2) = icount VARid=xpartid call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, xpart, iret) VARid=ypartid call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, ypart, iret) VARid=kpartid call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, kpart, iret) VARid=tempid call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, temp, iret) VARid=saltid call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, salt, iret) VARid=uvelid call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, uvel, iret) VARid=vvelid call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, vvel, iret) VARid=zetaid call ncvpt(ncid, VARid, corner, edges, zeta, iret) c if (iret .ne. 0) write(stdout,*) 'Error: write variables' call ncclos (ncid, iret) c write(stdout,*) ' End ' end INTEGER FUNCTION ILNBLNK( string ) C /==========================================================\ C | FUNCTION ILNBLNK | C | o Find last non-blank in character string. | C \==========================================================/ IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) string CEndOfInterface INTEGER L, LS C LS = LEN(string) ILNBLNK = LS DO 10 L = LS, 1, -1 IF ( string(L:L) .EQ. ' ' ) GOTO 10 ILNBLNK = L GOTO 11 10 CONTINUE 11 CONTINUE C RETURN END