% This is a matlab script that generates the input data % Dimensions of grid nx=64; ny=64; nz=20; % Nominal depth of model (meters) H=2000; % Size of domain Lx=32e3; % Scale of disk (m) L=8e3; % Horizontal resolution (m) dx=Lx/nx; % Rotation f=1e-4; % Stratification N=0. * f*L/H; % Flux Qo=1; % Gravity g=9.81; % E.O.S. alpha=2.e-4; Tz=N^2/(g*alpha) dz=H/nz; sprintf('delZ = %d * %7.6g,',nz,dz) x=(1:nx)*dx;x=x-mean(x); y=(1:ny)*dx;y=y-mean(y); z=-dz/2:-dz:-H; [Y,X]=meshgrid(y,x); % Temperature profile [sprintf('Tref =') sprintf(' %8.6g,',Tz*z-mean(Tz*z))] % Gaussian bump Q=Qo*(1+0.01*rand([nx,ny])); r=sqrt(X.^2+Y.^2); %% Q( find(r>L) )=0; f77write('Qnet.circle',Q,'real*8','b');