% This is a matlab script that generates the input data % $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/verification/exp4/input/gendata.m,v 1.8 2011/05/19 00:03:06 jmc Exp $ % $Name: checkpoint64x $ % Dimensions of grid nx=80; ny=42; nz=8; % Nominal depth of model (meters) H=4500; % Scale of bump (m) L=25e3; % Height of bump (m) dh=0.90*H; % Horizontal resolution (m) dx=5e3; % Rotation f=1e-4; % Stratification N=1.5 * f*L/H; % Gravity g=9.81; % E.O.S. alpha=2.e-4; Tz=N^2/(g*alpha); fprintf(' Tz= %e ;',Tz); dz=H/nz; fprintf(' delZ = %d * %7.6g\n',nz,dz); x=(1:nx)*dx;x=x-mean(x); y=(1:ny)*dx;y=y-mean(y); z=-dz/2:-dz:-H; [Y,X]=meshgrid(y,x); % Temperature profile fprintf('Tref ='); fprintf(' %8.6g,',Tz*z-mean(Tz*z)); fprintf('\n'); ieee='b'; prec='real*8'; % Gaussian bump h=-H+dh*exp( -(X.^2+Y.^2)/(2*(L^2)) ); fid=fopen('topog.bump','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,h,prec); fclose(fid); % $$$ % Side walls + bump % $$$ h(:,1)=0; % $$$ h(:,ny)=0; % $$$ fid=fopen('topog.bumpchannel','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,h,prec); fclose(fid); % $$$ % Simple channel % $$$ h(:,1)=0; % $$$ h(:,2:ny-1)=-H; % $$$ h(:,ny)=0; % $$$ fid=fopen('topog.channel','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,h,prec); fclose(fid); % initial fields for salinity si = 35; %fid=fopen('S.init','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,si*ones(nx,ny,nz),prec); fclose(fid); % open boundary conditions; u0 = .25; s0 = si+1; w0= 1.e-3; % create two time slabs for testing uMerid = cat(3,u0*ones(nx,nz),u0*ones(nx,nz)); uZonal = cat(3,u0*ones(ny,nz), zeros(ny,nz)); sZonal = cat(3,s0*ones(ny,nz),s0*ones(ny,nz)); %- time varying fraction = 1 % of full velocity du=u0*0.01; uWest = cat(3,(u0+du)*ones(ny,nz),(u0-du)*ones(ny,nz)); uEast = cat(3,(u0-du)*ones(ny,nz),(u0+du)*ones(ny,nz)); % to test Non-Hydrostatic OBCS: w1=[0:nz-1]*pi/nz; w1=-w0*sin(w1); wZonal = cat (3, ones(ny,1)*w1, zeros(ny,nz)); % to test prescribing Eta in NonLin-FreeSurf formulation: et1=0.1; etWest = cat(2,+et1*ones(ny,1),-et1*ones(ny,1)); etEast = cat(2,-et1*ones(ny,1),+et1*ones(ny,1)); fid=fopen('OBmeridU.bin','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,uMerid,prec); fclose(fid); %fid=fopen('OBzonalU.bin','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,uZonal,prec); fclose(fid); fid=fopen('OB_WestU.bin','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,uWest ,prec); fclose(fid); fid=fopen('OB_EastU.bin','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,uEast ,prec); fclose(fid); fid=fopen('OBzonalS.bin','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,sZonal,prec); fclose(fid); fid=fopen('OBzonalW.bin','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,wZonal,prec); fclose(fid); fid=fopen('OB_WestH.bin','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,etWest,prec); fclose(fid); fid=fopen('OB_EastH.bin','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,etEast,prec); fclose(fid); %- rbcs mask & restauring tracer field: msk=ones(nx,ny,nz); xMx=max(x); shapeX=(x-xMx)/dx; shapeX=exp(shapeX*2/3); [I]=find(shapeX < 5.e-3); fprintf('zero out rbc-mask up to i= %i\n',max(I)); shapeX(I)=0.; var=shapeX'*ones(1,ny*nz); fid=fopen('rbcs_mask.bin','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,var,prec); fclose(fid); tr1=(si+s0)/2; var=tr1*ones(nx,ny,nz); fid=fopen('rbcs_Tr1_fld.bin','w',ieee); fwrite(fid,var,prec); fclose(fid);