Example: "4 Layer Double Gyre" ============================== To apply the changes to the default configuration of MITgcmUV: cp ../verification/exp1/code/SIZE.h ../model/inc/ cp ../verification/exp1/code/CPP_OPTIONS.h ../model/inc/ cp ../verification/exp1/code/CPP_EEOPTIONS.h ../eesupp/inc/ Configure and compile the code: cd bin ../tools/genmake -makefile make depend make To run: cd ../exe cp ../verification/exp1/input/* . dmpirun -np 4 mitgcmuv ( Digital ) There is comparison output in two directories: ../verification/exp1/results ../verification/exp1/results.oldcode To obtain the "oldcode" numbers make the following changes to the older code: CPP_OPTIONS.h must have #define OLD_ADV_BCS #define OLD_UV_GEOMETRY calc_mom_rhs.F must have #define NO_LATERAL_SLIP #define NO_BOTTOM_SLIP ini_depths.F must have the "island" removed. Comments: The input data is real*8 and can be generated with the supplied matlab script gendata.m to change the input precision to real*4 change readBinaryPrec=32 in data as well as in gendata.m